This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A New President

Well, we now have a new king er president. Or do we have a new messiah? With all of the adoration and what amounts to worship, it is more like a messiah. The man has been in office for less than two days and already they are giving him credit for doing a superb job. He tries to tell us that he is going to save the government money and get us out of the depression. Yet, he had the most expensive, by far, inauguration. He has asked for about a trillion dollars to help save the economy. the budget office has just stated that less than seven percent of that money will get into the economy in two years. Besides that it is turning into a porkfest. the states are asking for money because they do not want to tighten their belts. Public radio and television are both looking for big bucks so they can feed the country more propaganda. And the list goes on and on. Everyone that has ever had any government money wants more and those that have never had any want to get in at the pig trough.  That trillion dollars will definitely not get to where it is needed, if indeed it really needed anywhere.

What this country needs is more free enterprise, not government takeovers of private businesses. The fasciunism in this country is growing faster and faster. the government is telling more and more companies how to run: FASCISM. They are also taking over and owning portions of other companies: COMMUNISM. they are now to the point of using both fascism and communism to take over the country and turn it into a complete communist country. The United States of America was founded as a Christian nation. Anyone believing that BHO is a God fearing Christian has been on the happy pills too long. In my opinion he is either a Muslim or a black separatist. His friend and advisor, The Reverend Wright, was in Washington for the inauguration. It was not publicized because it would have made BHO look bad so the media ignored it. However, he was there and he preached a message of hate at a black church in DC on Sunday just prior to the inauguration. Bho can say he disowned Wright, but it is like everything else he says, you cannot believe him.

Most blacks do not refer to BHO as the American President, they refer to him as "their new BLACK PRESIDENT". Some blacks even quit paying rent after he got elected. Why? BHO told them during the campaign that they would be taken care of once he got to be president. What is going to happen if BHO does not follow through on what the blacks thought he said or what they  thought he meant? Are they going to riot when they find out they still have to pay their bills? There is no way BHO can follow through on what the blacks think he meant. There is no way he can do any of what he promised without declaring martial law. 

America has but one chance to continue to be the great country it once was. That is to turn back to God and Christ. America needs to get down on its knees and as for forgiveness and repent of the many sins they have committed. God is a just God and He will rain down punishment on those who refuse to acknowledge Him.  I believe that this once great country of ours is in for the roughest time it has ever seen. What this nation is looking forward to will be worse than the Civil War and Great Depression combined. It could be stopped if ninety percent of the population did not consider BHO to be a god. He himself considers himself to be a god. All you had to do was to watch his acceptance speech and see him standing in front of the columns like some Greek god. Oprah says he is the messiah, Louis Farrakahn says he is the messiah, most blacks say he is the messiah, many liberal whites say he is the messiah and he believes he is the messiah. I do not believe that God will look favorably on that many people worshiping a false god. All that I can tell all of you readers is you had better pray for this country. One of my prayers each and every day is for God to remember those of us who have worshiped Him and done our best to obey His laws and walk in His ways. He knows that none of us is perfect enough to really walk in His way. All we can do is to try our best and ask for forgiveness when we stray. 

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