What is happening right now can be termed nothing but an invasion. When millions of people come over a border illegally and occupy your country, that is an invasion. When people from another country fly their country's flag and not our flag, that is an invasion. When the flag of another country's flag is flown above our own at a school, that is an invasion. All of these things have happened and are still happening. Schools in California are banning the showing of the American flag, but not the Mexican flag. What does this all mean? It means that we have been invaded by a foreign country and have surrendered. Our congress is now in the process of granting all of these invaders amnesty. Why would they do that? I believe that this is just another part of the fasciunist plan to take over the country. It has already been proven that amnesty does not work. Ronald Reagan tried that in the '80s and all it did was to increase the number of invaders that came after the amnesty. By the way, you will notice that I call these scumbags invaders, not immigrants, foreigners or even illegal aliens. We have to start calling them what they really are if we expect to wake up even a few Americans. Back to what congress is doing. Why would they give these invaders everything they want if it was not a complete surrender. Presidente Fox is calling the shots and our congress is taking his orders. Congressman Sensenbrenner and the reps who voted for his bill are to be congratulated. The senate, with the exception of a few senators need to be condemned and impeached. These are the fasciunists that want to bring down America and make it a third world country. They want to eliminate the middle class and make this a third world country. That will make it much easier to control and much easier for a dictatorship to take over and put us under a one world government. First they need to let the riots to get so bad that they have to declare martial law. One problem here is that our National Guard is now over in Iraq doing what they should not be doing because it is their duty, so who is going to enforce that martial law? Homeland (in)Security? The police that have been trained to use military tactics? The marines and army that is left here in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act? The National Guard troops were told by their commander in chief that they were to go fight an illegal war and as good soldiers, they have no choice. The problem that leaves is that they are no longer here for the states to use to quell rioting invaders. Does anyone besides me smell a rat here? Starting with the Sept. 11th (terror attacks?) the path that is being taken is clear. Whether this was a terror attack that just happened to coincide with what the fasciunists wanted to do and they took advantage of it or not I do not know. All I know is that when the Reichstag burned in Germany, giving Hitler the power he wanted, it was many years before it was learned that Hitler himself was behind the fire. It does not matter why it happened, the 9/11 attacks are just what the fasciunists needed, if not turning a blind eye to what was about to happen. This has allowed us to be short of military in our own country, leaving our borders wide open. To supposedly quell any rioting the congress is going to give the invaders what they want. What many fat butt Americans, that sit on the sofa drinking beer and watching the evening news, do not realize, is that these invaders want a goodly share of our country. (The evening news will never tell them that. The major media is just as deep in this as the politicians.) They consider it theirs and aim to take it back. With the help of the fasciunists, they will if we the people do not stop them. Unfortunately, writing to our fasciunist congress no longer seems to help. We need to get counter demonstrations started that are larger than the invaders. We need to fly and carry the American flag. We need to push these invaders right out of the country. We need to show our congress that the riots they are seeing now from the invaders, are nothing compared to what will happen if amnesty laws are passed. We who know, need to attempt to get the rest of the country off their fat butts and doing something. Our country is fast being taken over and I do not like it one bit. Get with Frosty Woolridge and go on his Paul Revere Bicycle tour. If you cannot go, help in any way you can. Join the Minutemen or any other border protection group. Do whatever you can, but do SOMETHING. This country has been invaded by a foreign force and we CANNOT let tem win.