This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Media II

There is no real world news on television or even on the radio and very little in magazines or newspapers. If America is directly involved, such as the war in Iraq or one of our embassies gets bombed, or now if the terrorists strike somewhere, they might cover it. We get no news of what is really going on in Asia, Africa, Europe or South America. These things are not titillating enough and do not add to the ratings. Instead we are filled in in depth as to what is happening to Micheal Jackson or Maddona's latest sexual conquest. These are things that should be saved for the entertainment magazine shows, of which there are many, but they feel they have a larger audiencefor the so-called news. These are things that are basically immoral and meant to help bring down American moral standards. Feed enough people enough of this type of trash on what is supposed to be a news program and it will soon become the norm. Business news, which should be important to all of us is another glossed over item on most newscasts. It is either just the market figures or maybe a quick look at some big wheel CEO that just got arrested for doing what the government has been doing for years. Occasionally we get the unemployment or cost of living reports, both of which are lies. At least half of the unemployed are not counted and the two most basic and expensive items; food and fuel, are left out of the cost of living. All in all, the evening news on television is three or four minutes of news and fifteen minutes of feel good, low morals, sexually explicit, ratings making garbage. Then we come to the TV news magazines. Sixty Minutes, Dateline, 20/20 and all of the other clones. When these shows began many years ago, they were rather good and informative. Sixty Minutes started it all and the others followed. The ratings were high, which tells me that the people in America were starved for good hard news coverage. However, something happened to these shows. Apparently being tired of digging into the dry but important news, they turned to doing nature stories, outlandish stories and interviewing some of the more morally depraved stars and sports figures in America. I believe that this is intentional to speed up the dumbing down and morally decaying of America. The talking heads on all of these news and magazine programs are being paid millions to do this. Someone wants things done this way and are willing to pay. The newscasters are either true belivers in fasciunism or they are very greedy, or both.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

The Media

When I talk about the media, I include what passes for the entertainment industry today. They have become so closely related that sometimes it is hard to tell the difference. This is especially true of TV news, where everything depends on ratings, but overflows into other media as well. No matter which media you choose, the news you get will be slanted. What should be a straightforward news story is slanted to fit the politically correct version of things. Newspeak is used almost exclusively, and every reporter becomes an interperter of the news rather than just simply a reporter. Sometimes you cannot blame the reporter because their boss may tell them that a story cannot be printed if it contains a truth the media does not want known. While each medium is different, they all promote one thing: the replacement of our American culture with a multi-culture of anything goes, no individual responsibility, America is always at fault mentality. Much of the time the media is government's mouthpiece, telling us exactly what the government wants us to know. This is especially true when we have leftist, liberals in charge of things. When you have conservatives in charge the stories are slanted against them. This is simply a ploy that is easily seen through. TV, radio, newspapers and news magazines are all guilty of the same thing, trying to dumb down the American people. TV is the worst of the lot. Getting all of your news from TV, as many Americans do, is probably worse than not getting any news at all. Watch the evening news and you will get almost nothing from it. Ten of the thirty minutes are devoted to commercials, leaving twenty minutes for "news". About four or five minutes are devoted to hard news. The rest of the news is devoted to sports, entertainment, medicine and other fluff pieces. Normally only one or two major news stories are covered in what they call "depth". Their depth tends to be both shallow and frivolous. They are also slanted to the left's particular idea of right and wrong. When Slick Willie Clinton was running the war in Kosovo, we could do no wrong over there. With G.W. running the war in Iraq, we only hear the bad news, none of the good. While I think that both of these wars were morally wrong for this country, that is not the way the media plays it. When Clinton bombed an asprin factory, there was no loud clamor from the media. When Clinton was up for impeachment, what did the media dwell on? The sex angle of the case because in entertainment, sex sells. Many people I talked to did not know he was accused of lying, perjury and obstruction of justice. They thought he was brought up on the oral sex charge and said we should stay out of his private life. This is exactly what the media preached and wanted us all to believe. They continued trying to break down the American moral code. We were asked to believe, according to Clinton and his lap dog media, that oral SEX was not a sex act. When Clinton made the asinine state that, "It depends on what your definition of is, is" no one in the media took him to task for it. The more you watch the news on TV the less you know what is really going on in the world.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Morals and Responsibility V

For all of governments propensity for taking responsibility for certain actions, there never seem to be any consequences for them. Look back to the Waco, Texas massacre of over eighty men, women and children. A group killed for their religious beliefs that someone in government did not believe in. Janet Reno and Bill Clinton took full responsibility. What retribution has ever been made. What punishment has been meted out to the two of them. NONE!! Fasciunist newspeak has turned the word responsibility into something that means two different things. One definition is used for the government and the other definition is used for us lower class "slobs". Another case showing how individual responsibility has been eliminated or used to mean whatever the government wants it to, is the gun control issue. In the wake of the spate of school shootings several years ago, gun control laws were being proposed fast and furious. When you look at the Columbine, Colorado shooting and realize that at least twenty laws were broken by the two shooters, it amazes me that the gun grabbers want us to believe that one more law would make any difference. The reason that when crimes are committed using firearms, it is always the firearm that is blamed, not the person using the firearm is to remove any individual blame. In that way, more laws can be passed and more of our God given rights taken away. For the fasciunists to get to the point of dictatorship, all of our rights, starting with gun rights, need to be negated. This is exactly why the second amendment was included in the bill of rights, to make sure we could defend ourselves against a rogue government. Blaming the gun for the crime is like blaming the automobile when a drunk driver kills someone. Laying the responsibility for crime on gun manufacturers is like telling G.M., Ford and Chrysler that they are responsible for all traffic deaths. The fact is that the responsibility lies with the individual. This is true whether it a crime committed with a firearm, a drunken driver in a car or anyone else committing any other crime. We need to return to a time when individuals are held responsible for their own actions. However, this is not what the fasciunists want. They want us to ignore individual responsibility while accepting general group responsibility for all of the ills in the world. This is another way to help hasten the much needed anarchy, which will help them to fulfill their aims.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Morals and Responsibility IV

Once we give homosexuals and lesbians everything they want what will be next? Are we going to legalize and glamorize pedophilia? Beastiality? Rape? If a homosexual is born the way he or she is, does it not stand to reason that a pedophile or rapist is also born into doing what they are doing? Right at this time the state of Massachusetts is basically decriminalizing beatiality. They are taking all strong language out of the law and lowering the penaltys to almost nothing. When will the first TV show come on showing a man and sheep or a woman and pony being a couple? When will that type of marriage become legal? This is the way I see the country going, to an even more, anything goes society. One of the ways the communists originally stated that they were going to take over this country was to eliminate our moral standards. The fasciunists keep pushing the envelope until soon we will have no moral code. This is one more thing that could cause total anarchy. This is just what the fasciunists want, total anarchy that they can turn into a dictatorship. Where does the responsibility for all of this lie? Well, first we have to look at responsibility itself. I stated earlier that no one is responsible for their own actions. However, according to many of the liberal, left wing fasciunists, we white Americans of European decent are responsible for all of the problems of the entire world. Slick Willie Clinton went all over the world apologizing for everything that was wrong anywhere and putting the responsibility on us. He went to Africa and took responsibility for the U.S. for every problem there. We are responsible for all of their tribal wars, the death, the poverty and everything else that is wrong, especially the AIDS epedemic. That is a bunch of crap. The only reason he said all of that is it is feel good talk for the left wing and he knows nothing can be done about the things he claims are our fault. Things that are our fault such as his bombing of Yugoslavia or now our bombing and other killing in Iraq are never mentioned as our responsibility. What we have here is the government now being the ones telling us what we are responsible for. They are telling us we are too stupid to think for ourselves so they will tell us. They try to tell us that you are not responsible for being as homosexual and that we are not responsible for killing people whether it be in Yugoslavia or Iraq. But then they tell us that we are responsible for providing young people to fight the wars and responsible for seeing that homosexuals get special treatment. We are told that there is not individual responsibility, but as a group we are responsible for everything bad that happened. The more we allow things like this to take place the more freedoms we will lose and the sooner big brother fasciunism will take over completely. Something needs to be done before the fasciunist dictatorship takes over

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Morals and Responsibility III

Euthanasia falls into the same category as abortion. Once we have been desensitized to death of the unborn, we can start killing the very old. It is now called assisted suicide, but that is just for now and it is still killing. Once taking life by assisted suicide becomes common, it may no longer be the patient themselves who make the decision to terminate their life. Imagine if you will, once the world gets still more populated, people being chosen for death because of their age, some deformity, a costly medical problem or some other criteria. Criteria that someone else (probably government) lays down. "That could not happen in America", you say, "That would be murder". Think about what I have said about the abortion and what was said in the sixties and then think about it again. Terry Shivo may be the tip of the iceberg on that front. Here was a woman who was starved to death because her husband wanted her insurance money and wanted to be able to marry the woman he was living in sin with and having children with. He said he believed in "Until death do us part" so he hurried the death. Our fasciunist court system gave him all the help he needed. They even usurped the congress who are to appoint those very courts, the governer of the state and the state representatives. So stand by for more mercy killings, this is just the beginning. There is a lot more of this type of murder taking place, it is just that most of it never makes the news. Many environmentilists already feel that there are already too many humans on earth. As most of thes groups are pure fasciunist, (usually with communist backing) you can look for them to promote euthanasia. Many of them already are saying it is okay to kill humans to save animals, so it probably will not be long before they rationalize the death of all old people. This is just another type of "ethnic" cleansing with a different set of parameters. Another thing that the sexual revolution and the no fault, no responsibility mantra brought us is the homosexual/lesbian movement. This type of pervert has been around since the beginning of recorded history. However in the past these people have been considered to be sinners. This is not only true of christianity, but of all religions that I am aware of. In our bibles and other holy books, homosexuality/lesbianism are treated as an abomination before God. Now, by using amorality as their code, fasciunists have made homosexuals and lesbians almost seem superior to hetro-sexuals. You have to remember, it is not their fault, the are not responsible for the way they are, they were born that way. That is a lot of fasciunist lies. Tell a big enough lie often enough and soon the people will believe it. Well I do not believe it for a minute. These people choose the life they live. It may be harder for some to live a hetro-sexual life, but it is possible. Take the easy way out they are told, if it feels good do it, we will make it legal, give you benefits, special privelages, the faciunists tell them. All of this at the taxpayers expense and in contradiction to the wishes of the majority of the population. I believe one of the reasons the fasciunists back this type of lifestyle is for population control. Two people of the same gender cannot produce babies. That and the fact that fasciunists want total people control are enough for them to back anything that will help the to obtain their goal.

Morals and Responsibility III

Euthanasia falls into the same category as abortion. Once we have been desensitized to death of the unborn, we can start killing the very old. It is now called assisted suicide, but that is just for now and it is still killing. Once taking life by assisted suicide becomes common, it may no longer be the patient themselves who make the decision to terminate their life. Imagine if you will, once the world gets still more populated, people being chosen for death because of their age, some deformity, a costly medical problem or some other criteria. Criteria that someone else (probably government) lays down. "That could not happen in America", you say, "That would be murder". Think about what I have said about the abortion and what was said in the sixties and then think about it again. Terry Shivo may be the tip of the iceberg on that front. Here was a woman who was starved to death because her husband wanted her insurance money and wanted to be able to marry the woman he was living in sin with and having children with. He said he believed in "Until death do us part" so he hurried the death. Our fasciunist court system gave him all the help he needed. They even usurped the congress who are to appoint those very courts, the governer of the state and the state representatives. So stand by for more mercy killings, this is just the beginning. There is a lot more of this type of murder taking place, it is just that most of it never makes the news. Many environmentilists already feel that there are already too many humans on earth. As most of thes groups are pure fasciunist, (usually with communist backing) you can look for them to promote euthanasia. Many of them already are saying it is okay to kill humans to save animals, so it probably will not be long before they rationalize the death of all old people. This is just another type of "ethnic" cleansing with a different set of parameters. Another thing that the sexual revolution and the no fault, no responsibility mantra brought us is the homosexual/lesbian movement. This type of pervert has been around since the beginning of recorded history. However in the past these people have been considered to be sinners. This is not only true of christianity, but of all religions that I am aware of. In our bibles and other holy books, homosexuality/lesbianism are treated as an abomination before God. Now, by using amorality as their code, fasciunists have made homosexuals and lesbians almost seem superior to hetro-sexuals. You have to remember, it is not their fault, the are not responsible for the way they are, they were born that way. That is a lot of fasciunist lies. Tell a big enough lie often enough and soon the people will believe it. Well I do not believe it for a minute. These people choose the life they live. It may be harder for some to live a hetro-sexual life, but it is possible. Take the easy way out they are told, if it feels good do it, we will make it legal, give you benefits, special privelages, the faciunists tell them. All of this at the taxpayers expense and in contradiction to the wishes of the majority of the population. I believe one of the reasons the fasciunists back this type of lifestyle is for population control. Two people of the same gender cannot produce babies. That and the fact that fasciunists want total people control are enough for them to back anything that will help the to obtain their goal.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Morals and Responbsibility II

A lot of the no morals, no blame started in the sixties with the so called "sexual revolution". Many people do not even realize how much has changed. They grew up in this morality, or lack thereof, and know nothing else. Those of us old enough to remember the "old" morality, have become so inured to the new that we have either forgotten what it was like or many have accepted the new as just part of life. The only people who still attempt to practice the old fashioned morality are many Christians. The fasciunist press and their cohorts have a good time making fun of these "unlearned, unwashed, ignorant" masses. What they do not want people to know is that the Christians are right. This country was founded on these moral principles. Let us take a look at how some things have changed and how the fasciunists are using them to further their cause. First; abortion. This is a subject that I remember arguing in the sixties.When I said abortion was murder of a baby and was wrong, I was told that it was a woman's right to do with her body as she pleased and it was none of my business. I was also told that it was not a baby but a fetus (fasciunist newspeak). Besides, abortions would be limited to first trimester and then mostly in cases of rape, incest or if the mother's life was in danger. When I would ask what they would think when a woman had the right to an abortion from moment of conception to moment of birth, I would get laughed at and told, "That could never happen in America". Here is a scenario to look at: Two women get pregnant the same day. They are no both seven months pregnant. One woman has a premature baby that is slightly deformed. The second woman finds out that her baby may also be deformed so she has an abortion. Can the first woman now kill her baby as it is exactly the same age as the "fetus" that was killed? The fasciunists in government, in our court system and in the media and entertainment industry have made this possible. What ever happened to women and girls who did not want babys, taking the responsibility of not getting pregnant? What about men and boys not getting a female you are not married to pregnant? What happened to marrying the female you got pregnant and raising the child? What happened to being responsible for the child you created? That goes for both male and female. Calling a baby a fetus does not change the fact that murder is still murder. A human life is a human life. The fact that the baby is the wrong gender, will interfere with my lifestyle, cannot be afforded, does not belong to my husband but to one of my many boyfriends and I am not even sure which, is not perfect or any of the other reason for an abortion does not make it right. The faciunists tell us, "If it feels good do it, and there is no need to accept responsibility". This makes murder okay. Maybe in their book, but not in mine.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Morals and Responsibility

This is the one place where fasciunists are doing the most damage to America. They have taken newspeak and perpetuated more big lies. Some call it cultural communism and that may well be how it started. One of the things that we are constantly told is that you cannot legislate morality. That is a lot of pure bunk. Murder, rape, assult, battery, theft, robbery: these are all moral issues and each and every one of them has been legislated against. All of these things should be legal if morality cannot be legislated. Using newspeak and fasciunist thinking we are told that it it wrong to be immoral but being amoral is okay. How can that be? To be amoral means to have no moral code at all. If a person is amoral, they can be neither moral or immoral because they have no set parameters to go by. Now you get to set your own rules so if you decide you want to murder or rape, it is okay because you have no parameters to go by that tell you otherwise. Each person gets to set their own rules of what is right and wrong and that would lead to total anarchy. This is what the fasciunists want so they can step in and become dictators. At that point they would decide right and wrong. They would decide what rights to give us as they would completely throw out the constitution. We would have no God given rights, only government given rights. Rights that could be given and taken at a whim. Along with this lack of morals comes a complete lack of responsibility. When someone breaks one of the laws based on morality, it is never their fault. When a teenage girl gets pregnant, it is not her fault. When some robs a bank or convenience store it is not their fault. When a teenager kills their parents, it is not their fault. We have no fault divorces, no fault insurance and no fault just about everything else. You cannot correct young children when they do wrong; you might hurt their itty bitty feelings. You cannot blame adults for the wrongs they commit because they were never taught different and if they were taught different; it was the TEACHING that drove them to the life of crime. Back when the Columbine, Colorado school murders occured, not once did I hear the students that committed the crime being blamed. Parents, teachers, the school system, police, a girlfriend, the man who sold them a couple guns, psychriatrists, video games, movies, drugs and possibly some other things, but not once the youths themselves. When we go to war and invade another country and the wrong targets are bombed, it is never our fault. It happened in Kosovo when the Chinese embassy was bombed under Bill Clinton's watch. It happened and is still happening in Afganastan and Iraq when the wrong targets are hit under G.W.'s watch. That shows that fasciunism is not limited to one political party. Throw a DEMLICAN and a REPUBLICRAT into a bag, and out will come two fasciunists.

Saturday, November 12, 2005


Immigration is being used by the fasciunists to attempt to bring America to its knees. We have always depended on immigration in this country. Even if you can trace your ancestors back to the Mayflower, you are a decendent of immigrants. The difference is, most white European immigrants came here legally because they were needed. I can even remember when immigrants had to be sponsored to be able to enter the country. Now is seems to me that anyone can come into the country anytime, legally or illegally. We are supposed to welcome them with open arms, even if they are illegals. We are supposed to give them welfare, teach their children, let them take our jobs because they will work for much less than minimum wage. When it comes to teaching their children, that is why many come here, to have a baby. That makes it an American citizen and the parents cannot be asked to leave. We wind up paying medical costs, schooling, welfare and all other costs on families of ten or twelve people. Here is how it works. A company decides that it does not want to pay going wages for their janitorial staff. They hire an illegal, knowing that they will get the whole family, maybe five or six people. They work them seven days a week and give them no overtime and no benifits. The total cost for the company probably comes to less than a dollar an hour per person. The family pays no taxes because they are illegal. We taxpayers still pay all their medical cost and many other costs. The family probably lives with several other families, 20 or 30 people in one apartment or trailer. The company I am talking about here is Walmart. They admitted doing this but denied that any top official knew about it. A recently released document proved that claim false. It was known about right to the top. Walmart is one of the most anti-American, fasciunistic companies in the country. They try to force companies that sell to them to move their operations overseas, usually to plants in which they are partial owners. They close their eyes to slave labor and anything else just to make more profit and to make America into a third world country. If that sounds harsh it is: however these companies and most of our government will stop at nothing to turn this country into part of the one world government that the fasciunists desire. So when it comes to immigration, I am all for it, but believe that it must be controlled. When the immigrant is illegal it means they have broken a law. To me that means they either go to jail as any American would if they broke a law, or they are deported. There should be a definate cap on the number of immigrants that are allowed. Unemployment figures and other criteria need to be used to determine the number that will not harm America. When immigrants come here they should be expected to learn our language and our customs. It should not be up to me to learn their language and customs. An example of this is the Hmongs. While they helped us in the Viet Nam war and probably deserve to immigrate here, they should also become Americans. There are many of them who have been in this country well over 20 years and still do not speak a word of english. Another thing is; if we do not close our borders, when the next terrorist attack takes place we will know right where to look: at illegal immigrants. Terrorists can come in from the north or south very easily and nothing will be done until it is too late. This is not the America the founders foresaw. This is fast becoming the America the one world fasciunists want. An America they control with an iron fist. It must not happen.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Racism VI

Still looking at racism we may want to take a look at some other things. Take the black holiday called Kwanza. Here is a holiday that was invented a few years ago by a black that was in prison for beating up women. It was invented to take the place of Christmas and as a slap in the face to white Christians. We are told that we should learn more about it and how and why it is celebrated. As it takes place during my most important Christian holiday, I do not believe that I need to give up what I believe to follow some pagen religion. For this I am called racist. Many American cities now spend more money on Cinco de Mayo (Mexican Independence Day) than they do on U.S. Independence Day. And because I will not celebrate with the Mexicans I am called a racist. We Americans are supposed to change our thinking, our beliefs and our very lives or else we are called racist. Then we have inter-racial marriage. When we breed animals we always look for purity of the breed. We want a pedigree that goes back many generations. Now, as Americans, we are told that we are racists if we do not endorse and support inter-racial marriage. We are being told that we are less than animals, that we do not need to be a pure strain. The only ones that can get away with keeping their race pure is the Jews, all the while calling the rest of us racists if we do not agree with the inter-racial marriage. Inter-racial affairs and even marriages have probably always been around. Just as dogs that breed do not really care what the other dog is, these people do not care. What do you get when dogs of different breeds mix? Mongrels. To sum up racism: you can be proud to be black, you can be proud to be hispanic, you can proud to be an American Indian, you can be proud to be Jewish, but you better not be proud to be white. That makes you a racist. If you are white you must hate the white race and the fact that you are white. You must do all you can to bring the white race to its knees while lifting up the other races. You must help with the demise of the white race or you are a racist. Well, I guess I need to plead guilty, I am proud to be white. If that makes me a racist, so be it. As I said at the beginning, racist is just a word brought to this country by a German facist. It is now being used by fasciunists to bring about world wide communism.
Immigration pretty much fall into the same category. We have to be for all immigration, legal and illegal or we are considered xenophobeic. While America has always welcomed immigrants, we had laws and rules and these were to be followed. Now it seem like instead of a melting pot we are supposed to be a tossed salad. I will finish this subject in the next post.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Racism V

While many or maybe even most Jews are fasciunists and when it suits their purpose the choose to be call white, when you are questioning them about their ideas, they all of a sudden become semites. While the Jews preach multi-culturalism and try to appear politically correct, they are one of the most homogeneous groups in this country. They tell their children to marry only other Jews, they form close knit groups, live in Jewish neighborhoods and send their children to Jewish schools. Most Jews consider themselves citizens of Isreal first and America second. They may have been born here and never even have visited Isreal, yet they consider it their home country. Disagreeing with a Jew will get you called an anti-semite. I have been called an antisemite for stating that Stalin, with the help of Jews, killed more Christians that Hitler killed Jews. I have been called anti-semite for suggesting that there might not have been six million Jews killed during the holocaust, that some of the people were of other races. I have even been called an anti-semite for suggesting that there have been other holocausts in the world that should be looked at. While Americans had nothing to do with the holocaust, in fact we were the ones that helped to free the Jews that were still being held, we are still blamed because some of us are of European decent. We are told that because of this we need to give the Jews special privelages. The Jews that attain places of power in politics, the media, government, entertainment and the banking business, mouth the fasciunist line right down to the last letter. What is more, there are a disporportinate number of Jews in these fields according to their percentage of America. At the same time that they say they believe America should be a multi-cultural country, they want Isreal backed as one of the strictest single culture country in the world. They want nothing bad said about Isreal and America is to back them no matter whether they are right or wrong. There are also many other things that are considered racism that should not be. In my next post I will look at a couple of them and then move on to a very related topic of immigration.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Racism IV

The Asian race is here for many reasons. The Chinese were brought here as coolies to build the railroads, the Hmongs are here because of the help they gave us during the Viet Nam war and others are here for other reasons. I have no problem if these people are here legally. Where I have the problem is when I say that I feel that if these people want to live in this country and enjoy the fruits of America, they should learn our language and traditions. That is when I get called racist and told that they have every right to keep their own identity. That is when the fasciunists start throwning around the term multi-culturalism. What ever happened to the melting pot? The last country that decided to go multi-cultural was the Roman Empire and you know what happened to them. The American Indians have this country right where they want it thanks to the fasciunists. They are considered soveriegn nations and yet they want to enjoy full rights under our constitution. We are told by the fasciunists that it is due to the fact that we took their country by force that we owe them all of this special treatment. BULL! Almost every country in exestance has been taken by force at some time in history. In 1947 the Jews forcibly took over land from the Arabs. Do they treat the Arabs like we treat the American Indian? Not hardly. The treaties that were signed with various tribes are being interpeted in ways that were never meant to be. I have read through a couple of the treaties and see nowhere that gives them the right to run gambling casinos. They are taking literally billions of dollars out of the hands of Americans that otherwise would be used productively. And as for being Native Americans, I believe that anyone that was born in America of legal citiznens of America, is a native
American. If I was born here and my parents were born here and I am not a native American, what country am I native to. But according to the fasciunists, that is a racist statement. Now that I have set myself up to be called a racist by every race and every white, liberal, fasciunist in the country, I might as well add anti-semitism to the mix. You see, when you say anything against ANY Jew you are a racist to the fasciunists and an anti-semite to the Jews. It does not matter if you are telling the truth or not, it is racist and anti-semitic to say anything bad about any Jew. If a Jewish person kills someone and you call that person a killer, you have just made a racist and anti-semitic statement. I do not have time today to get into the Jewish part of rascism, so I will continue this on the next post.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Racism III

Another thing that is happening that is being called racism is that the minuteman organization is now coming into the suburbs of this country and looking for illegal aliens. As the illegal aliens they are looking for are from Mexico, naturally they are watching hispanics. They are being called racist for picking on only brown skinned people. Well as the largest percentage of illegals in this country are from Mexico and Mexicans are normally brown skinned: Just who would the minutemen be expected to be watching? This is exactly what is happening at the airports and New York subway. 90 year old, grey haired grandmothers and blue eyed, blonde youngsters are being stopped and checked as possible terrorists. This is carrying political correctness way too far. But if anyone dares to look for terrorists or illegal aliens in the race they are known to be of, the fasciunist press jumps right and finds some of that race to scream racial profiling all over the airways. I have not flown commercially since 9-11. I refuse to go through the ignorant checks that are being made on people. When my wife's son was dying in Florida, I drove down to see him rather than fly. Just before he died, my wife made a second trip to see him, going with her other son. They flew down and guess what? You got it; she was pulled out of line and checked as a possible terrorist. The lady is 67 years old, has very light skin, blonde hair and blue eyes. She told me that in the meantime, on her various changes of plane on the trip that she never once saw anyone that looked like an Arab being checked. That is the most asinine thing that I ever heard of. The only race that can be singled out for mistreatment is the white race. I agree with a statement that Edgar Steele makes on his web site that if you do not assist in bringing down the white race; you are in fact a racist. That is exactly what the fasciunists want, to bring down the white race and take the country away from them. It is my contention that the high flying international fasciunists that want to control the world under a one world government, know that they can never do this as long as whites control America. By starting a race war and bringing the white race down, they feel that they can then make a third world country out of America and increase their profits while taking the country into the one world government. I still am proud to be white and will continue to do so until I die. If they want to call me racist for that, so be it. We need more whites to stand up for our race, to tell the faciunists to take their accusations and stick them where the sun does not shine. Until we all stand up for the white race, we are going to be the ones being brought down. I am not racist, but any white person who is helping to bring down the white race is definately racist. They are white haters, even though they themselves are white. That makes them racists. More next time.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Racism II

Do I believe that whites are better than blacks? Hispanics? Asians? American Indians? Not really, I just believe that we are different and I am also proud to be white. By being proud to be white the fasciunists and other liberals label me a racist or a white supremicist. Look at what is happening in the country today. More than 200 years ago blacks were brought to this country as slaves. They were sold to white slave traders by BLACK AFRICAN slave traders. Yet it is the whites that are blamed for slavery. While I or no one in my family has ever owned a slave, I am told that because I am white I owe reparations. We have already lost many of our freedoms due to affirmative action, quotas and other laws favoring blacks. The same people who are complaining that their ancestors were slaves and want us to pay them for it do not seem to realize that they would be in Africa were it not for slavery. When you look at the aids epedemic, the poverty, the tribal wars, the starvation and all of the other things in Africa now, you wonder at these people's thinking. Would they really prefer being in Africa rather than in America? I do not see many getting in line to leave. Hispanics are another ethnic group which feels that they are not treated fairly. In the first place many of them are here illegally, which is a subject we will take up on another post. What I find really interesting is that right now in New Orleans there is a racial debate going on between the blacks and the hispanics. The black mayor is complaining loudly that all of the jobs in the rebuilding of the city are going to hispanics. He and the black population of the city believe that these jobs should go to blacks. I have some questions about this. Are blacks applying for the jobs? Have enough blacks returned to N.O. to fill these positions? Is it a case of the blacks not wanting to take the jobs because it might jeprodize their food stamps and welfare checks? Are the hispanics here legally? If they are not they should be arrested and sent back to Mexico. It is very interesting to me that the two races that complain most about being mistreated are now fighting with each other. I have not yet heard anything from our faciunists in politcs or their faciunist lapdog press. It will be interesting to see which sid they come down on. More on racism next post.