This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Gone is Freedom

We are now under total fasciunist government control. The Obamacare bill has been passed. The right to have or not have insurance is now no longer a right. As of now anyone who does not have insurance will be fined, jailed or both. The IRS will have access to your bank account so that they can deduct money they think you owe for insurance or medical care. Insurance companies will no longer have the ability to decide who they can insure by the people's health. Your private health information will now be public knowledge. Once the government has the information they can do with it as they choose. For one thing they can use that knowledge to refuse to allow anyone they deem as not mentally stable to own a firearm. That does not sound too bad until you realize that anyone that has ever been to a psychiatrist or psychologist will be deemed unstable. Anyone who has ever had a prescription for any drug to counter depression or any other mental problem will be deemed as unstable. This bill will be used as a back door to gun control.

There are many more things that are going to take away our freedoms. However, another thing that is just as important is the fact that the government is now in charge of another twenty percent of our national Gross Domestic Product (GDP). If I am not mistaken the bill also contains an amendment that gives the government total control over all student loans. Where have we seen this type of takeover in the past? Simply look back to Hitler and Mussolini. Both fascists and both took over the health care of their countries and both took over the banks and look what happened. Pretendsident Hussein Obama considers himself as the ultimate one, a dictator. He and his cronies fees that they know better what is good for us than we do.

Our pretendsident has declared that this is not a Christian nation and refused to recognize the Christian National Day of Prayer. However, he did recognize the Muslim national day of prayer and held a Muslim meeting at the White House. Yet he swears he is not a Muslim. Of course he also flew the Chinese flag near the White House making me wonder is he really a Muslim or just an out and out communist. I know he is a fasciunist because he is using the fascist takeover tactics to try to get to his communist takeover. This part can be seen in his love for the United Nations.

Now that he has had a totally unconstitutional health care bill passed his next item on the agenda is the "Cap and Trade (Tax) bill. This will give him another portion of the national GDP. If his unconstitutional health care bill becomes a reality look for at least thirty percent of doctors to quit the profession. I have actually heard of numbers as high as fifty percent that are considering quitting. Add to that adding another thirty million people to the insured and you can see how long the waiting lines will be. That is exactly why they need the death panels.
Hopefully some of the people that will be filing constitutional challenges to the bill will win. We have lost enough of our freedoms we do not need this.

Next week "Immigration". Until then check out:


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