This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Ron Paul

As we look at the upcoming election, we need to be very careful about who we vote for. I only see one candidate that understands what this country and its constitution means. I only see one person who will fight to make sure that the constitution is followed. I have looked at all of the candidates in both parties and the only true American running for president is Ron Paul. All of the other candidates are business as usual for America.

While I do not believe for a minute that Ron Paul could get everything done that he states he would like to, I think he would veto any bill that he felt was unconstitutional. It might cause a few problems in the beginning but I believe as soon as congress realized that they were not going to run over him, things would begin to change. Change is what is really needed in this country now.

First to the patriot act and patriot act II. These are bills that are unconstitutional and take away freedoms guaranteed a rights. These rights are not given to us by the government, but are God given rights protected by the constitution. 9/11 was used as a ploy to get many bills passed that are not constitutional and not needed. This is the way that fascists operate and we have a fasciunist government. As soon as the fascist tactics bring us to our collective knees, the one world communism (UN) will take over. Ron Paul will not let us be led into a one world government. Things like the North American Union will not happen. Paul understands what sovereignty means and knows that this is a sovereign nation.

Ron Paul will do his best to eliminate the Federal Reserve (Fed.) and eliminate the IRS. The federal reserve is not Federal and has no reserves. It was put into place after an conspiracy took place taking the printing of money out of the hands of congress and giving it to private bankers. This is totally illegal and unconstitutional. As for the IRS, I do not believe that the amendment to the constitution authorizing it was ever legally enacted.

I believe that under a Ron Paul presidency we would see the borders sealed off and invaders, especially from Mexico, kept out. For one thing he would begin to bring troops home from the many countries and they could be used to patrol the border. This is what the federal government is supposed to do, protect our borders not the borders of dozens of countries around the world. He would end the war in Iraq, a war that we are fighting for all the wrong reasons. We have no right to tell a country what type of government it should have. By doing that we are just being a bully. Once Saddam was gotten rid of we should have left the country. It is ever a stretch to think that we should have gone in and taken him out. However, I will go that far but no farther. We have no right to force democracy on any country. The real fact is that no one has a right to force democracy on the USA. This is a Representative Republic and should remain that way. The fact that it is being run as a democracy is the cause of most of our problems. In a democracy a small but vocal minority can use their influence to get their own way over the majority. This is already going on in this country and it is getting worse. The next step is anarchy and then martial law. The only way to prevent this is to get back to the constitution and the only way to get back to the constitution is to elect Ron Paul for president.