This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It Is Coming

What is coming? THE END!!! Well, I think that the end of the USA as it used to be is coming. We now have a communist president along with a communist controlled congress. There  is not too much hope for this country. That is, unless a whole lot of people get their collective heads out of their armpit or some other dark part of their anatomy. A whole lot of people voted for a man that told them he was for change. Unfortunately, most of the people did not ask what kind of change that was. To turn this country from being a constitutional republic to being a communist dictatorship is change. However, how many of the people that voted for him want that kind of change. The people that  voted for him consider him a savior. Many of the things that he promised to do he is now backpedaling on now. 

However, some things that he never said during the campaign are now coming out. First of all he is all for censorship. He told the republicans that if they want to get along with him they could not listen to Rush Limbaugh. One of his cohorts in the senate, Chuck Schumer, equates people like Rush with pornography and says both should be censored. Thus, you can expect the so-called "fairness doctrine" re-instituted. This will effectively shut down any radio or television shows that are not one hundred percent favorable to BO and his democratic allies. BO also believes that the state is better able to educate and take care of your children than you do. Look for much more federal money going to local school districts. But remember the golden rule - "He who has the gold makes the rules". So with that money the school districts get will be the rules they will now have to live by. Welcome to the world of mediocrity, where the communistic teachers unions now have their way as to what and how to teach our youngsters.

Look for hate crime laws to be expanded to cover anything that the mighty one thinks might offend any of his backers. You will not be able to call things as they really are, you will have to use politically correct language or go to jail. Preachers will not be able to preach against homosexuality because it may offend the queers. We will be told that we need to think alike to get along with each other. It will be unseemly to disagree with any liberal as they will be in charge of thinking. Already BO has made it very clear that what he meant by making bipartisan decisions in congress is that the rebublicrats need to give up their beliefs and agree with everything the demlicans want. 

BO wants to start a government owned and operated "Bad Bank". This bank would buy all of the bad real estate loans that the other banks have. This would put the country in the banking business. You will notice that BO is for telling anyone that comes for money that he will tell them how to run their companies. That goes back to the golden rule. After spending twenty years in a Church that preached hatred for America and all whites and after spending time with his communist terrorist friends, the Ayers, and after being told by another friend of his, Louis Farakhan that he is the Savior and the Messiah, he believes that communism is the way to go and that he can do no wrong.

It is time for all right thinking Americans to rise up in protest. If we do not rise up now by the time BO is gone it will be too late. Once BO takes this country over and turns it over to the communist new world order, we will no longer have the chance to get it back. Now while there is time rise up and do something about it. I hope it never comes to a shooting war, but if we do not rise up in protest now, who knows what could happen? The time has come to stand up and be counted or to go and get fitted for your chains. It is your choice.

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