This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Monday, October 03, 2011

Smart Growth

Smart growth is a misnomer. I have been through a meeting on smart growth and found it to be just a way to tell me how I could use my private property. It is trying to bar private citizens from rural land, whether they currently own it or not. I live in an unincorporated township and our leaders were no more in favor of what they were told to do than I was. However, we were instructed by the county that we could either write a plan or they would do it for us. That is one of the things about "Sustainable Development" and the people that run it. First they get the state to go along with the plan, then the state tells the county that they have to adopt a plan. Next the county tells the villages and towns that they have to adopt a plan. This rural land use plan is embodied in the Wildlands Network and the urban plan of Smart Growth. The rural land use plan is to move everyone from their rural home and into an urban setting.

Smart Growth is set up so that humans will be barred from rural land and basically b put in cages while the animals roam free. For some stupid reason this does not sound like real sane thinking to me. this will be a central government control of every aspect of our life twenty-four hours a day for your entire life. They will control your energy use, your water use, your health, your diet, resources and waste management. they intend to control the use of water even from private wells. They also want "social justice" and will control your education and how you travel. Watch out for the smart meters that some power providers in some areas are installing. These are nothing but a way to control you electric use, your gas use and your water use. They are starting in the cities but you can be sure that they will move into rural areas if they get the chance.

Some of their plans include reducing your options when it comes to how and where you travel. It will get to be that you will need permission to travel if they get their way. You will have to live near where you work and these communities will be like the old time villages. Everything will need to be in the village so that you no not have to travel and use up the precious resources. Your freedom of mobility will no longer be something that you have.

One of the things that they plan to do is to herd everyone into tax-subsidized, government controlled human developments. The government will control these mixed-use areas and they will control everyone in them. People will be herded into villages according to their abilities and their usefulness to the government.

Does this sound like something you would like? Do you want the government controlling everything you do and say? Do you want the government providing you house, your food, your children, your transportation and everything else that you do? If you do not think that this could happen, think again. It is already happening in many communities around the country. The people are being led like sheep to slaughter. I opened today's blog by stating that I have attended a smart growth meeting and that we were told we had to write a plan. Well, the community in which I live has a lot of people that think like me when it comes to our freedoms. Instead of hiring some firm to write our plan like many of our neighboring communities did, we wrote our own. That way we could just barely meet what they wanted and we actually kept most of our freedoms. In my next entry, two weeks from now, I will get into a little more on how you can help fight this scheme of the one-world government lovers. Until then check out this blog next week for more on politics and check out my other blog and my store at:


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