This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Led into War?

Are we being led into war. First let me apologize to anyone following this blog. I have been on an extremely long hiatus. I took on some other responsibilities that have taken up much of my time. I am hoping that it does not happen again and I can get back to a weekly post. I will shoot for every Mon., Tues. or Wed. That is as close as I can cut it due to my other writing jobs.

Now, back to the question, "Are we being led into war"? I am not talking about a foreign war here, I am talking about an internal war. Having studied the history of the 1930s and 40s fairly well, I see a lot of things I do not like. Let us take a look at some of them.

We currently have a president that will not prove that he was born in this country. He will not produce college transcripts, college thesis, health records, passport or a legal birth certificate. What is he trying to hide? He came to power due to a tanking economy and a great gift of gab (even if he does need a tele-prompter). Adolph Hitler came to power by staging a terrorist attack and also because of a bad economy. Adolph Hitler drove a wedge between the people of Germany. He made a big thing of Jews, blacks and other races being inferior. He killed not only millions of Jews but millions of Catholics and others he found offensive. Obama continues to drive a wedge between Americans. He plays the race card every chance he gets. He also is complicit in the murder of 50,000,000 innocent, unborn children. He does not even believe in saving those that survive an abortion. This man call himself a Christian and that is one big lie. No one can be that pro-murder and be called a Christian. Hitler called himself a Christian too, until he got what he wanted from the churches. Obama is now attempting to use the churches in the same way Hitler did.

There are other things that lead me to believe that Obama wants this country to have an armed uprising. If we did he could declare martial law and become a dictator, something I believe he wanted from the beginning. All you need to do is to look at all of the laws he has pushed through against the will of the people. When will the people say, "We have had enough of this", and rise up against what has become a tyrannical government. After the democratic slaughter of November 2nd he is doing his best to push everything through by his lame duck congress. Many of these people no longer have to worry about getting re-elected so they can vote any way they want to. I believe many of them, along with Obama, believe it is time for revenge against the citizens that voted them out.
Let's look at some of what Obama has done since he was in office. He pushed through a stimulus package that has only stimulated most people's anger. He pushed a cash for clunkers package that did more harm than good. He bailed out AIG. He bailed out GM and Chrysler. He bailed out several large banks. He federalized GM and several other entities by taking them over and making himself the ultimate leader of these companies. He bailed out Fannie and Freddie even though they were directly responsible for the housing debacle. They should have been disbanded. His crowning glory was pushing through a health care plan that will ruin the health care in the country, bankrupt many insurance companies and cause many people that cannot afford it to go into debt to purchase the insurance or pay a fine. None of these things did the citizens of this great country want. So, why did he push them through? My feeling is that he and his thirty some CZARS (something else unconstitutional that nobody wanted) want to control this country with an iron fist.
I also feel that they will keep pushing until their final goal is met, "An armed uprising by the citizens." He is going to push hard during this lame duck session and try to bring about more of his Fasciunist agenda. I will get into that next week because I will have more information on just what is going on. Some of the items should have either been passed or shot down by then also.

I should be back on schedule by the end of the week so check out the SASL blog toward the end of the week.