This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dictator Obama

What do you call it when war planes are dropping bombs on a country to help one side against the other side? I call it war. Our pretendsident B. Hussein Obama says that we are not at war with or in Libya. Yet our planes are there dropping bombs, we are refueling the other NATO country's planes, we are aiding and abetting the NATO forces in other ways, yet this is not war. Obama has not gotten the go ahead from the congress, which the War Powers Act clearly states he must have within ninety days from the start of any armed conflict that we engage in. Why does he not need to go to congress to get permission. He says it is because we are not involved in a war, but I say it is because he is ruling like a dictator.

This man scares me like no one in this country has ever scared me. He does what he pleases and thumbs his nose at the congress and the citizens of the country that voted him into the office he currently holds. He has used that office to further his aims to be a dictator over a country that has never had a dictator and never should. I said it in my last posting and I will say it again now, this man reminds me of Adolph Hitler in the way he governs. He and his wife are both known America haters. They attended the church of an avowed black liberation pastor and friend of Muslim Louis Farrakhan. They were great friends with self-acknowledged terrorist and America hater Bill Ayers. Michelle Obama stated after he was elected that for the first time ever she was proud of America. They adhere to the teachings of communist Saul Alinsky, and B Hussein's mentor while he was growing up was none other than known communist Frank Marshall Davis. He has done everything possible since getting in office to take the United States from being a Constitutional Republic/Capitalist nation to being a European style socialist nation. He is using Fasciunism to get it there.

I believe that at this time our pretendsident should be brought up for impeachment. I am not sure he can be impeached because I am not sure he is qualified to be president. He put out a birth certificate which is a forgery, he has a Social Security number from a state in which he never lived and he refuses to release anything that could possibly show who he really is. I have been asked if I believe that he is the Anti-Christ and I really do not know. There have been many Anti-Christs during and since the time of Christ and I believe he is probably another of that long line. People like Stalin and Hitler belong in that long list. I believe that he was set up and backed by powers that would like nothing better than to bring America to its knees.

this man spends more time on the golf course than any two presidents have ever spent. When he is not playing golf he is playing basketball or entertaining sports teams or celebrates at the White House. All of this with taxpayers money. Michelle continues to take very expensive vacations overseas. This time she is headed to Africa with her mother and daughters in tow. She is saying that it not a sightseeing trip and calling it a trip to help the children of Africa. When she is in this country she constantly sticks her nose where it has no business. She and her daughters stop and have ice cream and other fattening fast foods while telling the rest of the country that we have to change our eating habits. Clearly a case of do as I say, not as I do. She apparently feels that she is that far above us little scum.

Pretendsident B. Hussein Obama needs to be removed from office. He needs to be removed as soon as possible, 2012 at the latest. He intends to raise one billion dollars for his campaign and if he succeeds he will be very hard to beat. He has the unions in his pocket (or he is in theirs) and if they can control their members he has a big block of votes there. Most of these unions, especially the public workers unions such as teachers and the SEIU will vote for him because they want that free ride on the back of us taxpayers. He also has all of the community organizers on his side. One of the reasons that I believe that he is putting more and more people in government jobs and on the government handout list is in hopes that they will all vote for him. He is not stupid, just devious. He is also a narcissist and believes that he is above all of us swamp scum here in flyover country. The republicans need to come up with a good candidate, preferably one with Tea Party backing that can talk to the people the way Ronald Reagan did. I will get into that more in my next posting. Until then check out my other blog and my store.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

USA Going, Going, Gone?

Are we watching the total demise of the United States of America as it has always been and as we believe it should be? I am one person that believes that we are. I believe that it is being accomplished by our pretendsident B. Hussein Obama. When he campaigned on change for this country, little did the voters suspect this was what he meant. He is driving this country into the ground and I believe that he is doing it on purpose. There are a couple of things that point me to that conclusion. First of all, he is either a Muslim or if not an actual Muslim, at the very least a Muslim sympathizer. One of the ways that you can tell this is the fact that he believes Israel should return to the pre-1967 borders. This is an indefensible position for the Israelis and would lead to their annihilation. This is exactly what the Muslims want, so what other reason would Obama have of suggesting it? Also showing that he is a Muslim or a sympathizer is the fact that he is all in favor of the revolts going on in the mid-east, knowing that the Muslim brotherhood is behind most of them and they will be the big winners there along with the terrorist groups that they are a front for. Just today the ruler of Yemen left the country to receive medical care. This leaves one of the largest training centers for terrorists in the hands of those terrorists. It must be time for Obama to go and play another round of golf.

The second reason that makes me believe believe that our pretendsident is intentionally ruining this country is the fact that he is a Marxist Communist. He sees nothing wrong with taking over auto companies, banks and any other company and call it saving jobs. He also takes from the rich (and middle class) to give to the poor. This is done to keep these people voting for him. He has done everything possible to make it harder for small businesses to operate. He has tried to say that his stimulus plans are to help the economy and to provide jobs when in reality they do little but pay off his union boss buddies. He calls all of these boondoggles investments in America when in reality all they are doing is putting us farther and farther in debt. If he is allowed to continue we will soon be nothing more than a banana republic with a dictator. That is, what I feel, exactly what he wants and he wants to be that dictator.

As I have written before, he already rules like a dictator, making thirty or forty czars that answer only to him, he does not follow court rulings like the one that says that his health care plan is illegal, instead of waiting to see what the eventual supreme court decision is, he simply implements what he wants to. When Arizona passes an immigration law that mirrors federal law, he not only refuses to acknowledge it he sues the state for trying to protect the citizens of that state. They are trying to do what he should be doing and refuses to do. He does not want to stop the invasion from out southern border because if he can get an amnesty passed as he would like to, those people will vote for him.

A believe that B. Hussein Obama is attempting to set himself up as a dictator for life. Adolph Hitler followed somewhat the same type of path. He took over during a time when Germany was hurting financially, he was a gifted speaker, which Obama is actually not, he needs a tele-prompter to be able to give his Hitler like mesmerizing speeches. He is racially divisive somewhat the same as Hitler. He is attempting to bring about more and more government/business partnerships similar to what Hitler did. I could go on, but I think you get the idea. Remember, Hitler too was a socialist, he was head of the National Socialist Party. This man must be stopped. I believe that we have one chance to do that and that is the election of 2012. If he is not beaten in that election it is my belief that you can kiss America, as our founders set it up and as we know it, goodbye.

there are a couple of things that you can do. Online groups that you should join include Numbers USA, Restore the Republic at and

Remember: check out my latest posting on SASL next week and right back here in two weeks and check out my store.