This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Can We Avoid Civil War??

In my last post I alluded to the fact that civil war is a possibility. Because of the things that are going on, it seems to me that we need to look at ways to avoid civil war. Instead of bringing the people of this country together, our pretendsident and his cohorts in his regime are splitting the country apart. How can you sue a state like Arizona for doing a job that the federal government is supposed to do and is not doing. This is just an attempt to drive another wedge between different groups of people. The NAACP puts out a letter that calls the Tea Party racist and Thinks that that is okay. However, at the same time all of the race baiters are defending the New Black Panther Party and their racist spoutings. When you have a black pretendsident and a black Attorney General that refuse to prosecute someone because the racist happens to be black and the victims white, there is something very wrong with the system. It is almost like they are deliberately trying to cause dissension among the different races of people.

First of all, You need to remember that we have a fasciunist government. They will use both fascist and communist tactics to get the one world government they want. The government now controls both General Motors and Chrysler. Even if they divest themselves of their holdings in these companies, they will still be in control. That is because the illegally ripped off the private bondholders in these companies and gave their share to the union. As we all know, the unions and the demoCRUDS are in bed together. That means as long as the unions have the biggest share of these car companies, our pretendsident can control them. That is fascist pure and simple, privately owned and government controlled. It is going to be interesting to see what he does when it comes to BP. Once he gets done fleecing them, will he try to take them over, even though they are a British company?

There is something that worries me even more that what I have already talked about. What is going to happen after the election if the republicRATS take over the congress. We will then have a whole bunch of lame duck demoCRUDS, Will that lame duck congress try to force through cap and tax, card check and the several other bills that the citizens of this country do not want? My feeling is that they will. They forced the Obamacare bill through knowing that the people did not want it. The only reason that they are not pushing the rest of their agenda through right now is that there is an election coming. This regime gets what it wants no matter what the people think or how much underhanded things they need to do. The recess appointment of the person to head up Medicare and Medicaid is one more proof of that. A person that believes in health care rationing, death panels and redistribution of wealth could not have made it through the senate, especially this close to election time. How much damage can he do before the next congress takes over?

All of these things are pointing to more dissension in the country and the possibility of a civil war. Our founders expected that something like this would happen. The Second Amendment was not put into the Bill of Rights for hunters or even for self-defense. The Second Amendment was put there so that the citizens could put down a government that turned to tyranny. This government is beginning to look like it is what the founders hoped would never happen but prepared us for the possibility. If that is the only way we can take the government back from the fasciunist one worlders, it could happen, however, we would all prefer if it did not come to that.

I believe that we can avoid civil war if we go to the ballot box in November and throw out enough of the fasciunists to make a difference. However, we cannot just replace the idiots that are in office with other idiots and expect anything to change. We need to replace the democruds and most of the republicrats with good conservative people. Political party can no longer matter, we need to have people who are in the mainstream of American society and believe what the founders wanted for this country. The Tea Party has made some great choices to back. While most are republicans it should not make a difference. What needs to happen is the the republicrats need to move to the right and become republicans again and the democruds need to move to the right about where the republicrats are right now. Than we would have a government that could run on compromise and working together.

We have to be very careful who we vote for. Many of the politicians are changing their tune just in time for the elections. To use one glaring example take a look at John McCain. For years he was one of the most outspoken pro-illegal invader senators in congress. Now all of a sudden he has competition for his seat in the senate and he becomes anti-illegal invaders. How many senators and representatives voted of all of the bailouts and the stimulus and now try to tell us they were against it. These are people that will drive our country bankrupt if we believe them. We cannot pay any attention to what the current reps and sens say, we have to look at what the did while in office.

Civil war can and should be avoided. However, if we do not clean out the halls of CONgress, I do not believe that it will. We still may not be able to avoid it but we must do all we can.


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