This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Our New National Religion

Our constitution gives us freedom of religion. The first amendment in the Bill of Rights reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free excercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances". Pretty straight forward is it not? That is unless you are the supreme court and then they can prohibit the free excercise thereof. They are dead wrong in their reading of the Constitution of the United States of America. Any time they say no to school prayer, anytime that they ban the Ten Commandments from government buildings, any time they ban any religious display from public places they are "prohibiting the free excercise thereof". You see, the supreme court is not going by the constitution, they are making it say what they want. They are calling it a living document and making it say things that the founders never meant it to say. The judges on the supreme court; call them liberal or conservative are fasciunists. They are helping the president and congress to use the fascist tactics that will eventually bring us to communism. If you do not believe that all you need to look at a is their ruling on private property. They have made it so that any municipality can take land away from the owner for any reason. the main reason that the municipalities want to condemn the land is for private enterprise to come in and build stores and other commercial buildings. This goes right back to the fascist method of public private partnerships.

Now to the subject of our new national religion. Humanism has been taught in schools for many years although it has been declared a religion. However, this is not the religion I am talking about. "ENVIRONMENTALISM" is the religion I am talking about. After teaching humanism for the many years that they have, they now know that humanism is not a religion that satisfies many people. Having weaned many people away from the Christian religion, they know they need something to replace it. Enter environmentalism. The worship of the earth and everything that grows on it. Plants, animals, birds, insects everything on the earth is sacred to the environmentalist. 

Now along comes Al "I invented the internet" Gore with his global warming mantra. Is the earth warming? Well, let me put it this way; if the earth had never warmed I could not be living where I am because it was covered with a glacier. The instant the earth stopped cooling and the glacier started melting was the exact instant that the earth began warming. During that time average temperatures have fluctuated up and down according to the activity of the sun. For the last number of years the temperature has been rising slightly. Even now there are scientists that say that the next cooling period has arleady begun. Manmade pollution has very little to do with the heating or cooling of our atmosphere. I do not believe that carbon dioxide is a pollutant. Carbon dioxide is needed by trees so they can live and give off oxygen so humans can live. If there is a little too much carbon dioxide in the air what we need to do is to plant more trees to use it up and provide more oxygen.

However, people like Al Gore preach environmentalism as though it were a religion and to them it is. Gore feels like he is the high priest of the religion and does not have to live according to what he preaches. Obama considers himself a god (the messiah) and he also does not have to live according to what is being preached. As a matter of fact, almost none of the celeberity environmentalists practice what they preach. What they are trying to set up is a two-tier system; those who preach the religion of environmentalism and the rest of us who will have to do without air conditioning, heat and other amenities that we now enjoy. Our pretendsident has already made the statement that the middle class cannot continue to live the way they do, that they are going to have to give up their big suv's, their air conditioning and other energy using items. He said we could no longer expect to have a seventy-two degree temperature all of the time. Of course the first thing he did when he got to the white house was to turn the heat up to a temperature that made everyone else to warm. The excuse his handlers gave was that he was raised in Hawaii and needed it warmer than others. 

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Once the UN gets their way we will all have to bow to the earth goddess Gaia. This makes many of the women's lib group very happy as now we will have to worship a female goddess. I am going to do another column on this next week and will get more into the UN and what is going on. Just remember; we are still a somewhat free country. We still have the right to keep and bear arms. We still have freedom of the press. However, all of those freedoms are being stepped on by our courts and government too. It is time for a reveloution, bloodless I hope and pray, but if it is not, it will not be the fault of the citizens. It will be the fault of the courts, the congress, all of the bureaucrats, and our pretendsident. They cannot expect us to go into earth worshiping slavery willingly.

Until next week check out my other blog at:

Sunday, April 19, 2009

What Next?

I have given up trying to figure out what our pretend president is trying to do. I know for sure that he is using fascist tactics to bring this country to pure communism. This is what I term as fasciunism. Public private partnerships are a fascist method of running a country. This way people still believe they own something, even though the government is telling them how to run things and what people can do on their own property. The thing that fascists try to do is make everyone believe that they are being patriotic by going along with this scheme. However, it is just one step away from complete government takeover and pure communism. Fascism, like communism, also makes slaves of the population. We are living in an age where most people do not even have a vague idea of what fascism is. Shall we take a look?

Fascism is the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) putting out a report that says "Disgruntled Military Veterans" might be right wing extremists. It is the same DHS stating in the same report that anyone who opposes illegal immigration, same-sex marriage, one world government, abortion, free trade agreements, declarations of martial law, loss of sovereignty, outsourcing of American jobs, citizen detention centers, suspension of the constitution or gun control need to be watched as they may be terrorists.  DHS secretary Janet Napolitano put out the report and stands behind it. She stated that she is sorry if veterans are offended by the report and called that an apology. However, she did not change the report, leading one to feel that she still considers returning veterans a dangerous. She did not even offer a non-apology like that to all of the other citizens that she included in the report. That means that if you are pro-life or pro-2nd amendment, you are being watched to make sure that you are not a terrorist that belongs to some right wing militia. This is the same thing that Hitler did in Germany, had everyone spying on everyone else. Welcome to the Obama/Napolitano brownshirts. 

The congress and our pretendident are currently trying to sneak the "fairness doctrine" back in as a new law to muzzle all opposing voices. Right now they are after talk radio and attempting to censor them and take away their freedom of speech. They also have people looking into what can be done about all of the "evil" messages on the web. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of the press are just about done for. That would finish taking care of the first amendment. Then they are going after the second amendment and our guns. I just heard tonite on what passes for the evening news that everyone is worried about the fact that many stores are running out of ammunition. The run on ammo started right after our pretendident was elected. Gee, I wonder why that would be.

Our main problem is educating the younger generation. These are the people who elected the one they call their "savior", their "chosen one" and their "messiah". They believe in him and literally worship him. I do not know what it will take to open their eyes. When he talks about a citizen force the size of the armed forces, we all know that he is talking about an army of brownshirts. His worshipers do not realize that or do not care. They will be the first to join the ranks and the first to turn us in. Most of them will not realize what is really happening until they are the ones being carted off to labor camps. All of those vacant detention camps were not build just for looks, they were built to hold people. 

Fasciunism has taken hold of this country. our pretendident went to Saudi Arabia and bowed to their king. He next went to South America and played footsie with Raul Castro and with Chavez. As a true communist he knows that he needs all of these people for friends because he is antagonizing the friends we once had. 

Our pretendident is spending us into oblivion. He stands and tells the lie that he is cutting the budget and we will have balanced budgets within a couple of years. How can you get out of debt by borrowing money? He is borrowing form Communist China and that suits him fine. If you think that he is not in control of the business world, just remember that he was able to fire the CEO of General Motors. 

I could write on this subject for a long time yet but I will quit for now and take it up again next time. For those of you who believe like I do, that a major depression with riots, killings and crime is coming, check out my other blog. I will be covering much of that today.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Where Are We Going?

Just where is this country headed? People who claim to be Christians vote for a person like AKA B. Hussein O. The fact that he is neither a Christian nor an American does not seem to make any difference. He promised change so these idiots voted for him. In some ways they cannot be blamed, because the media portrayed him as something different than he really is. What he really is is a full blown Marxist. He believes in redistributing the wealth. When he made that statement to Joe the Plumber, the media went after poor Joe. He was harassed and investigated by the media. The
 fact that Hussein actually made that statement was glossed over. The media said we misunderstood what Hussein meant. That was hogwash, he said what he said and he meant it. Not only that but he has many comrades in the house and senate. Nancy Pelosi has made many statements that are purely Marxist in nature. Harry Reid is just completely clueless and follows the Marxist philosophy right down the line. 

Our government, meaning we the people, now own a share of several banks and also of a couple of automobile companies. These are the public/private partnerships that I have written about in the past. Public/private partnerships are strictly Fascist.  What is going on is once again Fasciunism; the use of fascist tactics to turn the country into a communist nation and then to join the one world government. As I have stated many times, the media and their liberal allies try to claim that fascism is a right wing movement. In fact, fascism is a left wing movement, right next to communism. The difference is that in fascism you have private property and public/private partnerships and the government makes all of the rules for both. In communism, the government just outright owns everything and everyone. The finances in both are based in socialism. 

What I would like to know is how can this country continue to function with the amount of debt that we have? Where are the Christians that are supposed to be stewards of everything the God gives us? The problem is, at least in my opinion, pastors like Rick Warren. He was on Larry King Live and stated that he was not against homosexuals marrying. He stated that he apologized to his "many gay friends" for anything he may have said to hurt their cause. Rick Warren is a disgrace to Christianity. He apparently does not believe that the Holy Bible means what it says. As a Christian you have to believe that the Holy Bible is the inerrant word of God, that it was written by God through men and that everything in it is true. If you do not believe that, you might call yourself a Christian, but you are a long way from it. 

Rick Warren gave the invocation at B.  Hussein O's inauguration. He did that for a man that thinks it is okay to kill babies in the womb and if they happen to be born alive during a botched abortion, to kill them anyway. A man who for twenty years went to an "America hating" church and who had a racist black preacher give a prayer at the same inauguration. Rick Warren is doing more harm to Christianity than Joseph Stalin did. All he cares about is how his books sell and staying in the limelight. He considers Hussein okay even though many blacks have called him the messiah and they along with B. Hussein O actually believer that he is the messiah. 

Hussein went over and bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia. In my opinion, the only reason he did that was because he is still a muslim. He was born a muslim, raised a muslim and I believe he is still a muslim. If a muslim turns from his religion to any other religion, especially Christianity or Judaism, they automatically come under the penalty of death. Hussein was born and raised a muslim and says he became a Christian. If that is true why is the man not under the death penalty? 

Where is this country headed? If we do not get back to our Christian roots and start to clean house I believe that the end of the USA is near. I feel that God is going to bring this country to its knees in repentance for it multitude of sins. He is about to rain his Holy Wrath down upon this nation and we are going to feel the full brunt of his anger. America, wake up before it is too late; (that is, if it is not already too late). Is B. Hussein O. where he is to oversee the death of America? I hope not, but we will need to rise up and let the politicians know that we want our country back. I think it can still be done without violence, but not for long. The longer this goes on the closer to violence we come. God help us and help us to stand together and win our country back.

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