This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Publik Skool?

Do you send your youngsters to public schools? Well if you do there are some things that you should be aware of. I realize that many of you have no other choice than to send your children to public schools. If there are no private or parochial schools nearby or if you cannot afford them you only have two choices. Number one, you can home school them or number two, you send them to public school. With some parents, home schooling is out of the question for one reason or another. For these parents you need to watch your school system very close. You also need to be close enough to your children so that they will let you know about what is going on and you will know that they are being truthful.

First of all, many schools are now teaching that homosexuality is normal. That it is a good way to live. There is a reason for this. It all began with the zero growth idiots. These are the people that think that there are already too many people in the world. They want fewer children born and they also would like to reduce the present population. Homosexuals cannot have children so these people want to promote homosexuality. Also, homosexuals die much earlier than heterosexuals, thus ridding the world of unwanted people. This is also the reason that abortion was made legal.

Evolution is taught in all schools and in most creation cannot even be mentioned. The reason for this is that if children are taught that they are nothing but relations to apes who are descended from some other animal and on back to when we all came from slime, it is much easier to convince them that abortion, homosexuality and any other aberration are okay. They then try to convince the youngsters that there is no right or wrong. No one can make rules for someone else as the other person may have different ideas about what is good or bad. They also make it very plain that all religions are the same and should be respected. That is all religions except Christianity. Christians are labeled as stupid, old-fashioned, idiots, Neanderthals and any other vile name they can be called. However, if you call any other religion something that is even construed to be unkind, you will be sent to the principals office and probably have to take a course in tolerance. Any religion can be taught in public schools EXCEPT Christianity.

Public schools also do not teach American history. They refuse to recognize the founding fathers, the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. They continue to promote the fact that we live in a democracy, wen in fact it has never been a democracy and should never be a democracy. America, the country we live in is and always has been a Constitutional Representative Republic. What students learn in school these days has very little to do with what really went on or what is going on at the present. Many history books make no mention of George Washington, let alone make it known that he has always been considered the "Father of Our Country". Many history books in use today make America out to be the main problem in the world today. They blame everything on the U.S. They constantly take the side of out enemies and actually promote hatred of America.

These are the kind of things that are being taught in our schools. Students no longer read the classics, they may just be told to read books the promote un-Christian lifestyles and possibly are even pornographic. We are so far behind other industrial countries in education that it is pathetic. So, if you must send your youngsters to public schools, be aware of what they are being taught and do your best to supplement it at home. At least this will give them some balance in their education. In the schools today, you are not allowed to question what is being taught. Thus, if global warming is being taught as fact, have your children read articles that dispute that theory. If evolution is being taught exclusively, make sure that creationism is discussed at home. Many times the opposite view of what is being taught in schools has more facts to back it up that the subject being taught. Schools are not really there to teach any more, they are there to indoctrinate youngsters into whatever is being pushed by the fasciunists in government. Be very vigilant, these youngsters are the future.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Are we still in the America we grew up in? I do not think so. This America that we now live in hardly even resembles the one I remember. The country I grew up in was on where you always bought American. Most of the time there was no other choice. People with a lot of money would sometimes buy a foreign car or some French Wine. Today, on the other hand, it is hard to buy ANYTHING made in America. China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, India, Sri Lanka, Mexico and the list goes on and on. We have become the largest debtor nation in the world. Our balance of trade is a world joke.

Now comes the word that the military is going to purchase $40 billion worth of re-fueling planes from the French led Airbus. What will we do if there is ever a real large war and we have to depend on foreigners? Not only that, but we are going into a recession and the U.S. military is shipping jobs overseas. As much as the French hate us, why do we give them $40 billion?

Our republicrat candidate for president thinks that this is just great. He says that this is what free trade is all about, getting the lowest bid in fair and open competition. What is fair about a company that cannot lose money no matter how low they bid getting a contract? Airbus is a socialist cartel backed by France, Spain, Britain and Germany. If they lose money the governments make up the difference. How is it possible to bid against a company like that?
To me it looks like McCain would like to give all of our business to foreign countries. We can shut down all of our factories that build military equipment and buy our tanks, humvees, ships, etc. etc. from China or some other communist country.

McCain is also the one who loves invaders to this country. He would give amnesty to every invader who ever crossed the Mexican/American border and every one that ever wanted to. This is so no real American could have a job. You see, once all of our manufacturing jobs are shipped overseas, all we will have left are the jobs that McCain and his cohorts say that Americans WON'T do. Now all of the Americans can be fired and the invaders can do the jobs for sub-minimum-wages. The reason most Americans will not do these jobs is that they do not pay a living wage. That is unless you are content to live like animals, twelve or fourteen people in a one car garage.

John McCain was and is a champion of NAFTA. One out of every six manufacturing jobs have left the country and more are leaving every day. Many of his friends and advisers are on the payroll of some foreign company. They care not at all about average Americans, only about themselves and their friends.

Those are just the facts on the jobs and John McCain. Billary and B. Hussein O. are no better. They say they will fix NAFTA when there is no fix to it. The things they are talking about will only make it worse. They talk about NAFTA as though it was a treaty when in fact it is not. Slick Willy Clinton rammed it through by making it a simple agreement that needed only a majority vote in congress, not the two-thirds majority of the senate that a treaty needs. We need someone in the office of president who will not continue to give away the country. The one person that was running for president that could have done something, the lap-dog fasciunist press virtually ignored and when they did mention him it was always negative. That man is Ron Paul. Unless by some miracle Ron Paul's name is on the ballot in November I will be voting for whoever the Constitution Party puts up. This is not my America and I will not vote for the fasciunists to make it even worse and take more of it from me.

My next post will go into the new agreement between the American military and the Canadian military to invade each others country for civil disobedience. That also is not my America.