This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Welcome to the United/Mexican States of America. That is what we will be saying if the fasciunists have their way about things. Once again we are going to be told that we have to give amnesty to the 30 million illegal invaders that are currently in our country. We will again be told that this is the only civilized thing to do that it will save thousands of families from being split up. We will probably even be told that if we disagree that we are cruel, xenophobic, hating, tea party going rednecks. You see when people do not agree with the fasciunists, instead of discussing the differences, they start name calling. I believe that this time is going to be much worse than last time and will be harder for us to win. Why do I say that? Because our pretendsident needs to make them citizens so that he can have their vote in 2012.

Let us take a look at a few things. First, would any one of our great leaders allow you or I to break into their home, live there rent free, eat their food, have them pay our doctor bills while in the meantime we went out and raped and killed? I am very sorry, but I do not believe that any one of them would even consider that. They would call the police so quick that it would make your head spin. You would would be forcibly ejected from their home by the LAW. Why is it then, when these invaders come over our southern border into our home country and do these same things, that we want to reward them instead of evicting them with the LAW? Do you think it could be because these idiots in congress are getting campaign funds from the companies that want these invaders as semi-slave labor? These invaders are paid minimum wage or less and cannot complain because they do not want to be shipped back to their home. The big companies that hire them are making a killing and they do not want to lose the goose that is laying the golden egg.

We currently have near 10% unemployment or about 20 million people who need jobs. If the illegal invaders were denied the jobs that they have, most of our citizens could go back to work. I do not want to hear the excuse about "the jobs Americans will not do". There are no such jobs, it is just that they will not do some of the jobs for minimum or sub-minimum wage. Americans tend to want a job that pays a living wage. They are not used to living ten people in a one car garage that they rent for one hundred dollars a month, nor should they be expected to. However, this is exactly the way the illegal invaders live, because they only make that much money. Besides, they have to send all they can back to Mexico or wherever they come from.

Amnesty is a lose, lose situation. Ronald Reagan made that mistake when he was president. That was one of the few mistakes he made. Actually the mistake he made was believing congress that they were going to make sure the border was protected and illegal invasion would end. That did not happen then and it will not happen now. As soon as the illegals that are here are made citizens the companies that hire them will be looking for the next batch of invaders so that they can keep from paying American wages.

Next week; immigration and terrorism. Until then, check my other blogs at:


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