This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Coming Chaos IV

I originally wrote this article back in Feb. of 1996. Since then it has been an up and down ridefor the economy.  everyone blames George W. Shrub for the present state of the economy. I have to put this all the way back to Peanut Carter. It was during his watch that things like Fannie Mae started to get out of hand. People like Barney Frank pushed Fannie and Freddie into loans that were not what any banker in their right mind would allow. ACORN with Barak "the messiah" as their lawyer, forced banks into making loans in neighborhoods that should never had loans made. People were allowed to buy property with no money down and no credit rating. ACORN went around agitating and threatening the banks with boycotts until they got their way. ACORN is nothing but a communist front organization, that is intentionally attempting to make America's way of life fail so that they can install their communist form of government. They have succeeded in the fact that we now have a full blown Marxist as our president. When John McNasty mentioned that Fannie and Freddie should be reined in, he was slammed by the lap-dog main stream media and the demlicans. Meanwhile, "the messiah" was going around telling everyone that he was going to redistribute the wealth. Those of us who tried to point out that this was a communist way of doing things were told we were nuts. The so-called press covered for him.

When I originally wrote the Chaos article in '96 I made some predictions and looking back at that article, I am sorry to say most of them are now occurring. I talked about the failure of the big banks. I talked about the fact that with all the companies moving offshore, the fact that unemployment had nowhere to go but up. I called for the lack of consumer confidence. I called for all of the money being spent by the government and the fact that our government would bankrupt itself. What I did not see to include was the illegal invaders coming in from Mexico and taking the jobs that Americans could be doing  I also did not see all of the bailouts, although I should have. This is the first thing that is needed for communism to thrive and that is the nationalization of private companies. Washing can say that they are not nationalizing the companies, just helping them out, but that my friends is a CROCK.  When they tell the American people that they now own one-third of a major bank; THAT IS NATIONALIZATION. 

Now comes the interesting part. The depression that follows all of this will be nothing the country has ever seen. You will note that already stores that import their goods from overseas (mostly China and other Asian countries) are having super sales all of the time. They are still not losing money. Why could they not have been selling at these lower prices all the time? The only thing holding this country up right now is the government bailouts of many companies. The car companies are an excellent example; "too big to fail". Why is it that one of the three American car makers can get along without the bailout money but the other two are sticking their hands in my pocket? One of the things that I have been harping on for about twenty years is the fact that we are going to have to have a major recession or depression. Had the government not dept messing with the money and rules, we probably would have had a couple fairly strong recessions in that time and we would be sailing along smooth now. However, the government is not known to keep their hands off the economy so we are going to go into a major DEPRESSION. That is exactly what I predicted in '96. I thought it would come sooner but the government used more communist tactics than I expected them to. The faciunist government that has been running this country for many years is now coming out of the closet and going public. I have not seen anyone other than Adolph Hitler that could mesmerize a crowd the way the "messiah" can. He is also using a lot of Hitler-like tactics to turn this country into a communist dictatorship. I see a great number of parallels between him and Hitler besides just the gift of gab.

When the full-scale depression comes (we are in the beginning stages of it at the present time) it is going to be like nothing this country has ever seen. For one thing, I look for a period of strong inflation to go along with higher unemployment and even more people losing their homes and becoming homeless. In a short time these people are not going to be satisfied with the life they are living and will begin to riot. I believe that the riots will be massive and bloody. You may have things like the unemployed going after the illegal invaders and doing them as much harm as possible. The problem is that they will not be able to tell the invaders from legal immigrants and it could get to be an ugly fight between all Hispanics and the unemployed black and white Americans. The seeds of divisiveness have already been sown by political correctness and race-baiters. People of all races are going to believe that the government should GIVE them everything they need and want. They are not going to be satisfied to live a lower standard of living like the people did during the depression of the 1930s. Once the riots start it will not be long before they get completely out of hand. That is when you can look for more gun laws and perhaps an attempt to confiscate guns. Our communist president is a gun hater regardless of what he said on the campaign trail. That is one reason that I compare him to Hitler; he says things that if you look at his record you would know is a lie, yet people believe what he says, not what his record is. We have an attorney general that is very anti-gun and with the demlican majority in both houses of congress, we may not be able to stop him. If nothing else does, attempted gun confiscation will cause a shooting war. Once that happens you can expect martial law. 

I will continue this next time, meanwhile check out my survival blog.


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