This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Saving America

America as we of the older generation remember it is gone. Things like the takeover of banks and other privately owned business would never have been allowed forty or even twenty years ago. The banks, the automobile companies, the insurance giants and others are being taken over fascist style. Political correctness is rampant and anyone who does not follow it is considered a dishonorable person. Thoughts will soon be punished if the pedophile protection act is passed into law. There is no other way to say a crime is a hate crime than to know what the person was thinking when committing the crime. If you catch a pedophile abusing your five year old child and haul off and deck him, you will go to jail. You see, under the law what he did would be a misdemeanor, while you hitting him would be battery, a felony because he is in a protected class of people. That is how sick this country has become. Kids in school can cuss, swear, use all kinds of four letter words and all they get is a talking to, if that. But let them say a prayer and they will be given detention at the least and possibly a suspension. Let them draw a picture of a gun and they will get suspension if not expulsion. Yet, according to our Constitution, we have the right not only to draw pictures, but to keep and bear arms.

We now have a man sitting in the office of the president (although I do not believe he is the president) that is a true FASCIUNIST. He is using every fascist tactic possible to gain control of this country so that he can turn it into a part of a one-world communist government. Private ownership of business but government control is fascism, thus the takeover of all of these large companies is a fascist movement. Obama has stated that he wants a civilian police force the size of the army ala Hitler's brownshirts. He has people who, I believe at his bidding, who are calling any conservative and any veteran "terrorists". Remember, Hitler was freely elected in a republic. If Obama and his crew of outlaws can conjure up enough catastrophic events they will be able to declare martial law and take over the country as dictators. That is why he is moving so fast with things like the takeover of the healthcare industry. He is hoping there will be enough backlash that action will have to be taken. If not he will have healthcare under his thumb and will then go after something else.

Does this mean that all is lost, that there is no hope?? Not at all. It just means that those of us that see what is happening and know that it is wrong for America, need to stand up and take this country back. We need to join groups and take the truth to the people. While a lot of people think that Obama is great and is doing the right thing, there are many who are just not paying attention. Those are the people we have to wake up and get on our side. Over half the voters in this country consider themselves conservative, yet we have an ultra-liberal, left wing, Marxist, fasciunist sitting in the presidents chair. Do not believe people when they tell you that right wing people are fascists. Hitler was a big fan of Karl Marx and followed the Marxist philosophy as much as possible.

The second amendment to the Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." The right of the PEOPLE, that is us. We have that right and we are the citizen militia. We need to form again under the laws of the states in which we reside and take the message to the people. We also need to keep and bear arms so that when (not if) they come to take us away we can protect ourselves. There is safety in numbers and good legal militias are one way to get those numbers.

Form militias, be open and honest about it if possible, help out in the community, show that you care about the community, the state and the country. Anyone who considers themselves a patriot or who believes in the Constitution is already under suspicion of being a terrorist so joining a militia will not make it any worse. Good militia units in every state in this great union, cooperating with each other through the web and other methods is all that can save this country as far as I can see. There is a web site everyone should check out and hopefully join and that is This is the home site for "The Well Regulated American Militias". Think about it and if you love this country and want it to continue as a free Republic, don't just sit there, get off your butt and do something.

Until next time, check out:


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