This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Sustainable Development

How many of you reading this blog know what is behind the term sustainable development? How many have read and know what is contained in Agenda 21 in the United Nations? These are things that the faciunists are using to get total control of us and turn us into a bunch of mindless followers. Look around you and see what is happening. The next time you see or hear the words "sustainable development" check and see what is being done. I some branch of government taking away someone's private property for some commercial use or even for some public use? Is someone being told that they cannot use their land the way they want to because it is "wetland"? Is another company moving overseas because the "environmentalists" (tree huggers) are making it impossible to follow all the rules that are being set out and make a profit?All of these things are part of sustainable development and part of U.N. Agenda 21.

Let us take a look at the last one first. There are a lot of companies moving out of the U.S. into third world foreign countries. Why? The reason always given is the wages in this country are too high. That is not always true. Most of these employers could live with the higher wages is they did not have to toe the line on the many government rules by an alphabet of agencies. OSHA, EEOC, EPA, etc. Let's look at the EPA. If these people were the true environmentalists that they claim to be, they would not be sending all of these smokestack companies to third world countries. If worldwide pollution and global warming are as big a problem as they say it is, can having these smokestacks in another be any better? Or is it that we just cannot see it over there. The tree hugging environmental groups are pushing our government to sign the Kyoto agreement when it does nothing to control any emissions in any of the developing countries. All of the factories are now in Mexico, China, India and other countries that are exempt from Kyoto. What it really amounts to is to bring their wages up a little and ours down a lot. As I wrote last week, NGOs are a form of fascism and equaling out wages around the world is communism. So fasciunism rears its ugly head again.

Staying with the environmental movement, how much land is being taken away from private hands and put into the government or into private foundations? Much of this land, especially that going into the foundations is no longer open to the public. The government is behind this type of deal all the way. Just another way of making us group into smaller and smaller spaces. More communities with more fascist rules and regulations as to what you can and cannot do on your own property. America is such a large country that most people do not see what is happening. A couple of hundred acres here a couple thousand acres there, none of this seems like much. Put all of these hundreds and thousands of acres together and see just how many million acres are being taken out of private hands each year. Look into the counties that have minimum acerage rules for building a home. The amount may be two acres or five acres in rural areas. Once all of the parcels of this size are gone, no one else will be able to move in. When that happens and the tax base stagnates, what are the politicans going to do? They can only raise taxes so far, so the next thing to do is claim eminent domain and claim your property for a multi family development. That gives them more families to tax. Many counties and municipalities tell you how much green space you need to leave on your own property. How is this possible except through fasciunism?

This country needs to get its head out of its armpit or some other dark part of their anatomy and look around. One only needs to listen to news coming out of other countries to see what a bill of goods we are being sold. We get sport news, weather, celebrity news, hollywood news, and anything else to keep from telling us what is really going on in the world. Other countries actually tell their people what is going on around the world. You will never know what is going on in the world or even this country by watching sports and reality shows. Actually, there is no reality in either. We need to turn off the tube and start learning what is going on under our own noses. Our country is being stolen from us right under our noses and it seems like no one cares. As long as they have a dollar in their pocket, a big screen tv to watch sports on and a beer in their hand they are oblivious. WAKE UP AMERICA , FASCIUNISM IS TAKING OVER RAPIDLY!!!!!


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