This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Health Care?

All we here from pretendsident is that health care is broken and needs to be fixed. The problem is the way he sees to fix it is the same socialist way that he is fixing GM (government motors), the banks and anyone else he can have the government take over. His National Socialist Party, that is the one that used to be known as the democrats, is willing to take over and ru(i)n any business that they deem accessible. Now they want the health care system. While the health care system in this country is not perfect, it is still the best in the world. Ask the people from Canada who come to the United Stated and pay for care that their government policy cannot or will not give them.

Just the other day I was listening to a talk show on the radio and a Canadian woman was the guest. She told of having severe headaches and losing her eyesight. When she went to her Canadian doctor she was told that she needed more tests but that it would be nine months before she could get them. A few weeks later she was feeling much worse and losing more of her eyesight so she decided to come to the U.S. and have the tests done. She went to the Mayo Clinic in Arizona and had the tests and they told her that they needed to operate immediately. She had a brain tumor and would go blind and possibly die within six months. So you see what Canada did for her, if she waited for her tests there she would probably have died and they would have saved all of the money that it would have cost her.

The bunch of fasciunists in this country are trying to pattern our health care after Canada's. In Canada it is against the law to have any insurance policy except the government policy and it is illegal to have a doctor work on you and pay for it out of your pocket. I believe that the fine is $100,000 each for the doctor and the patient plus the doctor loses his license. While the American plan does not start out that way, that is exactly what would happen. Here is how it works. When the plan starts all citizens will be required to have insurance, all businesses will have to provide their employees with insurance, insurance will be required to cover existing problems and anyone that cannot afford the private policies will be able to buy a policy from the government. the government will undercut the insurance companies until no one will buy from them and everyone will be government insured, just like Canada. Pretendsident Hussein has already stated that one of the ways he would bring down the costs is to eliminate many of the tests on older Americans. He as much as stated it was time for them to suck it up, endure the pain and die. However, the fasciunist National Socialist Party wants to give complete care and insurance to the thirty million illegal invaders that are in the country and any more that can get here. They want the older citizens to keep on paying for the invaders health care while the older citizens are told to go sit in a corner and die.

When are you going to wake up and smell the coffee people? Our illegal pretendsident and his National Socialist party want to take this country over and tell everyone what to do, what pills to take and when and if they can see a doctor. I am sure our pretendsident either has or will shortly appoint a new Czar to handle the medical insurance bureaucracy. All of his Czars are illegal as far as I know but that does not bother him. Why should it bother a person who is in the position he is illegally? He cannot be president of this country because if for no other reason that his father was not an American Citizen. I believe he is a Muslim and that he hates this country and wishes to ruin it. That is the change you can count on!!!

Enough for now, until next time visit my other blog:


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