This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Our New National Religion

Our constitution gives us freedom of religion. The first amendment in the Bill of Rights reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free excercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances". Pretty straight forward is it not? That is unless you are the supreme court and then they can prohibit the free excercise thereof. They are dead wrong in their reading of the Constitution of the United States of America. Any time they say no to school prayer, anytime that they ban the Ten Commandments from government buildings, any time they ban any religious display from public places they are "prohibiting the free excercise thereof". You see, the supreme court is not going by the constitution, they are making it say what they want. They are calling it a living document and making it say things that the founders never meant it to say. The judges on the supreme court; call them liberal or conservative are fasciunists. They are helping the president and congress to use the fascist tactics that will eventually bring us to communism. If you do not believe that all you need to look at a is their ruling on private property. They have made it so that any municipality can take land away from the owner for any reason. the main reason that the municipalities want to condemn the land is for private enterprise to come in and build stores and other commercial buildings. This goes right back to the fascist method of public private partnerships.

Now to the subject of our new national religion. Humanism has been taught in schools for many years although it has been declared a religion. However, this is not the religion I am talking about. "ENVIRONMENTALISM" is the religion I am talking about. After teaching humanism for the many years that they have, they now know that humanism is not a religion that satisfies many people. Having weaned many people away from the Christian religion, they know they need something to replace it. Enter environmentalism. The worship of the earth and everything that grows on it. Plants, animals, birds, insects everything on the earth is sacred to the environmentalist. 

Now along comes Al "I invented the internet" Gore with his global warming mantra. Is the earth warming? Well, let me put it this way; if the earth had never warmed I could not be living where I am because it was covered with a glacier. The instant the earth stopped cooling and the glacier started melting was the exact instant that the earth began warming. During that time average temperatures have fluctuated up and down according to the activity of the sun. For the last number of years the temperature has been rising slightly. Even now there are scientists that say that the next cooling period has arleady begun. Manmade pollution has very little to do with the heating or cooling of our atmosphere. I do not believe that carbon dioxide is a pollutant. Carbon dioxide is needed by trees so they can live and give off oxygen so humans can live. If there is a little too much carbon dioxide in the air what we need to do is to plant more trees to use it up and provide more oxygen.

However, people like Al Gore preach environmentalism as though it were a religion and to them it is. Gore feels like he is the high priest of the religion and does not have to live according to what he preaches. Obama considers himself a god (the messiah) and he also does not have to live according to what is being preached. As a matter of fact, almost none of the celeberity environmentalists practice what they preach. What they are trying to set up is a two-tier system; those who preach the religion of environmentalism and the rest of us who will have to do without air conditioning, heat and other amenities that we now enjoy. Our pretendsident has already made the statement that the middle class cannot continue to live the way they do, that they are going to have to give up their big suv's, their air conditioning and other energy using items. He said we could no longer expect to have a seventy-two degree temperature all of the time. Of course the first thing he did when he got to the white house was to turn the heat up to a temperature that made everyone else to warm. The excuse his handlers gave was that he was raised in Hawaii and needed it warmer than others. 

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Once the UN gets their way we will all have to bow to the earth goddess Gaia. This makes many of the women's lib group very happy as now we will have to worship a female goddess. I am going to do another column on this next week and will get more into the UN and what is going on. Just remember; we are still a somewhat free country. We still have the right to keep and bear arms. We still have freedom of the press. However, all of those freedoms are being stepped on by our courts and government too. It is time for a reveloution, bloodless I hope and pray, but if it is not, it will not be the fault of the citizens. It will be the fault of the courts, the congress, all of the bureaucrats, and our pretendsident. They cannot expect us to go into earth worshiping slavery willingly.

Until next week check out my other blog at:


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