This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Where Are We Headed???

In a few days president elect Hussein will be President Hussein. Where is he going to take this country and how is he going to take us there. For those of you who are old enough to remember your history lessons (when public schools still taught REAL history) will remember that when FDR took over after the country fell into the great depression he brought in an alphabet of government workers. NRA, CCC, SS, WPA, TVA, etc. etc. A lot of people tend to believe that that was what ended the depression. It was not!! First the market had completely crashed and the banks had closed. this time none of that has happened. Next, when FDR took over unemployment was at fourteen percent and when we entered WW II the unemployment was at about fourteen percent. It had not really changed for all of his make work programs. All he did was make a bunch of families lifelong demlicans because he gave them jobs and they felt he had saved them. After ten years almost nothing in the economy of the country had changed. FDR took us to war to bring us out of the economic stranglehold. 

Now fast forward to 2009. We hear Hussein making many of the same claims as FDR made. We are going to spend government money, which we do not have, to make jobs that will be little more than make work jobs. We are going to add to the already bloated army of government workers. Hussein wants to start a Civilian Security Force that will be as large and as well paid as our armed forces. Now he has added Panetta to the mix as his picked head of the CIA. Many people feel that he picked Panhead to cause turmoil and ruin the CIA. The CIA is needed now more than ever in the fight against terrorism. Does this mean that Hussein does not care about the fight against terrorism? Others are saying that the reason for putting a politically motivated Demlican party hack in charge is to use the CIA as his own secret police. You will remember that Panhead shilled for Slick Willy Clinton's political dirty tricks and downright illegal doings. There is a good chance that that is what Hussein wants from him now. It is hoped in many quarters that Panhead will either have his name withdrawn or will not pass the senate confirmation process. Let us hope.

Now let us look at the recession itself. This is one recession that, in my opinion, will turn into a full blown depression. Why?? Because we have no manufacturing base to pull us out of it. With every recession since the great depression, the manufacturing base has been responsible for pulling us out of teem. Since then we have sent all of our manufacturing overseas. Most of the cause for this is GREED, pure and simple greed. The major manufacturing companies are greedy for profit so they are willing to sell their souls and use slave labor to get their profit up. Slave labor is slave labor whether you are talking about America in the first half of the nineteenth century or the slave shops in Sri Lanka, China and other countries and slavery is still morally wrong. Of course when you are a large corporation and have no morals and the only thing you know is greed, slavery becomes a way to increase the bottom line. The greed also comes down to the average consumer. That is the greed of wanting more and more for less and less cost. When that happens they buy the slave made, imported items which are cheaper. It is all about having more STUFF. I am old enough to remember when radios, televisions, cars, clothing and everything else was made in the USA. Now it is very difficult to purchase things made in this country. 

With no manufacturing there can be no increased productivity, thus no working our way out of a recession. The government, led by Hussein, can print money and make jobs but it will not replace increased manufacturing productivity. The money that is printed is actually borrowed from the Non-federal-No-reserves-Non-bank. This country is many trillions of dollars in debt and you cannot get out of debt by borrowing money. All we are doing is digging a deeper hole. All of this on the way to third world status and "A New World Order".

I will get into more on this in my next post. Until then check out my other two blogs, especially the survival blog SASL.


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