This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Economy-Part 1

Right now everyone you talk to thinks that our economy is in bad shape. While it may not be great, it is nowhere as bad as I believe it will get. I believe all of this is a plan to get more control over the people. Let's take a look at some of the things that are happening.

First, the is the real estate meltdown. Millions of people were allowed to obtain mortgages that there was no way they could afford. Now these millions of homes are being foreclosed on. Where were most of these homes? In very expensive communities, usually a suburb of some larger city. What happens to these people now? They are forced to move back to the city and rent. The wealthy bankers own more and more of the property. When these large banks get overloaded the government will bail them out and the government will own the houses. More land owned by the government and less private property. Look at proposition 21 of the UN and you will also find that keeping people in cities and not scattered in suburbia and in the countryside is part of the plan.

Next we look at the price of gasoline. At four dollars a gallon people are changing their driving habits. Much of that change has to do with where they live. Some people already lived where public transportation is available and are now using it. Others though, are living where there is no public transportation. Those that are commuting a long distance are now selling their homes and either moving to the city they work in or at least to a nearby city that has public transportation. Once again, moving the masses into the city.

How about the price of food? Food prices are increasing at well over ten percent a year. Her again, it is causing people to change the way they live. If people want to continue eating a normal diet, many of them have to give up something else. Many time that something else is their home so that they can purchase a cheaper home in a different area, usually a city where everything is closer together and there are more options on where to purchase food and also options for cheaper food. Once again, we are pushing people together into cities.

Inflation is going wild. Everybody knows this even if the government will not admit it. The cost of living index used by the government is so skewed that it is pathetic. It was changed during the Slick Willy years so that the government would not have to give the millions on socialist security the raises they deserved. Most of those of us that are on SS are there because for forty of fifty years, the government took the money we should have been saving. They took income taxes and they took SS taxes, leaving many people with nothing left to save for the future. Some people were lucky enough to work for companies that had retirement plans, others were not. Now those same people who depend most on SS are not being given the raises each year to afford to keep their homes or sometimes even a cheap apartment. Retirees are told that the year's inflation rate is only two percent so that is what they get for a raise. However, food, fuel, medical care, medicine and many other necessities are not included in the inflation rate that the government currently uses. That is why you always hear the idiot talking heads on the mass media saying that the cost of certain things, such as medical care, are rising a five times the rate of inflation. Each month the mix of goods used in the cost of living index is changed. What is done is that anything that is increasing in price is dropped and replaced by an item that is staying fairly stable. This is putting more and more people, especially retirees, on government programs, thus giving the government more control over their lives.

You can see where all of this is leading. The government is getting more control, not only over more property, but of people as well. This is just what they want. It started with FDR and all of his government projects and social programs and has continued ever since. We are slowly being turned into a communist dictatorship and they are now speeding thing up by wrecking the economy. Demlicans and republicrats are both the same, ninety percent of them being fasciunists. They want the power to control all we do and they are getting it. We are losing more and more freedoms and the economy is just on way that they are using.

We will continue this discussion on the economy next week. Until then buy gold and silver, especially silver. Do not buy futures or even have it held in a central location. Whatever you buy, have it shipped to you and you stash it some place that cannot be found. Do anything, but take physical possession of it.


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