This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Immigration 2

We do not need to worry about domestic terrorism in this country, we have enough illegal invaders to cover for any terrorist that wishes to get into this country. I would like to know why when a Christian group is found out to be allegedly planning to commit a crime it is all over the government controlled media, but when an illegal invader kills people, not a word is written or spoken about it? How many of the illegal invaders coming across the Mexican border are not Mexican but Arab terrorists?

Why are we not closing the border if we are serious about fighting the war on terror? Is it because we no longer call it terrorism but man made disaster or some other PC term? Just because we do not call it terrorism, that does not change the fact that it is terrorism. Calling terrorism Man Made Disaster is akin to Orwell's War is Peace in his classic 1984. Changing the name of things does not, in fact change the act itself.

We know that each day thousands of invaders cross the border. We also know for a certainty that a number of them are terrorists. They are sneaking into this country so that they can then disappear among the Muslims already here and join or set-up a group of terrorists. There are many reasons to close the southern border of this country, but the influx of terrorists is probably one of the best.

Most of the 9-11 hijackers came into this country across the southern border. The group planning to kill soldiers on an army base all came across that border. What more proof does our government need to see that that border needs closing down? Do we need another 3,000 Americans killed by terrorists that come across? Would that even wake up our ignorant, constitution hating, corrupt congress? Could it be that they want all of this going on so that they can take over more control of the country? Right now I have a lot more questions than I do answers. I know that there is a large number of senators and representatives that would like to see a one world government and I believe that they will do anything it takes to make it happen. We need to bring our troops back from Iraq and Afghanistan and put all of those National Guard troops that are serving over there on our southern border. However, do not hold your breath waiting for it to happen. they cannot break down America without the drug runners, drunks, thieves, rapists and yes, terrorists coming across the border.

The amnesty now being planned and pushed in Washington is not to stop the flow of invaders, but simply to garner more votes for the democrat party. They will still need the invaders to keep coming to have the slave labor needed to satisfy big companies like Walmart, Armour and others like them. It is time to vote all of the scum out of office and start doing things right.

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