This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Coming Chaos in America-Part Two

What is going on in America at this time is bound to bring more chaos. First; we have immigration. The federal government is allowing anyone who wants to to cross the border between Mexico and the USA. This is causing almost total anarchy in the southwestern states. When Arizona passed a law to curtail some of this invasion, the US government sued Arizona. Why? To promote more chaos. Just like Hitler and the Nazis did to take power, create a big enough crisis and the people will fill into line. How long will it take for these invaders to sell their drugs, drive drunk and kill Americans, join gangs and take over neighborhoods, rape American women, rape our children, kidnap families and all of the other things that they are doing before people will get tired of it and revolt violently? When the violent revolt happens, that is when our Muslim Pretendsident will put the hammer down and attempt to take over as a dictator.

Then there is the Mosque at ground zero. In my last blog I stated that I felt that Barry Soetoro/Barrack Hussein Obama was a Muslim or at the very least a Muslim sympathizer. His speech on the eve of Ramadan, I feel, proves my point. He has no problem with the Muslims putting up a victory Mosque within spitting distance of ground zero. This would be a direct slap in the face at all Americans and especially the relatives of the 3,000 that died in the attack. I believe that he is hoping that the rhetoric on this will heat up enough that he may have to send troops to calm it down. Just another power grab by a fasciunist.

Of course he is still attempting to drive a wedge between different classes of people. Nothing can be said against anything he does or attempts to do or he or one of his fasciunist buddies will play the race card. Our pretendsident is one of the most racist people I have ever seen. Still he uses the race card as a club and the mean stream meatheads (main stream media) go right along with his use of that race card. This man has been attempting to drive the wedge between races since he took office.Just another way he hopes to split up the country.

Then there is his attempts to use class warfare. He rants and raves against big banks, big oil and any other big business that he cannot take over. He has been given more money by big banks and big oil just to name a couple than most other politicians from either party. In fact, he received more campaign contributions from BP than anyone else. We all know that they did not give him that money just because the think he is a nice guy. Class warfare is just another little gimmick he is using to split up the country. He wants everyone mad at someone else so he can call it a crisis and come in and "save" the day.

What will he do with whichever one of these crisis explodes into chaos? He will take over (or at least try) whatever segment of the population is causing the problem. Remember, he already controls a couple of car companies, and insurance company, some banks, the entire health industry and is working on several more such as the environment and other stupid ideas. What happens when the people get sick and tired of hearing about him taking over or wanting to take over more and more? they well could revolt and that would play right into his hands. He would call out the national guard and possibly declare martial law. If this happens prior to the 2012 elections, and I believe it will, he could suspend the elections and stay on as a virtual dictator. Unless we do something rapidly, I believe we are in for the fight of our life.

This is the most important year in my life for the elections. I am neither a demlican or republicrat but what we need is a change. We need to kick about ninety percent of our non-representatives out of the house of representatives. there are a handful of decent congressmen there and that is stretching it. If the politicians find out that they can be thrown out of office wholesale, they may pay more attention to their constituents. The same goes for the senate, boot out the incumbents. If your congressman or senator is a demlican, either vote for a republcrat or switch demlicans in the primary. The same goes if they are republicrats. This is our one and only hope. I am not even sure that electing all new politicians will work but it is the last thing we can try before our pretendsident takes us into a civil war.

One thing I will say here. I am not sure our national guard troops would go to war against their neighbors, so he may have to call in the army, navy, marines and air force. If they would not do the job he wanted done the US has a great number of soldiers of fortune they could call on. Many of them are from other countries and would not hesitate to shoot down American citizens. Do what you have to do to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Coming Chaos In America-Part One

Almost fifteen years ago, in February of 1996, I wrote an article with the same title. In cleaning out a file drawer, I came across it and re-read it. While some things have changed, the premise of the article was still correct. At that time I could get no one to print the article because it was to far out. I began the article this way: "The American government needs all of the dissension, violence, drugs, crime and all other divisive actions that are possible if they are going to do what I fear they are. What is that? I fear that they are going to try to take all of our rights and freedoms and this country awe know it will turn into something totally alien to most Americans." Does that sound that out of touch at this time? I went on to describe why I thought the way I did and what I saw happening. All of the editors at that time had their head in their armpit or some other dark part of their body and told me I was a fear monger. All of you reading this today know better. Those things an more have taken place and many of our freedoms are already gone. While the article I wrote in 1996 is outdated, some of what I said is not. I am going to base today's blog on that letter. Before I begin, what I see now is the use of all of the dissension and other things to bring on a civil war or at least martial law so all freedoms can be terminated.

For all of my writings from the mid 1980s until now I have done tons of research. I researched Communism, fascism, conspiracies, wars, insurrections, civil disobedience, militias, patriotic organizations, congress, the constitution, the presidency and many other subjects. All of that research led me to coin the term "fasciunism." I not only did this research for writing, but because I am very interested in politics and history.

During this research I found that the real problem began in this country in 1913, with the founding of the "Federal Reserve", which is neither federal nor do they have any reserves. This was a conspiracy, put together by a small group of bankers and politicians and shoved down the peoples throats. They let everyone think that this was the greatest thing that had ever happened to this country. That lasted until 1929 when they caused the "Great Depression." This was done to get the rich richer and to change the political landscape. People wanted change, so they voted in FDR and they got the change, but not what they imagined. They got soup lines, high unemployment until WW II, government programs and handouts and social security. The people who got the handouts instantly became lifelong democrats. Of course we found a way to jump into WW II to salvage the economy. One thing about FDR that you want to remember is his statement: "Nothing in politics happens by accident, if it happens it was planned that way."

You can see a pattern emerging here, create a problem, then create the answer to that problem. That is exactly what is going on in this country today. Each and every thing that happens is a crisis and now we need a resolution to that crisis. We got into the mess we are in the same way it happened in 1929. We got into a recession and people wanted a change. Well the are getting change all right, but I am not sure that it is the change they bargined for. To get to this point we do not need to blame the demlicans or the republicrats, (they have long since morphed into one entity) they are both to blame. Nixon (R) took us off the gold standard and started our fall into the hands of the Chinese. Johnson (D) got us into the Viet Nam war, gave us Medicare and the war on poverty. Carter (D) gave us Fannie Mae and kow-towed to the rest of the world.Clinton (D) gave us Freddie Mac and started the home loans to people that had no business buying a home because they could not pay the loan back. George W. Bush (R) gave us two wars, Medicare part D, the beginning of a recession and the first TARP bailout. Obama (D) I will not get into what this man is doing. We all know and can see what he is doing and none of it is good. He promised change and he is doing that all right. He is making FDR look like a piker with the way he is taking over things, pushing things down our throats that the majority of the country does not want. In my opinion the man is a Muslim (or at the least a Muslim sympathizer), a Marxist and definitely a FASCIUNIST. He is using many fascist tactics to bring about the communism that he is pushing.

As with my article in 1996 this is getting longer than I hoped for. I will finish this in part two.