This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

War II?

Last week I asked if anyone besides me thought we were being inched into a war in this country so that Obama could declare martial law and take over the country. Today I am going to talk mostly about one aspect of the situation; immigration.

We have a problem in this country that must be taken care of; invasion. I cannot call it anything else when people from another country come into our country and attempt to take part of it over. This is exactly what is being done. You have groups like La Raza that say that the southwestern states belong to Mexico and they are intent on taking it back. Yet all of the liberals continue to say that all of the invaders that are here are just looking for a better life. They are just poor hard working people that are looking to better themselves. Being a law breaker is not what I would call bettering oneself. The minute they step across the border they are breaking a law. If we are a nation that is ruled by law, they must be arrested and deported, that is what our law states. Cities give them comfort by declaring themselves as sanctuary cities. This is also against the law, but nothing is ever done about it. Churches give sanctuary. This is something that I cannot understand; how can a church that is supposedly Christian aid and abet law breakers?

With unemployment pushing ten percent and these invaders taking millions of jobs that are needed by Americans, you can see how this could help foment a war. How could we stop it? First of all, we have many troops fighting in two wars that should either be won or we should just get out. I was in favor of going into Afghanistan and finding Osama Bin Laden. However, if we have not found him by now it is time to quit. All we are doing now is getting our troops killed for a country that will never change. Then we have Iraq. I was in favor of that war also but once Sadam Hussein was captured and put to death, our time there should have been over. We need to bring all of those troops home. We also have troops guarding the border between North and South Korea. If they can guard that border, why can they not guard our border. It has been over a half a century that we have been there. It is time to call those troops home. The same goes for all of our troops stationed in Europe. That has been even longer. These countries should be able to take care of themselves by now. Bring all of the troops that we have scattered all over the world home and use them on the southern border of our country. We have enough troops that we could station them thick enough that it would stop the invasion. That is what our constitution calls for, protection our country from invaders. A fence could be built by the military that would keep invaders out, then most of the military would no longer be needed there.

That is what needs to be done although I doubt if it ever will be. The DREAM act is on the verge of being passed as I write this. That means that any invader thirty-five and under can get citizenship by going to college. Not only that but it gives them lower tuition that out of state students pay. This is going to cause animosity among college students that would like to go to a neighboring state and have to pay more than an illegal invader. This also means that they can keep their family here and bring other relatives over here. So, between the workers that take our jobs at slave wages and pay no taxes but get all types of welfare and the students that are going to get a better deal than our own citizens, I can see a lot of good Americans that otherwise would not do anything to start an uprising. I do not mean an armed uprising, but another group like the tea party. They will immediately be considered terrorists as the tea party currently is by the liberals and the government controlled media.

In my opinion, all of this is intentional. It is one more thing that will bring the people to the edge. This is one more fasciunist move to bring this country down. Obama said he was going to change this country and he did not lie. He is bringing it to ruin by trying to make it into a communist country. He knows that when people get angry enough they will rise up against him and that is what he is waiting for. He has all of his socialist friends acting as czars or in his cabinet and they will go along with whatever he says. Look out and get ready. I hope it never comes, but I do not see how we can avoid it now. All we can hope for is that the new congress can put a lid on it so it does not become necessary. I pray to God that they can do it.


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