This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Supreme Court

The woman that Obama, (I will no longer call him president until he proves that he is a legal natural born citizen of this country) has chosen for the supreme court scares me. A hispanic woman that is pro abortion, anti gun and believes that the judicial branch of the government should make the laws is definitely not what we need on the Supreme Court. She is only in her fifties and will be on the court for over thirty years if confirmed. She would definitely be the most liberal, left wing justice on the high court. I believe that each and every one of us need to write to and phone both of our senators and let them know that this is not what we want on the high court.

There are many women that would make excellent justices, this one is not one of them. In a ruling in a 2nd amendment case, she ruled that the 2nd amendment does not pertain to the states. This is in direct opposition to the Supreme Courts ruling in the Heller case in Washington DC. She made a statement at a meeting that the high courts, appellate and supreme, is where laws are made. 

This is Obama's way of getting what he wants and not getting blamed for it. Put an activist judge on the high court and let the court make laws. That in itself is unconstitutional, the courts are to find if laws are rightly used, not to make laws. That is why we have three branches of government. The house and the senate are the ones that are supposed to make the laws and the court is to decide whether they are in line with the constitution as it is written not as they perceive it should have been written. 

One of the things that scares me about this nomination is that I do not believe our so-called senators will have the guts to not to confirm her. Number one, she is a woman and they do not want to lose the women's vote. She is hispanic and they do not want to lose the hispanic vote. She is pro-abortion and they do not want to lose the pro-abortion vote. She is pro illegal alien invasion and they do not want to lose the illegal vote. She is to the left of the communist party and they do not want to lose that vote either. In other words, their seat in the senate is much more important to them than what happens to this country. We will see who cares about this country and who the treasonous ones are.  

I have not even finished digging into her past and her beliefs and already I know that a vote for her conformation is treason. Again, I admonish you to write, email and call both of your senators and let them know what you think. Be fair but firm about it. Do not get nasty, just let your stand be known. If we can get enough people to do this, we can possibly stop the confirmation. I am not really sure that this would do the trick but we have to try, our future depends on it. It is time we on the right stood up and were counted. The left has had their own way for too long. It is no longer demlican or republicrat, conservative or liberal, it has come down to American and anti-American. It time to put a stop to the anti-American people in government. 

That is all for this time, until next time check out my survival blog at:


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