This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Coming Soon

I have been away for some time now, approximately four months. There have been family health problems, (not me) and several other issues that kept me away. I will be back on a weekly basis (I hope). My posts may be somewhat shorter, but will contain all I wish to share.

Please note the title "Coming Soon." What I mean by that is what I see coming from this administration and democrud congress. Does anyone have any idea why our pretendsident is continuing to push all of the things that no one in America except the liberals and their wards of the state want? He is pushing health care, cap and trade, several other bills that are unconstitutional and unAmerican. He has over thirty-five Czars and most of them have communist leanings. He has taken over insurance companies, automobile companies, banks and anything else he could. He is doling out stimulus money to companies that are using 100% of it to build wind machines in China. Thus all of the money and all jobs created are in China. His wife has twenty-two assistants at an astronomical amount of wages. They spend taxpayer money on lavish parties and many other frivolous items. I could go on, but I think you get the picture.

Why would anyone do this? He seems to have the backing of Pelosi and Reid. However, he is fast losing the support of even the people who voted him into office. Is his ego that big? Is he that much of a narcissist that he feels he can do not wrong? Does he still believe that he is the messiah? I am not sure I have the answers to these questions but I think all of those things play a part. However, I think that the real reason for going against the constitution and the American people is to start a revolution. I believe that he feels that if he pushes hard enough that the people of this country will finally have their fill and rise up with riots and maybe even armed riots. That is all he would need to call for martial law and take over the country.

There is something to remember here, many dictators started just the way he is starting. For instance, Hitler was freely elected and started out very popular. I was not until some of the people began to oppose some of his doings that he took the country over by force. I see a pattern here that reminds me of what the history books say about Hitler and other dictators. Castro was also freely elected as was Hugo Chavez. It scares the H out of me. In the next couple of days I will be getting back to my survival blog and trying to help people to prepare for what is coming. Next week I will try to dig deeper into this mess.

Check out my survival blog at


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