This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

What Next?

To anyone who may be wondering what happened to my September 27th entry of what next, join the crew, I am wondering too. I wrote it and hit the publish button. I do not usually check the blog to see if it has published. I normally take the word of the computer that it published successfully. I then check it when I am going to write the next article. Imagine my surprise when I found that there was nothing there but the title. So here goes, we will try again.

I am becoming very much concerned about where this country is headed. We have a pretendsident that feels that he can take over the entire private sector. He has taken over banks, car companies, insurance companies and now he wants to take over the health care industry and the energy industry. That really does not leave much in private hands. This man, who I still firmly believe is a Muslim that I do not believe is a natural born US citizen, is doing his best to take over this country. He has appointed close to forty czars that answer to no one but him and some of those czars are not what I would call good patriotic Americans. The MSM (Mostly Stupid Morons) refuse to bring out all of the things that he is doing unconstitutionally.

I no longer am sure whether it is fasciunism that he is promoting or if he is attempting to make this a Muslim run fascist state. The reason I say that is that I see too many things that remind me of Hitler and Mussolini. I am not old enough to remember them that well, but I can and do read history. Taking over private industry and making them a public private partnership is a definite sign of fascism. While we all know that his childhood mentor was a communist and that many of his friends and acquaintances since then have been communists (Bill Ayers, etc.) if he is a Muslim as I suspect, he could be using them also. We know that Hitler and Mussolini both took over and made public private corporations out of the industry in their countries.

Both of these leaders made themselves into something of a deity. Lately I have been hearing of both children and adults praying to Obama. This really scares me as the Germans were taught to pray to Hitler too. Hitler used religious leaders to get what he wanted. Obama has asked religious leaders to help him push his health care plan.

America is a Christian nation regardless of what our pretendsident says about it. If he can convince the sheeple that we are not a Christian nation, he will have less trouble turning it into a Muslim nation. I believe that it is time for we Christians to get down on our knees and pray to God and Jesus Christ that he would save this nation. I think that God may be getting ready to bring this country to its knees for all of the sin it has committed against Him. We have allowed prayer to be taken out of schools, bibles to be taken out of schools, Jesus name to be taken out of Christmas, the murder of innocent unborn children through abortion, rampant homosexuality and lesbianism, pornography, incest, pedophilia, adultery, removal of the Ten Commandments and In God We Trust from public areas, the removal of the name of Jesus from military Chaplin's prayers and all of the other sins we have committed as a country. Our pretendsident knows all of this and is using it. Praying to him is probably the biggest sin of all as that is idolatry and blasphemy. We need to get this country back on its feet now or it may be too late.

I feel that it may be too late already. With the courts and the mostly stupid morons agreeing with him, we are likely to go farther down hill. We will either wind up with a fascist state, a fasciunist state or a communist state with a one world government. I do not like either and the time is now to change it. We need the militias back because all of our National Guard is overseas fighting and dieing for a cause I am no longer sure of.

I have gone on long enough tonight, I will continue this rant next time. Meanwhile check out my other blog at:


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