This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Education?? II

To continue with last week's thoughts we only need to look at what the youngsters are taught in schools. First they are taught history, but not the history that was taught 50 years ago. They are now taught that the founding fathers were a bunch of ignorant, slave holding, homosexual, atheists. There has been a real revision of history. In many history books Marylin Monroe gets more words than George Washington. No longer are the Bill of Rights, the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence taught. It is also taught that only the minorities did any good for this country. All whites are racist and all blacks, hispanics, asians, etc. are perfect.

This kind of teaching is pervasive throughout the school system. All classes are dumbed down to the lowest denominator. Youngsters are no longer told to try to better themselves, the rules are changed so that the dumbest kid in the class passes and everyone else suffers. You see we do not want to hurt poor Billy's feeling by telling him that he is not working up to his capacity. That might traumatize him for life. We also do not want to stand Jenifer or Johnny up and tell the class they got perfect scores and give them honors. Again, someone may be traumatized by such things. Everyone has to be the same: "No child left behind" which basicaly means: "No child gets ahead".

Our children are also being taught that there is no right and wrong, no black and white, that everything is a matter of ones own feelings. Thus, if you believe that two plus two is three, you will not get told you are wrong, just that you have a different opinion. There are no definate morals. You can do anything that you think is right. If you are a muslim you can kill people just because that is what your religion tells you to do. The way our children are being taught, a time is soon coming when it will be total anarchy. This is what the fasciunists want so they can take over. You see, the way the schools are handling morals and right and wrong, very soon it will be impossible to tell anyone that murder, rape, robbery or any other thing that we presently think is a crime, is wrong. It will all be relative to ones religion, ones thoughts and ones feelings. When there is no right and wrong and no moral code, there is anarchy. Our children are being taught to hate the America that was the greatest country in the world and love what the fasciunists would like to do to America.

Multi-culturism, homosexuality, beastiality, pedophilia, one wolrdism, radical environmentalism and many, many more sick subjects are taught in these government indoctrination centers. Sex education consists of being told how wonderful homosexuality and lesbianism are, how wonderful anal sex is and how to properly use a condom. The earth is being looked on as a god and kids are being taught that animals are more important than humans. Children who openly disagree with these things are castigated both by their peers and the indoctrinaters, sometimes known as teachers. How they can be considered teachers when many of them are totally ignorant of facts is beyond me.

This is what the fasciunists want; dumb the population down so that when those of us who remember what America used to be are to old to fight or are no longer here, they will have an easy time controlling the masses. It is up to all of us parents and grandparents to instill some sense and morality into these children. Home school, send them to private shcool and if you cannot do these things, at least keep up on what your kids are being taught. When they come home and tell you that George Washington was a slave holding, athiest, you should be able to tell them what GW was really like. When your daughter comes home and tells you that oral sex is not sex, you need to be able to explain to her that the reason that it is called oral SEX is exactly because it is sex. If you must send your kids to government indroctrination centers, at least take them to church every Sunday. Do not send them, TAKE them. Take them to Sunday school and help them understand what is right and what is wrong and help them understand tha being a Christian and believing that Jesus Christ is our Saviour is not wrong. You may have to unteach some of the things they learn in the fasciunist guvernment indoctrination centers, but you owe it to your children and grandchildren to have an America at least as great as the one you grew up in. If America fails and winds up tatally in the hands of the fasciunists, we have only ourselves to blame. Get busy and do your job of raising your children properly.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Are we educating our children, or are we allowing the government to indoctrinate them. If we send them to the government indoctrination centers, which are sometimes called schools, we are allowing the the government to to indoctrinate them. The process starts as soon as the government can get their hands on the youngsters. They prefer it to be at age three or four when it is the easiest to mold their little minds. This is why our fasciunist government is so anti-family. They know that if a family is broken up by divorce, the single parent, no matter which one it is, will need to get some sort of day care for the child. Thus, when the government sponsors day care centers and pre-schools, everyone thinks that they are really being helpful. They are: TO THE ONE WORLD FASCIUNISTS!! From the very beginning, they are taught all of the things that will make them good little followers. There can be no violent games, everyone must cooperate. There can be no winners and no losers, it might hurt someones feelings. Boys are taught to be as effeminate as possible with the hope that many of them will turn out to be homosexuals. Any of the boys that do not toe the line and want to do things the way young boys should are termed to have ADHD and put on ritilan or some other mind altering drug. Meanwhile the girls are taught that they were born to rule and that the world owes them everything. They are given the most help because after all, "boys do not need it". If a boy points his finger at someone and says KER-POW, he will be expelled from school. He will be accused of carrying a dangerous weapon (I kid you not). The police may even be called in take him away. This is to scare him into never doing such a dangerous thing again. Meanwhile, girls are taught that can do virtually anything they want to. If a little girl walks up to a little boy and smacks him in the face for no reason, it is the boy who is taken to the principal. He is told that he should not treat girls that way. Even if he did nothing it had to be the way he looked or a motion he made that caused the girl to have to protect herself. Women and girls are never at fault, it is always the male.

Then there is the matter of religion. In all government schools, Christianity is practically a dirty word. It is not allowed at any level and the children are told there is a seperation of church and state. In the first place this is a lie, I defy anyone to show me that statement in the constitution. In the second place the fasciunist government schools teach the religion of secular humanism. If no religion can be taught in schools, how is it that secular humanism is being taught? It is an atheistic, self as god religion. It fits every defination of a religion. It is as much a religion as Hinduism, Muslim, Jewish, Christianity or any other religion known to man. Actually, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and other religions are taught in our schools, it is only Christianity that cannot be taught. The powers that be say that they teach these other religions so that the youngsters understand the religions and will get along better in the WORLD. They say there is room for all of the religions, except Christianity. These other religions hate Christians and this is what our youngsters are being taught to do. So all the time that they are being indoctrinated to all of the touchy, feely, feel good, love everyone: "Well not everyone, we must hate Christians".

All of these things are being done to teach and indoctrinate all of the youngsters to do their own thing and make up their own rules. This is why the fasciunists are so hateful towardChristianity, they are afraid of it. They know that Christians have a set standard of moral values and with that set of values, they cannot control the younger generation. If they can eliminate all morals and Christianity along with it, they can control the world. In the end, that is what they want and the only thing they want.

I will be doing part two of the education article next week.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Police State

If you do not think that we are in a police state, it is time to get your head out of your armpit or whatever part of your anatomy you have it stuck in and look around. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is nothing but a collection of armed NATIONAL police. While you and I know that this is unconstitutional, that does not make a difference to fasciunists. Just look at the DHS and see what it contains. It contains every armed group in the country under one umbrella. Probably every agency that comes under that umbrella is now armed. And police departments all over the country are supposed to work together. Remember Louisiana after hurricane Katrina. You had police officers from California and other locations around the country taking away guns from law abiding citizens. You see, the faciunists knew that the local police would not want to take away guns from their friends and neighbors. Those officers live in the area and know many of the people. I believe that this was a test to see if Americans would take guns away from other law abiding Americans. Now that they know that they will, they will probably use that method to disarm law abiding Americans. All they need to do is to call out the National Guard and have them do it. It might work something like this: Maine NG to Florida, Florida NG to California, California NG to Minnesota, etc., etc. When all of the troops went home they could say that they were just following orders. Is not that what the Germans said after WW II, they were just following orders? Huricane Katrina, like 9-11 gave our fasciunist government the opening it needed to try something new. 9-11 gave us DHS and the patriot act and Katrina gave us gun confiscation.

While we are told that DHS and the patriot act are needed to fight terrorism, they are actually being used to terrorize American citizens. How can you allow millions of illegal aliens to come into this country and say that you are fighting terrorism? I believe that all of the 9-11 terrorists were in this country illegally. I do not believe that our government is fighting terrorism at all. I believe that they are attempting to install a one world fasciunist government. Neighbors are supposed to spy on neighbors, truckers are supposed to spy on anyone they come in contact with, utility workers are supposed to report anything suspicious in the homes in which they work, children are supposed to turn in their parents, and on and on and on. This is not the constitutional America that the founding fathers gave us, it is a cross between Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia which makes it fasciunism.

Another sure sign of a police state is the new ID card due in 2008. This card will contain all of the pertinant information about each one of us. It will contain our SS number, our driver's license number, our medical history, our credit history and maybe various other things that people want to know. ACHTUNG!! Show me your papers please. You will not be able to fly without one of these cards nor will you be able to drive. It has not been decided all that the card will be required for, but you can be sure that whatever it is in the beginning, it will get worse and worse. I never believed that in this country we would have to "SHOW OUR PAPERS" to do things. Where has our freedom gone? You do not have freedom in a police state.

In tiny increments the government is taking away our freedoms. Judges are now able to strike down any law they like and make their own laws. Freedom of speech? Go on college campuses and see just how much freedom of speech you have. The only people that can be offended on a college without repurcussions are Christians. Freedom of Religion? Judges say there is a seperation of church and state. I have read the constitution many time and have never come across that term. Yet schools and municipalities are doing everything possible to remove anything to do with Christianity in fear of the judges that are making the laws. The right to keep and bear arms? After looking at the tapes of what happened after Katrina, it is more like the privelage to keep and bear arms. The government and the judges now feel that they are gods that can give and take rights at will. Because there is a definate push to outlaw Christianity the God who the constitution credits for giving us these RIGHTS is no longer recognized. Does this sound like Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Russia? THAT IS BECAUSE WE ARE NOW LIVING UNDER PURE FASCIUNISM. It is time for everyone to get off of their butt in front of that boobtube and help get this country back from its police state status. NOW!!!!!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Sustainable Development

How many of you reading this blog know what is behind the term sustainable development? How many have read and know what is contained in Agenda 21 in the United Nations? These are things that the faciunists are using to get total control of us and turn us into a bunch of mindless followers. Look around you and see what is happening. The next time you see or hear the words "sustainable development" check and see what is being done. I some branch of government taking away someone's private property for some commercial use or even for some public use? Is someone being told that they cannot use their land the way they want to because it is "wetland"? Is another company moving overseas because the "environmentalists" (tree huggers) are making it impossible to follow all the rules that are being set out and make a profit?All of these things are part of sustainable development and part of U.N. Agenda 21.

Let us take a look at the last one first. There are a lot of companies moving out of the U.S. into third world foreign countries. Why? The reason always given is the wages in this country are too high. That is not always true. Most of these employers could live with the higher wages is they did not have to toe the line on the many government rules by an alphabet of agencies. OSHA, EEOC, EPA, etc. Let's look at the EPA. If these people were the true environmentalists that they claim to be, they would not be sending all of these smokestack companies to third world countries. If worldwide pollution and global warming are as big a problem as they say it is, can having these smokestacks in another be any better? Or is it that we just cannot see it over there. The tree hugging environmental groups are pushing our government to sign the Kyoto agreement when it does nothing to control any emissions in any of the developing countries. All of the factories are now in Mexico, China, India and other countries that are exempt from Kyoto. What it really amounts to is to bring their wages up a little and ours down a lot. As I wrote last week, NGOs are a form of fascism and equaling out wages around the world is communism. So fasciunism rears its ugly head again.

Staying with the environmental movement, how much land is being taken away from private hands and put into the government or into private foundations? Much of this land, especially that going into the foundations is no longer open to the public. The government is behind this type of deal all the way. Just another way of making us group into smaller and smaller spaces. More communities with more fascist rules and regulations as to what you can and cannot do on your own property. America is such a large country that most people do not see what is happening. A couple of hundred acres here a couple thousand acres there, none of this seems like much. Put all of these hundreds and thousands of acres together and see just how many million acres are being taken out of private hands each year. Look into the counties that have minimum acerage rules for building a home. The amount may be two acres or five acres in rural areas. Once all of the parcels of this size are gone, no one else will be able to move in. When that happens and the tax base stagnates, what are the politicans going to do? They can only raise taxes so far, so the next thing to do is claim eminent domain and claim your property for a multi family development. That gives them more families to tax. Many counties and municipalities tell you how much green space you need to leave on your own property. How is this possible except through fasciunism?

This country needs to get its head out of its armpit or some other dark part of their anatomy and look around. One only needs to listen to news coming out of other countries to see what a bill of goods we are being sold. We get sport news, weather, celebrity news, hollywood news, and anything else to keep from telling us what is really going on in the world. Other countries actually tell their people what is going on around the world. You will never know what is going on in the world or even this country by watching sports and reality shows. Actually, there is no reality in either. We need to turn off the tube and start learning what is going on under our own noses. Our country is being stolen from us right under our noses and it seems like no one cares. As long as they have a dollar in their pocket, a big screen tv to watch sports on and a beer in their hand they are oblivious. WAKE UP AMERICA , FASCIUNISM IS TAKING OVER RAPIDLY!!!!!