This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The United Communist States of America

That headline is what I see coming. This is especially true if Hussein Obama gets into the office of the presidency. I will not say that he will be elected to the office, just that he gets in. With ACORN working for him, it will be hard to stop him. ACORN is nothing short of a communist front organization and they are doing their best to get their buddy Obama elected. He gave them almost a million dollars to get voters registered. They are trying to earn that money by having some people register as many as seventy-two times. As far as I can tell, the election is already over and Obama has won. It is hard to get out enough vote to counteract dead people voting, the Dallas Cowboys voting in Nevada, Micky Mouse voting in Florida and the many people that have filled out multiple registrations. 

The thing that is going to make this country a true communist country rather than the fasciunist country that it is, will be the bailout and Obama's redistribution of the wealth. You see, when his answer to Joe the Plumber was brought up in the debate, he turned it into a question of how much money Joe made. He effectively took the spotlight off his quote that we need to redistribute the wealth because when the people below you are doing well, everyone is doing well. That is a pure communistic statement and the lap dog, ignorant, fasciunist, communist media allowed him to get away with it. They have been in bed with him since the beginning because they are true communists. 

Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital has warned about a financial meltdown. Prior to the bailout bill being passed, he stated that the worst was yet to come if it passed. It did pass and I, like him, also believe the worst is yet to come. I have also been predicting a major depression but I do not have the expertise that Schiff does, so no one listens to me. Of course, no one wants to hear Schiff either. Some financial programs on the media will no longer have him as a guest. He calls Fed chairman Bernanke "Comrade Bernanke". One of his statements that I especially like is, "Who needs Bolsheviks when you have the Fed?

There is nothing in the constitution that allows the government to purchase bad mortgages, let alone to buy banks ans other large companies with tax money. Actually they are not using tax money, they are using money borrowed from the constitutionally illegal Fed. Since when can anyone expect to borrow their way out of debt? Yet that is what they are attempting to do. Now there is talk about another stimulus check for all of us, so that we spend more money and spend the economy back to normal. Where is this money coming from? Why it will be another loan from the constitutionally illegal Fed. 

This is why I feel that we have now made the transition from fasciunism to pure communism. There is no way that the government can get out of this mess without taking over many of the largest companies and tapping their profits. They need the banks, the car companies, the big insurance companies and anything else they can get their hands on to provide the money to pay back the constitutionally illegal Fed. We still may be partly fasciunist as smaller businesses will be able to remain outside government ownership, but will be under the very strict rules of Fascism. 

The only advice that I am giving now is to buy and hold physical silver and gold. Do not put it in a bank safety deposit box. Do not allow the company you purchase from to store it. Purchase a good safe or whatever you need to store it yourself. When the ship hits the sand and the people of this country realize what has happened, there will be a revolution. I hope cooler heads prevail and it does not come to that, but I am not real confident.

Until next time:



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