This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Monday, March 28, 2011

WW III Part 3

Here we are again, still at war and the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State cannot even agree on why we are in Libya and what we are trying to accomplish. We have also just found out from the rebels themselves that they are being backed by the Muslim Brotherhood and members of that group are involved in the fighting. That kind of makes what I said last week even more credible. B. Hussein O. did not go into the war until he realized that it was the Muslims that needed his help. Our pretendsident is an embarrassment to this country and a laughing stock to the rest of the world.

Japan is having all kinds of problems with their nuclear reactors and Libya is at war with itself and B. Hussein O. goes on spring break in Rio. Then he finds out the Muslims need his help in Libya so he takes his orders from the UN and goes to war. Meanwhile Japan continues to suffer and try to keep from getting radiation spread around the country and perhaps the world. He have a speech on Libya but I have not heard much from our great leader about them.

I believe that our pretendsident is playing with fire by doing what the UN wants and bypassing the United States of America Constitution. The constitution says that protecting the citizens of this country is one of the things that is required of the federal government. So why does he not obey that and close off the southern border from invaders? While it is easy for terrorists to come across that border his Dept. of Homeland Security tries to tell us that it is white Christians that we need to worry about. When the house decided to have an investigation into home grown terrorists, the libs, including our pretendsident, complained that they were being racist and stereotyping the Muslims. They complained that they were not investigating white Christians and other "terrorist" groups. This is getting to be downright ludicrous. Every terrorist attack we have suffered since 9/11 has been carried out (or attempted) by a Muslim.

What I am afraid is going to happen if this continues is that the war will come here to our shores. You are already seeing anarchy in this country promoted by the unions. What happens when that anarchy spills over to our federal government? Anarchy breeds more anarchy and it is not a long stretch that if enough people decide that B. Hussein O. is walking all over our constitution that they will take the matter in their own hands and the riots will begin. What will the government do then? Will they give the anarchists what they want the way they are tell leaders of other countries to do? If enough people want B. Hussein O. impeached and they riot calling for him to step down, will he do it? That is what he he has been telling other leaders in the Mideast.

We are currently in three wars, our economy is in the tank and we have a leader who does not know what is going on in this country, much less the world. He is living in a dream world of academics and believes his (great intellect?) is all he needs to get through all of this. He still apparently he believes that he is the Messiah or some other god. All he is, is a first class narcisist that feels he can do no wrong. He is pushing all the right buttons to keep WW III going and bringing it to this country. He hates Christians, will not even honor the National Day of Prayer, yet he prays with the Muslims on the White House lawn.

As usual, I hope I am wrong but I have a feeling we had better be ready for the war to come to us. Col. Khadaffi is going to start taking revenge on the coalition members of which we are one. The Muslims that are attempting to take over Libya are not going to help anyone. They are too busy raping black African and killing both black African men and women. As I just stated, I hope I am wrong, but it is time to be ready.

Until next time check out:

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Last week I asked the question,"Has WW III begun"? This week I am even more certain that it has. Just today we have gone to war with Libya. How many small wars do we need to be in and in how many countries before it is called a world war. We are currently in three countries fighting and only one of them threatened us. I was fully in support in going to war in Afghanistan because Osama bin Laden was there and he was the one that was behind the 9-11 attack on our shores. I was never in favor of war with Iraq. Saddam Hussein may have been a dictator and a cruel man, but he was in Iraq and they had done nothing to us. Whatever was going on there was internal and none of our business. What is going on in Libya is a civil war and none of our business.

If you look at it real close the rebels in Libya started it and now that Mohmar Qaddafi retaliated, we are supposed to go in and help the rebels. How would the United States like it if a group of rebels here decided that they did not like the present government and started a war against our government? Would they not retaliate just like Qaddafi is? I do not believe that they would just step aside like they expect Qaddafi to do. We have yet to help a country like that and have it turn out in our favor. We helped Castro take over Cuba and have been sorry ever since. We help get a change in Iran and look what that got us. We have been in Iraq for years and they still do not have a stable government. As soon as we leave it will be as bad or worse than it was before we got there.

Enough of that, let's just look at Libya. We currently have a coalition of twenty-one countries going after one dictator. I do not believe the allied forces during WW II had that many countries involved. If that was a world war, what is this? The UN, which is supposed to be a peace keeper has given the go-ahead to do what is being done. Does that mean it is right? I do not believe that it is right because the UN is a communist organization and will not be happy unless Libya becomes a communist country. If we succeed in squelching this dictator and give the rebels the upper hand, which one of the other countries that are now rioting to get rid of their leaders will ask for our help? And if we help one country's rebels should we not help all of them? This is why I firmly believe that we are in WW III.

There is something else that I believe is going to escalate this war into something bigger. Qaddafi may be a dictator, he may be insane and he may be ruthless but one thing he is not and that is stupid. You can bet he is going to retaliate. How? He has people loyal to him all over the world. They are in many different countries, including the United States. When he puts the work out to them the assassinations will begin. When high level officials in this country start being assassinated, what do you think we will do? What do you think the other countries in this coalition will do when their officials start to be assassinated? It will be all out war and ground troops will be called for.

B. Hussein O. has been against war throughout his campaign and his first two years in office. If you believe that I may have a real nice bridge to nowhere to sell you. He is a fasciunist just like most of the demlicans and republicrats are and he will go to war a quick as any of them. Did he even ask congress for permission to do this? I do not know, but I do not believe he did. The UN told him to do it so he did, he takes his orders from the Muslims and communists in the UN.

The fasciunists of the world believe it is time for war. Thus, we go and we help them to take over another sovereign nation. When will it end? When the free people of the world rise up and take over. the Muslims are currently attempting to take over the world. This is what all of the uprisings in the Middle East are all about. It is not about democracy, it is about the Muslims wanting a worldwide caliphate. And we are helping them do it because we have a Muslim or at least Muslim sympathizing pretendsident. So get ready, the war will be coming to these shores soon. Once again I pray that I am wrong, but am afraid that I am right.

Until next week check out my other blog and stop in my web store and check out the merchandise. The survival blog is at:

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Has WW III Begun?

I believe that it is time to take a good look at the world and see what is going on and what it could cause. You have unrest all over the Mideast and Africa. You have riots in Wisconsin and they are spreading to other states. Israel is no better off today than it was several years ago, still fighting the Palestinians and still being asked to give up more and more land. Americans get shot in Germany and Russia has its own problems with its one time satellites. North Korea is flexing its muscles and threatening both the US and South Korea. Here in this country there is a lot of unrest besides the riots in Wisconsin. When a Representative from New York decides to have a hearing into whether the Muslims are helping to make home grown terrorists, he is slammed by the bleeding heart liberals, the government controlled Obama loving press and the Muslims. What else is there that needs to touch off WW III?

The way I see it is that all of these things are related and will come to ahead and then everyone will realize that the world is at war. There will be no battlefield like there has been in other wars. This war will be (and is being) fought all over the world by small groups and individual terrorists. Leading the war will be our own B. Hussein O. who may or may not be a practicing Muslim, but I believe that at heart he believes the Muslim way. There are more and more Muslims here in the US that are pushing for Sharia Law. The government controlled media (ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, etc.) hardly even mention it. That means that they are in tacit agreement with the Muslims. They seem to think that it is a freedom of religion thing, even as they demonize Christians. Our pretendsident just sits back has parties, plays golf and lets everything else go.

B. Hussein O. is the ultimate in fasciunism. He will use every fascist tactic at his disposal to bring his brand of Marxism or Communism to this country. By attempting to spend the country into bankruptcy, he knows that the only way out would be his brand of Marxism. He has sent his union thugs and his other Chicago style thugs to Wisconsin to agitate for the state workers. He has no business in the state of Wisconsin and neither do his thugs. This is an attempt at ruling by mob rule, otherwise know as Anarchy. Outside of our country he is making more enemies. He tells Mubarak of Egypt, who has been our ally for thirty years, that he has to step down. Yet when Libya or Iran riot he has nothing to say. It is plain the he is on the side of the Muslims. The Muslims worked closely with Hitler before and during WW II. That fits right in with the fascist portion of his fasciunism. His taking over of GM, Chrysler, banks, insurance companies and our health care point to the end game of communism.

Put all of this together and what do you get? Well in my opinion I see our pretendsident allowing and even encouraging worldwide unrest to spring up all over. At the same time he also is personally stoking the fires of unrest here in this country. He calls the Tea Party racist and terrorists, yet sends real terrorists into Wisconsin to riot and attempt to take over a state government. There are death threats against the governor and many of the stat senators and assembly members but neither he nor his lap dog press say a word about it. Big stories are made about much lesser threats to demlicans or other cry baby, diaper clad liberals, where are even a couple small stories about the vile signs held in the Wisconsin riots or any of the threats?

The way I see it (and this is personal opinion) is these riots are exactly what B. Hussein O. wants. He is now in the campaign mode (if he ever got out of it) and if he sees himself possibly being beaten he needs another way to remain in power. When a man gets into power and appoints a bunch of illegal czars I do not believe it is just a coincidence. I believe he intends to stay in power by any means necessary. FDR used WW II to become the first president for life and I believe that B. Hussein O. intends to use internal civil strife to do the same thing. Either he is planning something on this order or he is stupid and I for one believe he is very intelligent. He lets thing go while he plays golf or basketball or has another party or sports team at the White House. When things get bad enough he will step up and attempt to take over this country as a virtual dictator. Some of the things that he currently does are dictator like, so it will be no big stretch for him to attempt to take over the entire country. That is why he is sending his thugs to Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana and other places to stir up unrest. If that does not work he has the international scene to fall back on. That is the reason he does not interfere in Iran, Libya, North Korea or other African or Mideast countries and is content to have Israel and the Palestinians continue to fight. He normally takes the side of the country that is in the wrong and thus foments more and more unrest.

So that is why I believe that WW III has already begun. It is only a matter of time before this country is pulled into the fray or breaks into a civil war of its own. When that happens the ship will hit the sand. We may wind up fighting Muslims who want Sharia law or we may wind up fighting terrorists from other countries or even home grown terrorists. Remember, the Department of Homeland Security considers anyone on the right as a potential terrorist. Anyone who owns a gun, is a Christian, does not believe invaders (illegal aliens) should have equal rights with citizens, does not believe in Obamacare, etc., etc. fits that category according to them. People, I believe it is time to get ready. God help us that we never have to decide to go to war with our brother citizens. However, I feel that it is better to be ready and never have to fight than not to be ready when the other side decides to take away the rest of our freedoms. WW III has begun, there is no doubt in my mind. It is time to be ever vigilant. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

Check out my survival blog for more on things to be done. you will find it at: