This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Fasciunism (fash-iu-nism) a political philosophy combining fascism and communism, in order to take over a country, eliminate its sovereignty and turn it over to a one world government.

Fasciunist (fash-iu-nist) A person who believes in a one world government and will do anything to see that it comes to pass, including giving up sovereignty and using fascist and communist tactics.

Sometimes a person looks around and just does not know what to think. There are so many things going wrong in this country that it is almost impossible to concentrate on just one, or even two problem areas. Right now we have immigration (actually alien invasion), the economy, the election, Christian bashing, indoctrination of our youngsters by calling it education, environmental whackos attempting to control our country, the UN trying to take over the world and the fasciunists in this country assisting them. Add to this the two wars now going on and the real possibility of a third war starting in Iran and you can see what this country is facing.

What can be done to stop this nonsense and take back our country? Number one is the fact that we need to wake up the country. We need to get the couch potatoes up off their butts and get them to do something. It is time for them to quit swilling beer and watching sports or soap operas and get out and do something. They need to at least learn enough about what is going on that they can vote intelligently. It would probably be too much to hope for that they would actually join the rest of us and actually attempt to do something about these problems.

The reason I say get them up and at least find out what the candidates is that we need to throw out about ninety percent or more of our present senate and house of non-representatives. The only that this can possibly be done is for people to realize that the people that are now in charge of our government are not there to represent us but to help turn this country into a communist country with no actual freedoms except the ones that they wish to give you. These people are very intelligent. They run on the one issue that is the most important to the people they are attempting to represent. For instance, a person running for representative from a district that has a lot of outdoor recreation and tourism, will run on an environmental platform. The district will elect him/her and they will continue to vote and do good for that one issue. What the people that do not take the time to follow the house votes will never know is that he is voting against their interests on immigration, or abortion, or the economy, or fuel prices or maybe all of them and others. They will continue to elect him/her because he/she is doing great things on the environmental/tourism vote. While they are worrying about their pocketbook their representative is selling their country down the river, selling out to the fasciunists.

This is what we have to get across to the people. We can no longer permit this type of representative continue in office. What needs to be done is to find a candidate that is fairly compatible on the issue that the citizens feel is the most important, but someone who will not sell their country out. This person may not be quite as good on the one issue as the one being kicked out of office, but when all is said and done will do a much better all around job. Remember, the worst senators and representatives vote the correct way once in a while. Just remember to check their record and make sure that they are voting right most of the time on the important issues. A person who says they are pro-life that votes against partial abortion bans is not really pro life. A person that says they are pro self-defense and votes for gun control bills is a liar. The only to see what these people are really doing is to check their voting record. This used to take a lot of time and effort. Now it as simple as getting on the Internet and bringing up the senate or the house and then the person they wish to check on.

There are too many people that call themselves citizens that would rather watch TV, look at porn or something else that takes no brains. These are both men and women and when they vote, if they do, they vote by what some commercial said. With the number of flip flops that candidates make in this day and age, what the commercial says does not mean a thing. Just because I appear on TV wearing a cape and a blue sweat-shirt with an S on the chest does not mean I am superman. TV ads are made to appeal to those with the lowest mentality. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence can see right through these political ads.

I am going to continue on this vein next week and maybe for several weeks. Hopefully some of you reading these ramblings can help wake up some people.


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