This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The One Party System

People keep saying that we should vote for one of the two major parties this election year. I have a problem with that, I only see ONE major party. When push comes to shove, the demlicans are no different than the republicrats. How can a person tell the difference between the so-called major parties? During the vote to give away our trillion dollars to the big banks, both Hussein Obama and Juan McNasty voted for a package that started for $700 billion and after all the pork was inserted will be well over a trillion. This piece of legislation was not only a piece of communist legislation, it is highly unconstitutional. Nowhere in the constitution does it give the government the ability to take my tax money and use it as welfare for the big banks.

Now after a couple of weeks after the bailout bill was passed, it is not enough so the federal government is going to take over the banks. They are going to nationalize them, the same as is done in all communist countries. They will not be completely nationalized, but will be a government/private corporation. This is exactly what Benito Mussolini did and it is called FASCISM. He must be sitting somewhere in hell smiling and waiting for George W. Shrub to come down and join him so they can talk over all the great things they both did. 

People ask me why I coined the word FASCIUNISM for the way the country. I think it is becoming more and more clear every day. All you need to do is look around and see the fascism that is turning to communism. First it is a government/private partnership (fascism) and then it morphs into a totally government owned enterprise (communism). This country was founded as a Constitutional Republic and none of these things are in the constitution that this country was founded on. 

Political parties were frowned on by many of our founding fathers. They knew what would happen eventually. These men were a lot smarter than the so-called leaders of today would have you believe. Why do you think that most of their names are being left out of history books? If our school aged young people were allowed to dig into the lives of these men they would find out the truth and turn this country around. The two parties have changed over the years. What started out as Whigs and Tories wound up being Democrats and Republicans. This worked for a while until they morphed in the the Demlicans and Republicrats. They are now all one party.

Take G.W. Shrub (I wish someone would) for an example. He ran as a conservative republican when he ran for the presidency. I see nothing conservative or republican in his taking over the banks of this country. That is pure fasciunist and only a republicrat that is super liberal could even think about doing such a thing. 

I have been writing about the financial problems of this country since about 1986. I have called for a full scale recession for most of that time. You see, every once in a while a recession is needed to bring the economy back to where it belongs. Each time a recession would start, the fasciunist government would boost up the economy and the bullet would be averted. Now it is going to take a major depression to bring the country back to a viable economy. Even then, unless we go back onto a gold and silver standard for our money, we are not going to pull out of it completely. We have to get rid of the non-federal, no-reserve, non-bank and put the COINING of our money back where it belongs, WITH CONGRESS AND THE PEOPLE. 

My next post I will talk about the fed and what needs to be done. Until then;



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