This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, October 29, 2005


According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first use of the word racism in this country was by an American facist, Lawerence Dennis, in 1936. The word itself seems to have come from a Jewish-German scientist and author around 1933 or 1934. Does it not seem strange to anyone that a word that came from Germany in the thirties, that came from a German Jew, that was first used in this country by a known facist, would become the number one catchword for the politically correct? My feeling is that these types of words are being used by the fasciunists as a starting point for what might be termed a tribal war. It is a type of ethnic cleansing with the ethnics to be cleansed being those of white European decent. If you look around real close, you can see the results of it every day. America was meant by its founders to be a white, homogeneous, english speaking nation. Prior to the sixties, the great mqjority of white citizens were what would now be called racist. Many would now be called white supremacists. What is a white supremacist anyway? In today's world of politically correct world of newspeak, you do not need to believe that you are superior to the black race to be labeled a supremacist, you simply need to show white pride. The politically correct crowd and their lapdog media have bastardized the english language to the point where no matter what you believe, they can accuse you of something. All of our presidents through Eisenhower were known to hold q view that America was a white nation and there was no mention of multi-culturalism or multi-racialism. Many other leaders and notables of the past believed that this was a white nation. Writers like Jack London (an avowed socialist), Walt Whitman and Mark Twain made references to it. These presidents, politicians, leaders and writers are now either eliminated from the history books or their views are severely criticized or hily distorted. One of the best examples of how this is done is the inscription in side the monument of Thomas Jefferson, one of our greatest Americans ever. The portion of the inscription that is in the history books and that is constantly quoted is; "Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people (the Negros) shall be free." That is only half the inscription. The second half reads; "nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live under the same government." This is how the politically correct anti-white fasciunists and their controlled media treat great Americans. They omit, lie and change statements to serve their own purpose. More in my next post.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Finance VI

Debt will bring this country down faster than anything else. The national debt is constantly growing. More and more of it and its interest are owed to foreign banks and big money lenders. If the foreign banks were to call in the loans, they would own this country. Corporate debt is very important as the interest that is paid by the corporations is passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices. Just another thing that drives inflation. While the government tells us that the inflation rate is only two or three percent, do not believe them. The real inflation rate is well over ten percent. The way the government fixes the figures is that anything that goes up more than they want it to is eliminated from that months figures. For instance: When the cost of fuels rise twenty or thirty percent, the controlled media tells us that inflation, without the cost of fuels was only 2.5 per cent. What that means is that if you quit driving to work, quit heating your house, quit cooking, etc., etc. you would make out pretty well. Guess what? That is not the way it works in real life. Now we come to private debt. This is my biggest concern. Like all other debt it is owed to the few large banking families that have always controlled the worlds money. We were at the point where there were more personal bankruptcies than at any time in history. Once that point was reached the rules for bankruptcies was changed. Now it is much harder to file and you will still wind up paying most of your debt back. I believe the reason for this is to finally get to the point where a depression can be caused and 75 or a larger percent of the private property in this c0untry can be taken over by the banks. At that point fasciunism or even communism can be forced on the country. The bankers will probably let some of the larger corporations off the hook for "The good of the country". Actually it will be their friends that helped bring all of this about. That is what I believe is taking place. In my next post I will be immigration and racism and how the interconnect and are being used to drive a wedge into this country.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Finance V

Back in 1913 congress turned our money over to the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB). This was an unconstitutional act as the constitution gives congress and only congress the power to coin money. Actually the FRB is not federal as it is not part of the government, it has no reserve and I am not even sure it would qualify as a bank. I would consider it more of a holding company. The whole idea of a FRB is basded on a conspiracy and a lie. While many people laugh at the idea of a conspiracy, it is the only thing that fits. What else would you call a group of very wealthy men and some from the government, meeting secretely on an island to decide what to do with the money of the people of a country? This is how the FRB came to be. Now the FRB decides how much money is needed by the country and instruct our mints to print it. They then lend it to our government, (that is us), at interest. The United States is required to stand behind that fiat money. This means that these mega-bankers have everything to gain and nothing to lose. They get the interest from the money and when things go bad we the taxpayers pick up the pieces. How do we do that? By the fed lending us even more money at interest. Taxes are another way that the one world, fasciunist government has of taking over. Well over fifty percent of out money goes to taxes; state, federal and local. While the government and their controlled lap dog media will tell you it is only about forty percent of your income, it is closer to sixty or sixty-five percent. The do not really tell an outright lie, it is an obfuscation. They tend to leave out things lice license fees, user fees, etc. They say that these things are fees not taxes. If it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck. Any fee that we pay to a government body for services rendered is a TAX. Many people feel that businesses and corporations should be taxed more. This is just a shifting of the tax to a place where you do not know you are paying it. The businesses and corporations just consider these higher taxes a cost of doing business and pass the added cost on to the purchaser of their product. They may even add a little more than the tax for a little extra profit. In the end, no matter where the taxes are collected, the consumer, the "little people", the "unwashed masses", pay them. All of this causes debt, which I will cover in my next posting. For information on my idea of investing, go to I have several postings there on investing.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Finance IV

Those of you who are really interested in finances might want to go to my other blog It is a survival blog and early on I talked a lot about investing for survival. It pertains very much to surviving fasciunism. To get back to our subject, disparity of wages has a lot to do with making this country ripe for fasciunism. Not too many years ago, CEO's of most companies made approximately twenty time the annual salary of the average worker in their company. Not so today; a company which pays its average worker thirty thousand dollars may well pay the CEO one hundred million or more. Eventually this usually causes a revolt among the lower class. This is what the companies want, then they can just move out of the country and use slave labor. The common person will have to take a service job and make even less. As far as I am concerned, we have already seen the demise of the middle class. Also the common wage earner is expected to pay the mega-million dollar salaries of sports stars and entertainment stars. The average wage earner is earning less and less while these so called "stars" are getting more and more. All of this money for playing a game or pretending to be something they are not. Part of that is our own fault for continuing to support these sports and this entertainment. We need to quit going to these sporting events and movies and plays. We need to be sure that we do not spend money with the sponsors of any of these events on tv. We need to try to buy as many product as possible from companies that do not advertise on tv at all. While this may be difficult, it is not impossible. My biggest problem is that I watch so little tv that I do not even know who advertises. The only thing I watch is the local news and the national news. While I know that there is not much truth in the national news, I like to see how far fetched the controlled media is. A lot of this has been caused and was started back in 1913 when congress turned control of our money over to the Federal Reserve Bank. I will get into that in my next post.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Finance III

Manufacturing takes raw materials and turns them into something mor valuable, thus adding to the net worth of the country. On the other hand, a service economy is like a poker game where six people sit down at a table to play poker, each with fifty dollars. No matter how long they are at the table playing there will never be more than $300. Unless money is borrowed or brought in some other way, the $300 cannot increase. Some of the six will gain, some will lose and some will go broke. That is what is called redistribution of the wealth. Now let us name the table "government". We now have to pay the table (government) a table fee (taxes). Let us make the table fee fifty cents per pot. If twelve pots per hour were played, it would take just over eight hours to transfer the wealth of one person to the table. Keep the game going long enough and probably only one or two players will be left with money, the rest will be held by the table. Now the table can give some of the other players a portion of their money back for just a little loss of liberty, just a little control over them. Think about all of the sevices you now pay for that did not even exist a generation ago. Cable tv, internet, cell phones, sattellite tv, and on and on. then there are the services we have always paid for: phone, electricity, gas, etc. More and more of our money is going for services and the taxes on them. These taxes are being charged on services where there is no increase in value. This is what is sucking this country dry and making it ripe with fasciunism. People are paying so much for services and taxes that they actually NEED the handouts the government promises, and they reluctantly give up a few freedoms and liberty for these handouts. This allows the fasciunists to pass laws like the so called patriot act, which is about as unpatriotic as any law passed. However, it is a fasciunist's dream.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Finance II

Suppose a local group of militia members met in a resort area, had some meetings, went out in the woods and did some shooting and then played paintball games. If the major controlled media got ahold of this it would be all over the papers. "Right Wing nuts shooting up the place". "Fascist conspiracy meeting". Headlines like this would be common. Yet when the Bilderberg group meet they have heavily armed guards all around, carrying fully automatic weapons and anything else they think they need to protect the elite. You never hear a word about this. Some of the richest people in the world, meeting to decide what they should to control the world and not a word in the controlled media. The reason is Money. The same monied people that are meeting also own the media. Many are members of the CFR, who a numbers of years ago, in their official magazine bragged that they had been instrumental in moving the center of banking from the US to Japan. These people are one world people and haters of America. All of the treaties such as NAFTA, GATT and the WTO are brainchildren of these people, one worlders. They are intent in bringing America down to the level of a third world nation and moving on to exploit some other country. Some of the very people in the Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission and CFR are the very business people who have moved or are moving our manufacturing firms overseas. They are taking advantage of nearly slave labor to increase their profits while at the same time they are putting Americans out of work. They talk about all of the jobs that are being created in the US. The thing they fail to mention is that these are service industry jobs that pay maybe half of the lost factory jobs with no benefits. This country cannot live on service industry jobs and I will get into that in my next post.

Saturday, October 15, 2005


The world of high finance is the controlling factor in the fasciunist movement. Through Bilderberg, the trilateral commission, the CFR and other less well known organizations, they control what happens. These are the very wealthy and very powerful people of banking, industry and politics. The government they really want is communist in nature. They hope to bring a one world government of this type about. Here in the U.S. where we still have a few perceived freedoms, communism does not play well. For this reason the financiers of the world have decided on the fasciunistic approach. They feel that by using the big lie nationalist approach the can turn this country first to national socialism and then to communism. Because most citizens are gullible, want something for nothing and believe their leaders, I feel that they are succeding. Follow the money and you will find some interesting facts. One, the big bankers and the other big money finance both political parties. By financing both parties and being active in both, these bankers can control the government no matter which party seems to win the election. The major, "controlled", media acts as though organizations like the Bilderberg do not even exist. Yet some of the world's richest, most influential people meet each year, in secret, behind closed doors, to discuss how the world should run and how to attain that goal. Why are these meetings not reported on when there are even newspaper owners and anchor people there along with bankers, politicans, royalty and many other wealthy, powerful people. Much more on this in my next couple of posts.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Courts II

The courts wish to make laws rather than enforce them. Many judges are appointed for life and know thqt the chance of their being impeached is minimal. They change the meaning of words so that they can rule in a way in which they want to, regardless of the intent of the law. A good example is when the right to an abortion was made constitutional. I see no such right in the constitution. This was just something made up by a bunch of fasciunists to be able to control more people. I remember at the time it was being argued in the courts and all of the liberals saying that it was a great thing. They changed the word from baby to fetus so as not to sound too cruel. The people who were in favor of it said it was only in the first trimester and the "fetus" was not yet alive, and besides, it was to protect the life of the mother. When I asked them what they would say when instant of conception to moment of birth abortions were common, I was laughed at and told "This is America, that could never happen here". When I go back to these people now they make some sort of excuse and still claim it is the mother's right. When I ask them about post birth abortion, killing the baby after it is born, they look at me like I am nuts and give me the same line about this being America and it not happening. All I can do is point to China where babies are being killed every day because they are the wrong gender and remind them that they said the same thing about third trimester abortions. As you can see, we are being ruled by an out of control congress, that makes laws and gives them to faceless bureaucrats to enforce. These laws are then ruled on by a court system that does exactly what it wants to do, regardless of the constitution. When lower courts make asinine rulings, only those wealthy enough can continue to appeal. And many times this does not help as the higher courts, including the supreme court, are just as fasciunist as the lower courts.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


The third branch of government may be the biggest usurper of the constitution. This branch of government was deemed necessary to interpret laws and protect the constitution. Now they make new laws and re-invent the constitution. As you can see I am talking about the judiciary. The court system and the judges had very narrow parameters when set up by our founders. The congress was supposed to make laws and appoint judges to see that these laws were upheld. The judges were supposed to seek the intent of the law and rule accordingly. In today's world that is not how it works.Most judges today make rulings that have little or nothing to do with the intent of laws. The intent of the law becomes whatever that judge deems it to be. They feel that they have the power to change the intent of a law to mean the exact opposite of what the congress meant when they passed the law. Judges vehemently insist that people on a jury have no right to rule on the fairness of any law. They stifle the jury's rights so that they can impose their own values on the law. The federal court and the supreme court are the worst about legislating from the bench. They have interpeted the constitution to mean things that the founders never meant it to. Congress could but will not do anything about these judges. Congress says that the judiciary is seperate and they cannot do much about it. That is a copout. They just do not want to do anything about it. This kind of thinking gets them off the hook. They can say, "Well that is not what we intended when we made the law" or "We do not think that is what the founders meant in the constitution, however this is a living changing document and the court know best. BULL!! The truth is that all of these fasciunists are all in bed together. They want the power to control people and they do not care how they get it. Whether they get it by passing new laws or by the courts giving it to them, matters not.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


As I stated in my last post, the fault for the politicians we have is directly related to the amount of people that vote. The founders never intended that our representatives should be in office for life, yet that is the way most of them are. Part of the reason is the people that do not vote and part of the reason is the people that either vote a straight party line or vote for whoever promises to give them the most freebies. Many of the voters actually know little about the candidates. They follow along like a bunch of sheep and vote for whoever their local newspaper or local politicians tell them to. They are actually worse than the people who do not vote. The presidency has become a joke, at least it would be a joke if it were not so tragic. What started out in the eighteenth century as an elected office which answered to the people and to congress has turned into an imperial presidency; a virtual dictatorship. Bill Clinton admitted lying under oath and yet nothing was done. That means that the presidency is above the law. We are now at war in Iraq and yet the congress never authorized the president to go to war. Bush simply did what any dictator would do, he said he was going to war and he did. Executive orders have also gotten out of hand. While there is a place for them and they have always been used, people like FDR and Bill Clinton took them to new heights. They ruled the country through executive orders. Congress can countermand these orders, yet never does. The sign of a dictator. Presidents are careful to point out the good executive orders they sign. It kind of reminds me of the way Hitler kept his popularity with the German people. A communist dictator does what he wants and does not care what the people think. The facist dictator convinces the people what he is doing is right and good for them. You can see why I call our leaders fasciunists, they try to convince you they are doing good but if they cannot convince you, that is tough.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Most of our founders felt that polical parties would be a detriment to the type of government they were instituting. What started out as the Whigs and Tories ended up as Democrats andRepublicans. As the party lines became more and more blurred the lqabels liberal and conservative were thrown about. These are not accurate as the are defined in the dictionary. For instance: a liveral reading of the second amendment would give anyone other than a criminal the right to own any weapon they wished. That is definately not the view of today's liberals. I call the two parties the DEMLICANS and the REPUBLICRATS. The founders wanted a limited form of government. What we have today is anything but limited. Laws passed by congress and signed by the president are handed off to one of the myriad of federal bureaucracies that abound to be interpreted and enforced. We are now being governed by a bunch of unelected gevernment employees whose only worry is that their job will be eliminated. Take a look at some: DOD, DOT, IRS, FBI, OEO, EPA, OSHA, BATF and on and on. The communists and fascists used the same methods, remember the KGB or the Gestapo. Many of the laws enforced by these agencies are unconstitutional and the agencies themselves are probably unconstitutional. Why this type of government here in America? I believe it is because most politicians are cowards and do not want to own up to the laws they pass, and their only real concern is getting re-elected. When they turn the laws over to some faceless, nameless bureaucrat they can say, "Gee that is not what I intended for the law to do". Sure Pinnochio, and now it is time for your nose job. You never really cared how the law was enforced. The real problem here is the people, those who are supposed to vote. I will take this up more in the next post.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Tenth Amendment

The tenth amendment to the constitution says: "The powers not selegated to the U.S. by the constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively , or to the PEOPLE". Here is where the fascist portion of our government really shows. Gun laws, hate crime laws, drug laws, unfunded mandates, all of these are unconstitutional according to the 10th amendment. If there is a poll showing that something would be popular, congress and the president make it law. That is not the way a constitutional republic works. Even in a true democracy, the people would need to vote. Because of the changes in the way things are done today versus when the founding fathers wrote the constitution, the politicians use the inter-state commerce clause to pass all types of laws. Also in a very unconstitutional way the supreme court has become a law making unit of its own. Things such as the government being able to take away land from one party and give it to another party because the second party will be paying more taxes is pure fascism. Yet our own supreme court has seen fit to give this right tio government. Both fascists and communists just do what they want to disregarding any written constitutions. While fascism is gaining in rulings like the land issue, communism is gaining in other ways such as the financial portion. The fact that the tenth amendment says that we HAVE these God given rights and our government says that they will let us know what our rights are, should tell anyone that we are living in fasciunism. Next post I will start to cover the real politics of this country.