This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Coming Chaos II

We are now in the depression of 1929-42. In the throes of the depression, America elected FDR. to combat the soup lines and bread lines, he instituted federal work programs. Now for the first time in our great country's history, citizens were collecting a government check. this policy has continued to this day. During the depression you had to work to get your check, now it is called welfare. This system makes a large segment of our population dependent on the government. FDR also started something called Social Security. While the idea may be excellent, the implementation of the system was, (and is) ridiculous. In the first place when Social Security was instituted, the life expectancy in the United States was around sixty-three, but you had to be sixty-five to retire and collect. That should tell you something about how much money FDR intended to pay out. Secondly, while the idea was good, people should have had, (and still should have) the final say as to where their money is "invested". The way it actually works is, the government takes your money, spends it and leaves us with a bunch of IOUs. In other words This is just another way to tax the middle class. Actually it is one giant Ponzi Scheme. As each generation puts their money into the Social Security system, it is paid out to the past generation who paid the generation before them. there is never any actual money in the scheme. When individuals do this it is called what it is, a Ponzi Scheme. When our government does it it is called Social Security. The fifty years since Social Security was introduced has seen it, along with Medicare, become an entitlement, and inherent right.

FDR also gave us WW II. this was a war fought to get the economy out of the depression. All of the things that had been tried prior to that, all of the socialist programs, had not worked and the country was actually no better off in 1942 than it was in 1932. The war got the the economy up and running again. Factories geared up to make war products and our men were drafted to go and fight Europe's war. This once again showed the American people how much big government could do for them. If nothing else worked the government could get us into war and that would get things running again. FDR was our only president that was elected for life. had he lived longer, I feel that he could have been elected as many times as he chose. this was also something the founding fathers would not have agreed with. 

From the end of WW II until now, we have been mostly on an uphill climb. Until 2008 there had been recessions, inflation, stagflation and other financial troubles. The stock market has had its ups and downs, but no major crash until now, when it looks like it is headed for the basement. There have been no major depressions during this time until 2008 when I believe what is going to be a major depression worse than the 1929-42 depression started. the thing that kept us out of a major depression until now is that the government kept getting into our life more and more. During this time the liberals in government have continued the giveaways as much as possible. They have added to medicare, medicaid, welfare, food stamps and many other welfare programs. they have also added other things like corporate welfare, large farm welfare, etc. All of these programs made more and more people dependent on the federal government for their livelihood. With our new government and the new depression of 2008-?, it is going to get much worse. By doling out trillions of dollars the federal government is going to put more and more people on the government payroll. this is what the fasciunist liberals want because the people that are on the government payroll will vote for the party that gave them the job. Our new president is a Marxist and will use fasciunist practices to bring this country to communism. You can already see the fascist practices he is instituting. 

Since WW II we have seen the rise in crime, drug usage, illegal aliens, civil disorder, hate crime laws passed, etc. We have also seen the advent of political correctness, or otherwise known as cultural communism. We have seen the major media turn from a watchdog to a cheerleader for the far left fasciunist liberals. Without them there is now way Hussein would now be our president. However, during the same time we have seen others rise up in defense of patriotism, more militias and other patriotic groups, many more people distrusting the federal government and more people getting away from the main-stream-media and into alternative sources of news. We fought many small wars and are now engaged in two that are not so small. We keep getting presidents that dodged the draft but are willing to send our soldiers over to be killed. We have seen America attacked and are still letting invaders come into this country over our southern borders. Militias and patriot groups are considered terrorists, groups of Muslims train in our midst and ate not touched. It has never been proven that militias have caused even one act of terrorism. The terrorists that led the anti-Vietnam war riots and bombed and killed are now running our education system and helping those who run our country. What the government is nothing but class warfare. Certain classes of people such as the elite can do as they please while others, such as patriots, are not allowed to be even heard.

More on this subject next time. Until then check out my other blog:

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The coming chlaos

Today I am going to start an article I did back a few years ago. I just came across it and realized just how much it still applies. It will probably take the next couple of entries.

The American government needs all of the dissension, violence, drugs, crime and all of the other divisive actions that are possible, if they are going to get done what I fear they are. What is that? I fear that they are going to try to take all of our rights and freedoms and take this country as we know it and turn it into something totally alien to most Americans.

Back in the early 1970s I became interested in survivalism. In the ensuing thirty-five plus years, I have done much research. While in the 70s most survivalists were concerned about the USSR and the bomb, some of us were also starting to worry about things that were going on internally in this country. I started doing research on various things such as communism, fascism, conspiracies, wars, insurrections, civil disobedience, militias, patriotic organizations, congress, the constitution, the presidency, etc., etc. I did this for several various reasons. Part of it was for a newsletter that I wrote and published during the late 80s and early 90s. Some was done for an action adventure novel I wrote in the 90s. I did it for articles that I was writing and some just for personal reasons. I consider myself a good, patriotic American and I want to know what is going on, (and why) in my country. What I have found and what is going on now just scares the living H---- out of me and should scare it out of you too.

Let us take a look at this both historically and in the present. The two are very interrelated. It all probably started around 1913, when the Federal Reserve was founded, giving control of our money supply to the bankers of the world. This is something that most of our founding fathers were against. Not only that but the whole Federal Reserve was hatched up as a conspiracy. Think of several wealthy men getting together on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia, during Christmas vacation and deciding what to do with the money of all Americans and then coming and sneaking it through congress and you cannot call it anything except a conspiracy. The system seemed to work very well. From its inception until 1929, things were great. That is, they were great except for the war that was fought, in part to keep the wheels of industry turning and keep peoples minds off other domestic things. After the war the economy boomed. Rules were relaxed on investing, money flowed freely and many common people became "paper" millionaires. Then came the crash! Anyone wanting to study up on the crash can find out exactly what I did: the only people that were not really hurt by the crash (in fact most of the became richer), were the super rich and the big bankers. This included families like the Rockefeller's, the Kennedy's, the DuPont's and many more. These were the very people behind the Federal Reserve, which by the way, is not Federal, has no reserves and is a bank in name only. How were these people able to protect their fortunes and make more? Did they have inside information? Where did they park their fortunes? And the biggest question of all: did they and the Federal Reserve cause the crash? Only they know the answers for sure but we can see evidence as to what really happened.

I will continue this in the next entry, in the meantime remember to check up on "YOUR" government and see just what they are doing to you. They are taking this country into communism just as sure as you are born.