This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, November 08, 2008


The last time I made an entry in this blog I noted that we might become the United Soviet States of America. That was before the election. I have now added an "S" to the name, making it The United Soviet Socialist States of America. With the election of B. Hussein Obama this country has told the world that it would like to be known as a socialist country. Having Obama, Pelosi and Reid in charge assures us that it will become a socialist country sooner than later. 

Here is a man (Obama) that freely talked about redistributing the wealth, returning the "fairness doctrine (actually it should be called the unfair doctrine), bringing back late term, partial birth abortions, okaying infanticide, legalizing gay marriage and a myriad of other things that can only be found in socialist dictatorships. Yet, this is the man that the ignorant citizens of this country elected to run things. 

The first thing he wants to do is to raise taxes on the "rich". One of the problems with that is figuring out how he is going to determine what rich is. When he first mentioned it the amount was $350,000, then it dropped to $250,000, then to $150,000 and the last I heard it was down to $110,000. Besides not knowing what will ultimately be considered rich (maybe $50,000?) even if he kept it to the millionaires, these are the people that invest in businesses and create jobs. Of course Obama says he is going to create jobs by creating  ways for people to work for the government. He wants to have as many youth working for the government as are in the military and he wants to use them for all sorts of things. This sounds to me like Hitler's Youth Corp. 

Looking at that aspect of it: those of you who are old enough to remember or at least old enough to have been taught the truth in school might see a marked resemblance between Obama and Hitler. Remember, Hitler was a highly popular leader who could mesmerize crowds with his speeches. Hitler was also freely elected to office in a republic. I do not believe that anyone could get away with things that Hitler did, but there are other things that would be just as bad. This is the face of FASCIUNISM pure and simple. We are going to see fascist tactics being used to bring this country to communism. This is all within the plans of the globalist who want the "New World Order". 

These things scare me very much. I would all of you to begin reading my survival blog if you already do not do so. SASL stands for Sensible Affordable Survival Living. You will find the link to that blog at the end of each of these blogs. I am presently giving instructions on secreting valuables of all kinds. This is something that I feel we may need in the very near future. I have written about martial law being proclaimed and it does not look like it will happen for a while, but it is still not out of the question. I like being wrong about some things and that is one of them. One other thing that I would like to leave you with this week is now is the time to buy silver and gold, and I believe that silver will prove to be the best of the two. If things get too bad you could see an underground economy and you would be one step ahead of many people. 

Next week I am going try to do this blog about the economy. This is the one thing that I believe is going to bring this country to its knees. There is no way anyone can borrow their way out of debt and that is what the fasciunists are telling us that they are doing. I believe that God is going to show this country that when the quit believing in Him that He will bring them down. He blessed this country for many years and if you look back, all the while we worshiped Him. As soon as we took God and Jesus out of the schools, out of the courts, out of the public square and out of our public life completely, this country started its downhill slide. It will continue until the country either repents or is no more.

Until next time:


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