This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, December 31, 2011


This week I would like to talk about the invasion of the United States of America. Some people call these invaders "Illegal Immigrants", some call them "Illegal Aliens". Heck, some just call them undocumented workers or undocumented immigrants or undocumented aliens, I call them what they are, "INVADERS". There can really be no other term to use to describe them. They are crossing our border illegally and that makes them invaders.

Going all the way back to the Old Testament of the Bible, when invaders attempted to take over a country held by the Israelites they were come up against by the people of that particular country and beaten back. Here in the United States in the 21st century, we welcome invaders, let them have our jobs while millions of Americans are out of work, give them a free education, free medical attention, food stamps, welfare and anything else that they might want. Does this sound like a sovereign country that wants to remain a viable republic?

Who are these invaders anyway? They are Mexicans, South Americans, Arabs, Muslims and anyone else that has a desire to take over a country. Do you think that "Take over a country" is too strong a statement? Let's look at a couple of things. First, I am going to concentrate on Mexicans and Muslims. The Mexican invaders come over the border and almost immediately join La Raza, an organization dedicated to taking the southwestern one third of the United States back for Mexico as part of their homeland. They are very vocal about it and brag about how they are going to do it. Then you have the Muslims. They come across the Mexican border and form cells here in the United States. These cells are either to promote and carry out terrorist attacks or to promote Sharia law. Both of these aims are meant to bring down the country and make it part of the one world caliphate.

So what do our fasciunist leaders do about it? They give both of these invading cultures everything they want. A good number of the politicians in DC, including our pretendsident, want to give them amnesty and make them citizens. The Demlicans especially see them as votes. If all of these 30 million invaders that are currently here were given amnesty and became instant citizens no one except a demlican could ever get elected again. These people would vote for the demlicans because that is the party that is keeping them here and giving them all the free goodies. Thus, I do not know why any republicrat would be for amnesty, but many are. Just look at the republicrat race to oppose B. Hussein O. Only two out of six are against giving a blanket amnesty to the invaders. They can kiss up to the invaders all they want, they will never get their votes anyway.

The stooges in DC keep telling us that we are a nation of immigrants and that we should welcome these invaders. Well, my grandparents on my mother's side were immigrants in the early twentieth century. The came here legally with a job waiting for my grandfather. The worked, paid their taxes and became part of the country. They did not join others from their homeland and attempt to take over a section of the country. They also did not try to get our laws changed to meet theirs from the old country. They understood that this was America and they had to do things the American way and blend into the country.

I keep hearing the idiots in DC tell us that we have to adapt to multiculturalism. If you look around the world you will see that it is not working in Europe and has never worked anywhere. The fall of the Roman Empire was caused to a large extent by multiculturalism. This country and no other country can continue with a hodgepodge of nationalities that will not cohere and act as one.

I am going to leave you this week with a quote for Theodore Roosevelt on this subject and will have more on this subject next week.

"The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin or preventing all possibility of its continuing as a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities and languages." T.R.

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