This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Monday, October 27, 2008


United Soviet States of America. Is that how you want to be known? Well, that is what it is coming to. We no longer have the freedoms we once had, we are told by our government what to do and when to do it. I think too many people want it this way, they just will not admit it. They want the government to take care of their every need. They are not only willing to give up a little freedom for a little security, they seem to be willing to give up all their freedom for a little security. The government tells them what to do and like good little sheep they do it. They never question whether it is good or bad, they just do it because the government told them to. This makes it very hard on those of us who still value our freedom. 

Let us look at some things that are going wrong in this country. Congress votes to take almost a trillion dollars that they do not have and use it to bail out Wall Street. Do I hear that it is unconstitutional, that it should not be done? No, what I hear is the money should be used to bail out the people who signed the mortgages that they cannot pay now that the payments have ballooned. And then there were the checks we all received as an economic stimulus. Did anyone complain that this was unconstitutional? I do not remember hearing one comment on that regard. Yet both of these bailouts are redistribution of the wealth. This is strictly a communist type program. Both of these programs were endorsed by republicrats and demlicans and they say that they are not communists or fasciunists. I disagree, anyone who does not believe that those were communist votes does not understand what communism is and does not belong in the United States House or Senate. They also do know or care what the United States Constitution says and they took an oath to defend it. However, this could not happen without the consent of the vast majority of the population. 

All of this pretty much started with Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal. One of the first communist items to be put into effect was Socialist Security. Many of his other programs were also socialist. You see, Social Security was never meant to be paid out, it was simply a way to tax people and lie to them that they were putting money into a fund for their retirement. Those of us who are now receiving SS are doing so because for forty or fifty years our money was taken and we were not allowed to keep it in a safe account. Had I been able to keep and invest the money that I paid into Socialist Security, I could now be drawing twice as much per month as I am and not even be touching the principal. I could then leave the principal to my children or grandchildren and they could have a better start. That is what the fasciunists in our government do not want. They know that if I am able to do for myself, I will not need them and they will not be able to control me. This is all any of this is about, CONTROL!

Why do you suppose they are going to bail out Wall Street and the banks rather than the individual mortgage holders? They can put more controls on the banks and stock companies and have more control of them. They would have a much harder time controlling individual loan holders. They are not making any excuses this time they are going for the total communist way by having the government take over the banks. When you begin to nationalize private businesses it is no longer just bailouts or any other name they want to give it, it is pure communism. This once great free country with its free market ways is no more. We are now more of a communist country than Russia. 

Here are some things to think about. In February, we are going to have digital television signals. I never heard anyone clamoring for digital TV. This was a government idea to make us do what they wanted us to do. Certain companies are going to make a lot of money on this and for what? What they are doing is making us do their bidding so that when they tell us to line up, we will just automatically do it because we always have done what we were told. Why all of a sudden are we being told that everyone over six month old "must" get a flu shot. This is a fascist collusion between the government and the drug companies. I heard one so-called doctor say that the reason that everyone "must" get the flu shot is because this year there will be not shortage. that means if the government does not coerce us into getting the shot, the drug companies will be stuck with a lot of excess flu shots and they will be a few million dollars short in the profit margin. They will only make millions rather than billions. 

People: it is time to stand up and say NO WAY!!! It is time to get our country back. It is time to start to follow the constitution. It is time to vote every one of those in office out of office. With the exception of Ron Paul and a couple of others, they all need to go. We also should not vote for either Hussein or Juan. Vote for Chuck Baldwin, he will obey the constitution.

Until next time:

Monday, October 20, 2008

The United Communist States of America

That headline is what I see coming. This is especially true if Hussein Obama gets into the office of the presidency. I will not say that he will be elected to the office, just that he gets in. With ACORN working for him, it will be hard to stop him. ACORN is nothing short of a communist front organization and they are doing their best to get their buddy Obama elected. He gave them almost a million dollars to get voters registered. They are trying to earn that money by having some people register as many as seventy-two times. As far as I can tell, the election is already over and Obama has won. It is hard to get out enough vote to counteract dead people voting, the Dallas Cowboys voting in Nevada, Micky Mouse voting in Florida and the many people that have filled out multiple registrations. 

The thing that is going to make this country a true communist country rather than the fasciunist country that it is, will be the bailout and Obama's redistribution of the wealth. You see, when his answer to Joe the Plumber was brought up in the debate, he turned it into a question of how much money Joe made. He effectively took the spotlight off his quote that we need to redistribute the wealth because when the people below you are doing well, everyone is doing well. That is a pure communistic statement and the lap dog, ignorant, fasciunist, communist media allowed him to get away with it. They have been in bed with him since the beginning because they are true communists. 

Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital has warned about a financial meltdown. Prior to the bailout bill being passed, he stated that the worst was yet to come if it passed. It did pass and I, like him, also believe the worst is yet to come. I have also been predicting a major depression but I do not have the expertise that Schiff does, so no one listens to me. Of course, no one wants to hear Schiff either. Some financial programs on the media will no longer have him as a guest. He calls Fed chairman Bernanke "Comrade Bernanke". One of his statements that I especially like is, "Who needs Bolsheviks when you have the Fed?

There is nothing in the constitution that allows the government to purchase bad mortgages, let alone to buy banks ans other large companies with tax money. Actually they are not using tax money, they are using money borrowed from the constitutionally illegal Fed. Since when can anyone expect to borrow their way out of debt? Yet that is what they are attempting to do. Now there is talk about another stimulus check for all of us, so that we spend more money and spend the economy back to normal. Where is this money coming from? Why it will be another loan from the constitutionally illegal Fed. 

This is why I feel that we have now made the transition from fasciunism to pure communism. There is no way that the government can get out of this mess without taking over many of the largest companies and tapping their profits. They need the banks, the car companies, the big insurance companies and anything else they can get their hands on to provide the money to pay back the constitutionally illegal Fed. We still may be partly fasciunist as smaller businesses will be able to remain outside government ownership, but will be under the very strict rules of Fascism. 

The only advice that I am giving now is to buy and hold physical silver and gold. Do not put it in a bank safety deposit box. Do not allow the company you purchase from to store it. Purchase a good safe or whatever you need to store it yourself. When the ship hits the sand and the people of this country realize what has happened, there will be a revolution. I hope cooler heads prevail and it does not come to that, but I am not real confident.

Until next time:


Sunday, October 12, 2008

The One Party System

People keep saying that we should vote for one of the two major parties this election year. I have a problem with that, I only see ONE major party. When push comes to shove, the demlicans are no different than the republicrats. How can a person tell the difference between the so-called major parties? During the vote to give away our trillion dollars to the big banks, both Hussein Obama and Juan McNasty voted for a package that started for $700 billion and after all the pork was inserted will be well over a trillion. This piece of legislation was not only a piece of communist legislation, it is highly unconstitutional. Nowhere in the constitution does it give the government the ability to take my tax money and use it as welfare for the big banks.

Now after a couple of weeks after the bailout bill was passed, it is not enough so the federal government is going to take over the banks. They are going to nationalize them, the same as is done in all communist countries. They will not be completely nationalized, but will be a government/private corporation. This is exactly what Benito Mussolini did and it is called FASCISM. He must be sitting somewhere in hell smiling and waiting for George W. Shrub to come down and join him so they can talk over all the great things they both did. 

People ask me why I coined the word FASCIUNISM for the way the country. I think it is becoming more and more clear every day. All you need to do is look around and see the fascism that is turning to communism. First it is a government/private partnership (fascism) and then it morphs into a totally government owned enterprise (communism). This country was founded as a Constitutional Republic and none of these things are in the constitution that this country was founded on. 

Political parties were frowned on by many of our founding fathers. They knew what would happen eventually. These men were a lot smarter than the so-called leaders of today would have you believe. Why do you think that most of their names are being left out of history books? If our school aged young people were allowed to dig into the lives of these men they would find out the truth and turn this country around. The two parties have changed over the years. What started out as Whigs and Tories wound up being Democrats and Republicans. This worked for a while until they morphed in the the Demlicans and Republicrats. They are now all one party.

Take G.W. Shrub (I wish someone would) for an example. He ran as a conservative republican when he ran for the presidency. I see nothing conservative or republican in his taking over the banks of this country. That is pure fasciunist and only a republicrat that is super liberal could even think about doing such a thing. 

I have been writing about the financial problems of this country since about 1986. I have called for a full scale recession for most of that time. You see, every once in a while a recession is needed to bring the economy back to where it belongs. Each time a recession would start, the fasciunist government would boost up the economy and the bullet would be averted. Now it is going to take a major depression to bring the country back to a viable economy. Even then, unless we go back onto a gold and silver standard for our money, we are not going to pull out of it completely. We have to get rid of the non-federal, no-reserve, non-bank and put the COINING of our money back where it belongs, WITH CONGRESS AND THE PEOPLE. 

My next post I will talk about the fed and what needs to be done. Until then;


Sunday, October 05, 2008


that is what I consider this country and our freedoms: GONE!!! With the passage of the trillion dollar bailout we have jumped with both feet from socialism to Fascism or Communism. It is now probably beyond help by any of us, but we still have to try. It may be possible to save this country, but I do not know how. 

Take a look at where the country is and where it is headed after election. Should Hussein win, it will jump directly into communism, especially if the demlicans take control of both houses of congress. Should McNasty win, we will have a few more years of fasciunism. This is also true if the republicrats can take control of at least one house of congress. 

Look back to the old Soviet Union. They had elections, but were they fair? No, they were controlled by the party and the party owned press. Look now at our own elections. We are given two choices, and yet there is no real difference between them. The demlicans and the republicrats are both taking us in the same direction: toward one world communism. Both of the handpicked candidates voted for the trillion dollar bailout, never mind that it is totally unconstitutional. The constitution has come to mean nothing to these people that would run our country. As President Shrub once said, to them it is just a G--d--- piece of paper. 

It is a well known fact that the demlicans got us into the mess with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but you would never know it by listening to the major news media. You see, the media in this country is now little more than Pravda was to the Soviet Union: the propaganda arm of the federal government. They are in this just as deep as the politicians if not deeper. They tell us what they want us to hear and expect us to believe it. They are all now unashamedly in the Hussein camp. They will do anything to stop anyone who might believe in the constitution. That is why Ron Paul, the one real American in the primary race, was denigrated and ignored. they could not stand the thought of someone that really believed in freedom and independence. 

There is only one chance to save this country. That chance is to elect someone like Chuck Baldwin, who is running on the Constitution Party ticket. He has Ron Paul's endorsement and that should get him a lot of the Ron Paul supporters. It has been a long time since a third party has won in this country, but it is definitely time. In the old Soviet Union they usually only had one choice in their elections. Here they tell us we have two parties, but in reality they are both cut from the same cloth. Communistic, fascist, one world government types that care nothing about this great country's sovereignty. They both back the U.N., one of the most communistic organization in the world. They both will send more of our money overseas and also more of our young men and women. 

We do not need any more of the type of politics that has been forced on us since 1932. Actually it is since 1913, (that is when the non-federal, no-reserves-non-bank was formed) but it took the fed to bring it down to where the real agenda could take over. When FDR got into office the real takeover of this country by the fasciunists began. When the UN was formed we lost a little more freedom. The the NGO's came into being, these being a complete fascist concept. This was the way the Mussolini ran the fascist government in Italy and is what Hitler copied.

This country has been sold down the river and the average Joe Sixpack and Jane Soccer Mom do not even realize it. They get their news from the major media and believe every work. That is if they even get news. Many of them are too busy with sports, soaps and other drivel on the tube to even listen to the idiot newscasts. When it comes to what is going on in the country they stick their heads in their armpits or some other dark smelly part of their anatomy and live in ignorant bliss. When they wake up and pull their head out, they are going to find that we lost our great country and all of the freedoms that our forefathers fought and died for. If you vote for either of the major candidates you are voting for the lesser of two evils, but it is still evil. So vote third party and my suggestion is Chuck Baldwin. Check out his website and check out the Constitution Party platform and I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

Until next time: