We now have a pretendsident that is intent on promoting class warfare. OhBummer seems to think that if he gets enough people riled up that he will get his way. This is straight out of the Alinsky book of Neighborhood Organizing. The unions and the communists (but I repeat myself) are behind this. These are the same people that would love to see OhBummer re-elected.
This country was begun as a Representative Republic. During the last forty or fifty years our government indoctrination centers (what should be schools) have been promoting the idea that this is a democracy. A democracy is the last thing that our founders wanted. They knew that if the people in a democracy could get their own way the country could not survive. Now with the bulk of the last two generations believing what they learned in their government indoctrination centers, we have a country that believes that this is in fact a democracy. Actually, the way it is being run it is a Fasciunist country. Many people believe that fascists are right wing and communists are left wing. That is another fallacy of our government indoctrination centers. As I pointed out in my book "Fasciunism-The Real American Politics" that is not the way it is in real life. The way we are taught in school goes something like this: communism-socialism-democracy-constitutional republic-anarchy-fascism. That is way off base as far as the real world is concerned. The way it should read is: communism/fascism-socialism-constitutional republic-democracy-anarchy. This political spectrum should be arranged in a circle, which means that after anarchy, we get right back to communism/fascism. For a point to remember to use when anyone tells you that fascism is right wing, ask them what Hitler's political party was. They probably do not realize the it was the German National Socialist Party. The main difference between fascism and communism is that in fascism the government pretends to let businesses be in private hands, while all the time controlling it. That is kind of what OhBummer is trying to do. In communism the government owns all of the businesses outright.
Class warfare is one way of bringing about anarchy and then allowing a fascist or communist takeover. I believe that America will become a fasciunist country before it becomes completely communist. The occupy Wall Street protests are proof that anarchy is either coming or already here. What do these people want? They want money that other people earned. They want a living "wage" even if they are not working. They want everyone to be equal. They do not believe that businesses should be able to keep their profits. Now I will admit that there are people on Wall Street that are crooks and need to be put in jail. But these people need to remember, their favorite pretendsident OhBummer is the one that bailed out many of the crooks on Wall Street.
All of the people in the Occupy Wall Street protests and now all over the country, are looking for something for nothing. Most of them have never worked a day in their lives and are still living at home with their parents or living in a college dorm on their parents dime. They have OhBummer's backing even though he is deeply involved in the Wall Street scams. He attempts to equate this bunch of scum with the Tea Party. There could not be a bigger difference. The Tea Party wants to get back to the country being a Constitutional Republic while the Occupy protesters want a communist country. That is one of the reasons that the unions are behind it. They are mostly backed by communist money and would love to take over the country.
There are other things to think about in this class warfare fight. Think about the gun running scam in "Fast and Furious". This was originally a scam to show the people that Mexicans were getting their firearms from America. This would pit gun owners against non-gun owners. It would also allow more gun laws to be passed and perhaps the confiscation of at least some kinds of guns. It backfired and an American got killed with one of those weapons before the case could be made for gun control. Now our Attorney General is lying about what he knew and when he knew it. Had this not happened we would now be facing draconian gun laws and OhBummer would be driving another wedge in his class warfare.
Another thing that just happened that shows how far this country has sunk may or may not have anything to do with class warfare. However, when Hank Williams Jr. made his statement about OhBummer and Speaker of the House, he was immediately taken to task. I believe the statement was completely appropriate and accurate. It was a comparison of two people on opposite sides playing golf and having a great time together when the rest of the nation is suffering. I did not see the statement as comparing OhBummer to Hitler although even if he had it would have made no difference to me. The left wing fasciunist compared G W Bush to Hitler for eight years and nobody said anything about that. By the way, Hank was told that it was not politically correct. I hope all of those people know that the term "politically correct" was actually coined by one ADOLPH HITLER. Just another way to play Class Warfare, knowing everyone would take sides in the event.
If we expect our country to survive as a Constitutional Republic we have to do something to bring it back. I am not sure of what that is. I honestly hope that it can be done peacefully, but with things like Occupy Wall Street, I am beginning to lose that hope.
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