Pretendisdent, B. Hussein O., Sillary Clinton, Bawney Fwank, Nanny Pelosi and a number of other demlicans would have us believe that the OWS (Occupy Wall Street) demonstrations are similar to the Tea Party demonstrations. Anyone that believes that has been sleeping longer than Rip Van Winkle. While the Tea Party demonstrations were attended by a bunch of patriotic Americans that assembled peacefully and cleaned up after themselves, the OWS crowd is not patriotic and does not clean up after themselves.
This (OWS) is what I call a real fasunistic gathering. You have Nazis, (fascists), socialists, communists and America haters of all stripes. What do they want? Well, it depends on which one of the idiots you ask. I call the idiots because most of them are not smart enough to get out of their own way. Actually it is probably a slap in the face to idiots everywhere to be compared to these scumbags. They steal for each other and the stores in the neighborhoods where they have taken over the parks. They rape their own, even the disabled. They have sex in public, and other forms of public nudity. They crap on police cars and otherwise deface police cars. They urinate and defecate in public, they use and sell drugs at most of the locations and these are just the tip of the iceberg.
In all of the Tea Party demonstrations I have never seen a communist or a Nazi. I have never seen a sign saying F--- America. I have never seen any racism or anti-Semitism. Yet the anti-semitism is well known in the OWS demonstrations and I do not see any more blacks at these demonstrations than at the Tea Party demonstrations. The OWS group camps out for months at a time and does not clean up after themselves and will not let others clean up after them. I cannot say they live like animals because no self respecting animal would live like they do. All I can say is they act like a bunch of filthy scum.
You can see how our country is being governed by when you look at the pretendsident and the others in congress and in other government jobs. These people are all in favor of the OWS yet called the tea party names all of the time. This shows me that our government is what I have said it was for many years; a FASCIUNIST government. The OWS idiots want everything given to them. That is the communist way. However, they also want government to control the banks and all of the other big businesses. That is Fascist. One thing that they seem to conveniently forget is that B. Hussein O. received more campaign money from Wall Street than anyone in history. They conveniently overlook that much of the OWS financing is coming through organizations that are fully funded by one of the richest men in the country; George Soros.
These idiots have no idea what they really want or how to go about getting it. They want a trillion dollars immediately to go to environmentalism. Where would they get the trillion? Tax the rich is what they would tell you, tax the one percent. Do they not realize that they would have to tax 1,000 billionaires at one billion dollars each to come up with a trillion. Yet Al Gore, who is himself one of the wealthy, agrees with them. Free college for everyone is another of their demands. For what? So they could study basket weaving? From the intelligence I have seen from the college students there, that is the most intense course they have taken. A living wage ($20 per hour by one persons estimation) for everyone whether they work or not. No one should have to work but everyone should get the pay. These are just a few of their demands and the rest are no more sane. If these do not strike anyone as communistic I do not know what they are.
OWS and the Tea Party the same? Not hardly. There is a world of difference between the two. And now my take on why the Pretendsident and his flunkys are in favor of OWS. This is what I talked about a few weeks ago, we are going into full blown ANARCHY. I believe that our government dummies are backing it and promoting more of it so that if they need to they can declare martial law. This is what I have said since the day B. Hussein O. took office. What better excuse would they have for declaring martial law than a nation of anarchists. Gee; then we could suspend the elections. Time to lock and load.
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