This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


The attempted trillion dollar bailout of the big banks and investment houses proves my theory of fasciunism is correct. Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac were started under the Clinton administration to give loans to the people that could not really afford the payments. They were politically correct organizations that were a government private enterprise. That my friends is FASCISM pure and simple. Now the government want about a trillion dollars to nationalize Fannie and Freddie and purchase the loans. That my friends is COMMUNISM all the way. So when I talk about our government using fascist tactics to gain a foothold and take us into pure communism, I am not exaggerating. President Shrub says they need 700 billion to do the job, but when did you ever know politicians to stop stealing taxpayers money. They will want the other 300 billion to give another jump start to the economy. This will be another type of rebate check, which they will give us a few hundred dollars each and then proceed to raise our taxes to get it back. The worst part is that this will not be the last bailout because this one will not cure the problem. That trillion is like putting a band-aid on a severed limb. 

Think of a trillion dollars this way: a trillion is a thousand billion, which itself is a thousand million. Put another way, a trillion is a million million. A billion minutes ago Jesus was on earth. It would take a stack of one-hundred dollar bills 800 miles high to make a trillion dollars. If you earned $50,000 a year, it would take you 20 million years to earn a trillion dollars. If you were to try to count to a trillion at the rate of one number per second, it would take you almost 32,000 years, and that is with no time off for sleeping. In other words, a trillion is a number that becomes very hard to even comprehend. This is the number that is being thrown around like it was loose change.

Something else to think about is the fact that our government not only does not have the trillion dollars but that government is well over 11 trillion dollars in debt. If you add in the unfunded debts (social security, medicare and other entitlements) it adds in about 64 trillion bring the total to 75 trillion. That is not all, there is about 42 trillion in private debt and that brings it to 117 trillion dollars. Think about that number for a minute and see if you can comprehend it. I know that I cannot. This whole great country of ours is not worth that much money. The sum is greater that all of the assets in the country. In other words: "WE ARE BANKRUPT!!!!!" 

Some people may ask, "How did we get that way?" It began in 1913 when an illegal organization now called the Federal Reserve Bank took over the printing of our money. That organization is not Federal, has no reserves and is not a bank. It is a private corporation set up to make money off the backs of American citizens. In 1929 the Fed caused a depression that lasted for over ten years, until FDR took us to war. Things then went fairly good for a number of years until in 1971 the USA went off the gold standard forever (I would like to see us back on it). This now allowed the Fed to print all of the money they wanted to and there was nothing to back it.  You see, the more money they create the more interest they get from the taxpayers. However, this is not what they are really after. When we pay them interest (through our taxes) we are just giving them back their monopoly money. What they really want is the good hard physical inventories of everything in the country. Now they can get it, all they need to do is to buy up the mortgages and they own the real estate. There is also talk of buying up bad debt of other types, such as credit card debt, auto loans, etc. This would mean that they would own more and more of the assets of this country. Then comes the day you wake up and wonder how the chain got around your neck.

Wall Street has become nothing but a gambling casino for high rollers. The trouble is that when they can no longer afford to pay their gambling debts, they expect the taxpayers to do so and then they can go back and do it again. It is a game that they can never lose. The massive amounts of paper money out there make it easy to gamble like that. When there is nothing (gold or silver) backing money, there are no barriers as to how much can be printed. do not let anyone fool you, if this bailout goes through, it is just the beginning. Fasciunism is alive and well in the United States of Amerika. If things keep going the way they have been and we do not do something to stop it, it will no longer be fasciunism, it will be what the ultimate goal is "COMMUNISM" It is time for some sort of revolt, if the ballot box does not work, take your choice.

Until next time:


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