This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I stated in my last posting that this country needs to get back to a belief in Jesus Christ. Do I believe it will? Not any time soon. I seriously believe that this country is on the path to destruction. The Holy Bible tells us that the wages of sin is death. I believe that the United States of America, which once was the greatest country on earth is on the path to its death. 

I want to take a look at some of the things that are going on in this country. We are continuing to kill young, unborn children through abortion. We glorify the unwed mother, we glorify the homosexual, we glorify adultery. All of these are sins according to my bible. Divorce is rampant, leaving many fatherless children. How can we expect God to bless this country when we treat his laws like this. These examples are just the tip of the iceberg. All of the crooked politicians, (I know that is redundant) the robberies, rapes, murders and all of the other crimes against humans are also crimes against God. There is no way He is going to bless us unless we repent, and I do not see any chance of that happening soon. 

I believe that God is going to bring this country to its knees first and if it does not repent then He will put it out of its misery. I believe that Barak Hussein O. is the person God is going to use to bring this nation to its knees. He may well also be the one to oversee our death throes. Look around and you will see the signs all over. Our illegal president elect is promising to redistribute the wealth and people are cheering him for this Marxist concept. He is promising to stop global warming, (which is a hoax) by shutting down the coal industry and eliminating many other industries, and people are cheering him. He is talking about recruiting a civilian defense force to rival the army and people are cheering him. This one is directly out of Hitler's playbook for fascism. He belonged to a church for twenty years that spewed hatred for America and called God to Damn this country, and people do not care. How could he go to that church for that long if he did not believe in what was being preached? Even though he tries to deny it, he has been friends with ex-weathermen and killers. Bill Ayers is a committed communist to the point that he recently visited Hugo Chavez and complimented on his communist education program. 

Now you can see where I get my term Fasciunism from. Where are all of our Christian Churches? They are trying to please everyone except God and Jesus Christ. They are trying to be everything to everyone. Rick Warren, the supposed America's pastor is nothing more than a shill for a decadent lifestyle. His books do not promote Christian ethics they promote worldly ethics. He says that if we do good, clean up the environment, help the poor, help the people with aids, accept homosexuality as normal and everything else that he considers good, that God will love us. That is not what my bible reads. God sent his only Son to die for our sins on the cross. He was sent into this world to save us from going to Hell. That is never talked about in most churches today. Many of the churches are not only going along with Warren but go even further and go along with Oprah. She says that everyone is God. She is God, Obama is God and all other blacks are God. Black Muslim leader Louis Farrakan has stated unequivocally that Barak Hussein O. is God, is the savior. 

This is why I say that God, the Christian God, is going to bring this country to its knees and perhaps its death. We are not only sinning against Him, we are putting mere humans above him. This country was founded as a Christian nation on Christian principles. For anyone who does not believe that, read some of the founders speeches and letters. Everyone of them, even the ones who were not particularly religious, stated that for this country to prosper that God and Christ had to bless it. for over two hundred years God has blessed this country. Now most of the country has forgotten Him. He is a fair God but he wants us to acknowledge Him and do his will. Barak Hussein O. will bring this country down and I pray that some of us will be able to survive what is coming. 

More next time, until then try my other blogs.


Friday, December 19, 2008

More Fasciunism

Here comes another fasciunist movement to the USSSA, that is the United soviet Socialist States of America. Our so-called president Shrub just went out on his own and bailed out the auto industry. After the U.S. Senate shot down a bailout for two of the big three, dictator Shrub decided that being the final word, he would spit in their face and give the two car companies more than what they asked the senate for. What Dictator Shrub did is so unconstitutional that it borders on the ludicrous that he can get away with it. Now G.M. that is Government Motors and Cry-sir have until March to fix everything, be back on track, have everything worked out and be showing a profit. Just who in the H--l do Shrub and the car companies think they are kidding? It took thirty years or more to get into this predicament, what makes them think we should believe that they can correct it and be profitable in ninety days?

This is simply another fascist tactic to hold us over until the real communist, Hussein, takes the reins of government from Shrub. You see, there are only a few restrictions on the car companies right now. When they come back for more money, and they will have to, that is when the Hussein will nationalize them. Now they are simply running as a private company controlled by the government. That folks is fascism. 

Why do I believe that our next president will turn it to communism? Look at who he is putting in his cabinet and other advisers. They are all far leftists. His secretary of labor is all for card checkoff and so is Hussein. That means that there will no longer be secret elections to get a company unionized. There is also the little problem of the first amendment freedom of speech. It has already been stated that the demlicans are going to bring back the (un)fairness doctrine. That will effectively kill all freedom of speech in this country. The person in the attorney general position is violently anti 2nd amendment as is his boss Hussein. You see Hussein is very smart. He kept a couple of token republicrats like Gates in and added one or two others and this makes him look like a moderate on the surface. However, the people that really count, the people that can do the most to bring communism to this country are far left wing. Think about the freedoms we have lost due to the (un)Patriot Act and add to that the loss of the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, secret ballot, right to keep and bear arms and a couple of others. 

Already we are losing our freedom OF religion. Nowhere in the constitution does it say anything about the freedom FROM religion. It is okay to teach the Muslim religion in schools, and also the Hindu religion, just do not even mention the Christian religion. What the queers and dykes in California have done to the Mormon and other christian churches would be considered hate crimes if it were perpetrated against any other group except Christians. What is happening is that this once great country of ours is going into anarchy. Certain groups do not get their way, so they riot and burn and kill until they do get their way. Only certain groups are allowed to do this. These are fringe groups that the majority of Americans are against. When they find out that they can get their way by rioting they continue to do so. The homosexual community has forced their beliefs on the rest of the country until if you say anything against them it is hate speech. Why then is it not hate speech for them to deface property and otherwise harm other people, Christians in particular? This is all being let to happen so that when it gets bad enough, whoever is sitting in the white house can take over and become a dictator, ala Hitler and Mussolini. Remember fascism is another form of socialism and only a small step from blatant communism. This country needs to get back to God and to Jesus Christ. I will take that up next time. Until the check out the SASL blog. It may help you survive the coming upheaval.