This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


The politically correct language I see today is one of the ways that communism rears its ugly head in today's state of fasciunism. It is what George Orwell call newspeak in his book 1984. One of the terms he used was freedom is slavery. We are told we are free but we are constantly being told what we can do and how to do it. The patriot act is passed, and we are told that it is to protect our freedom, yet it actually takes away more of our freedoms. There is absolutely no right to privacy left in the country with even thieves being able to steal our identity. We are told not to smoke, what to and not to eat, to wear our seat belts and many other things and laws are being passed to make sure we do these things. This does not sound like freedom to me but remember; FREEDOM IS SLAVERY.

Ignorance is strength is another of Orwell's newspeak terms. Check out our public schools and you will find out that that is true. The government believes that our ignorance is their strenget. Thus you have the dumbing down of society starting at the kidnergarten level and continuing through college. Look at tests for public service such as police or fire departments. These tests have been made easier and easier so that we still have people that can pass them. What do we see on the nightly news, in news magazines and newspapers? We see a lot of sports, entertainment, financial lies and other fluff, no really hard news. Remember IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.
Orwell says, in the principles of newspeak; it was devised no only to provide a proper languae but to make all other modes of thought impossible. In other tell the lie long enough and it will become fact. More Thurs.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


At this time in history we are fighting terrorism. As far as I am concerned the terrorists have already pretty much won. They have Americans running scared. Washington D.C. looks like something from the near east. Soldiers, bunkers, areas that are protectecd by barricades, people being searched to go into our national shrines and cameras everywhere. When all of the extra "SECURITY" went out we were told; "Well, you may have to give up a little bit of freedom, but it is for the good of the majority". That is what Hitler told Germans when he started taking away their freedom. When so called terrorists attacked the Reichstag, Hitler put all kinds of extra security in place. We all know where that went. What we need to do is remember Benjamin Franklin said: "He who would give up a little bit of freedom for a little bit of security deserves neither freedom nor security. Hitler was behind the bombing of the Reichstag and used it to impose this extra security. I do not know whether the U.S. government is behind the 9/11 attacks, but if not they are sure taking advantage of them to scare the people into taking away their freedoms. A very fascist tactic.

Saturday, August 20, 2005


Some people do not believe that all of this could possibly a conspiracy. One oif the dictionary definitions of conspiracy is: "to join with others in the planning of an illegal or evil act". When six people got together on Jekyl Island in 1910 to plant the seeds that would become the Federal Reserve Board, what would you call it but a conspiracy. When a handful of men can get together to decide to take away the control the people have over their money and turn it over to a private organization run by international bankers, what would you call it. The fact that these men had the power to get the laws changed to make it legal, does not make it any less a conspiracy. So when I write about conspiracies it is because I believe it to be one. Remember what FDR said. There are also a lot of power hungry people in this country. They would conspire with anyone to gain money and power. Not that they need money as most of them are the super rich in America. They sit on the Bilderberg committee, the trilateral commission and the council on foreign relations and back everything that the United Nations does. I hope to show how these people use both fascist and communist tactics to attempt to gain control.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Same or Different?

Both communism and facism attempt to expand their territories and their power. Look at the WW II era and you will find both Stalin and Hitler trying to gain power and tertritory. The fact that they even formed an alliance for a time tells me that the two ism's are more alike than different. I will be using Germany and Russia and Hitler and Stalin in my writings only because they are the most well known of the two ism's. I will also show why I believe that the US is on its way to a fasciunist dictatorship. Is it a conspiracy? Well to quote America's only dictater for life, FDR, "If it happens in politics, it is not an accident, if it happens it was planned that way. I think with the use of both fascist and communist politics along with some ideas that seem to have come straight out of George Orwells 1984, this country is being subverted from within.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


There are only two real differences between communism and fascism. 1. Communism is a socialistic form of dictatorship that wants worldwide domination. Fascism is a socialistic form of dictatorship with strong national feelings. 2. In communism, all property is owned and controlled by the state. In fascism, most property is owned privately but controlled by the state. Sound familiar? Both communism and fascism are dictatorships and both control their people by intimidation. We might not be considered to be a dictatorship, but we are getting closser and closer. More and more things (wars, etc) are being done at the behest of the president without the blessing of congress or the people. More tomorrow

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Left or Right wing?

Most people consider facists to be right wing and communists to be left wing. Nothing could be further from the truth. The leftists in this country call right wing people facists. In fact anyone who tries to defend the constitution the way it is written will probably be called a fascist. The main reason for that is to obsfucate the fact that fascism is not what we have been led to believe. Let us take a look at what the real political sprectrum should look like. The way our gubmint skools teach it i from left to right: Communism-socialism-democracy-constitutional republic-anarchy-fascism. Some reverse the anarchy and fascismbut it is pretty much the same. The way it should look is: communism-fascism-socialism-constitutional republic-democracy-anarchy. Remember; Hitler was the head of the German Socialist Workers Party. And that was pure fascism. More tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Fascuinism and free trade

If you do not believe that both parties are involved in this, take a look at the free trade agreements. First, NAFTA, GATT, (now known as the WTO) and now CAFTA are all unconstitutional. The reason being is they are all treaties and needed to be approved by two thirds of the senate. This is the fascist trick of doing whatever the powers that be want to do and the law be damned. These treaties were iniated back in the 80's by conservative "R" Ronald R. They were then moved forward by moderate "R" George H.W.B. Along comes liberal "D" Bill C. and pushes, threatens and bribes the first two into existance. Next comes supposed conservative "R" George W.B. and pushes through CAFTA. So we go all the way through the political spectrum and find that all of them think alike. Liberal Bill C. bombed and asprin factory and went to war in Bosnia and conservative George W.B. went to war in Iraq as did moderate George H.W.B. They all did it without the constitutional requirement of having the congress declare war. So China gets all of our jobs and our money for their products and our armed forces go around the world getting killed. FASCUINISM pure and simple. More tomorrow.

Monday, August 08, 2005

The Real American Politics

The real American politics is actually FASCIUNISM. Most of the politicians who call themselves DEMLICANS or REPUBLICRATS are actually FASCIUNISTS. Fasciunism is a politecal philosophy combining fascism and communism, in order to take over a country, eliminate its sovereignty and turn it over to a one world government. While our two major political parties say there is a big difference, do not bet on it. Most R's and some D's just voted on CAFTA and approved it. On the other hand 33 D's were the only holdouts on condemning the supreme court's land take away decision. These are both fasciunsit tactics. So the D's and the R's are equally guilty in trying to take away our rights and turn us into a part of the one world government.