This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Internationalism and Fasciunism

Back at the beginning of this commentary, I expalined that fascism is a nationalist socialism while communism is international socialism. That might make one wonder how fasciunism fits in with a bunch of very wealthy people who would like to form a one world government. How would facist, (nationalist) tactics fit into the one world scheme? The answer is: the one worlders know that the common citizens of most countries are very nationalistic. Look to France, Germany or England and you will see that all have very strong nationalist movements. Many of them were pulled kicking and screaming into the fasciunistic European Union. Here in the United States of America the feelings run even deeper. None of us want to give up our soverignty. This is where fasciunism steps in and fills the gap. Fasciunism is not to be the ultimate result, it is merely being used to get us to accept the one world government. Now just take a look at how some of this is being accomplished. First we need to remember that most freedoms that are lost are not simply uprooted and taken away. They are insidiously undermined until the root of the freedom is totally defunct and then merely discarded. Let us look at one item in depth to see how the loss of our sovereignty occurs. A treaty commonly known as the "Convention on Biological Diversity" was entered into by the United States. While, as far as I know, the senate has refused to ratify the treaty, thus making it null and void. That is the last time I did research on it the senate had not ratified the treaty. They may have snuck in a ratification vote since then unbeknown to any of us "poor slobs". The aim of the treaty, in its own words is; "to create a national network of boisphere reserves that presents the biogographical diversity of the United States and fulfills the internationally established roles and functions of biosphere reserves". Even though the treaty has not been ratified by the senate, the executive branch goes ahead and acts like it has. By executive order all federal agencies are told to embrace this treaty. National Heritage sites are named and given over to the U.N. or some other international body to oversee. Next, adjacent landowners are told that they cannot do certain things on their land because it will mess up the National Heritage site. They are told this by the Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA) or some other government bureaucracy. This is pure fascism, private ownership and government control. However, it is being done for a different long range reason. The reason is to get people to accept this control, even though some of them know that it is really international. The hope is that those who do not accept these controls will become disgruntled and sell their property to the government for whatever pittance is offered. Thus the government has control of that much more land which is then added to the National Heritage site. Now the next adjecent landowner will have his land jeprodized. On and on it goes until the government actually owns all the land. In many foreign countries, where private land ownership is virtually non-existant or is controlled by a very few very wealthy individuals, this is not necessary, these countries are already in the one world fold. Here in the U.S. it is fascism until the land is sold to the government then it becomes communism; thus fasciunism.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

The Imperial Presidency V

One might ask, "If the media is so much behind the fasciunists and they are responsible for helping to create the imperial presidency, why was Richard Nixon run out of office? He iniated, accepted and promoted socialist, communist and fasciunist ideas. He opened to door to trade with China, the largest communist country in the world. You could say that by doing this, he started the exodus of business to third world countries. Why would the media savage a one worlder like Nixon? My idea of what went on was that Nixon had served his purpose. Lets face it, he was no bigger liar than Clinton or Bush and no more of a cheat and crook than they were and are. The country needed a scapegoat at the time and Nixon was it. They needed a scapegoat for the war in Viet Nam, which by the way, Nixon had no part in getting us into. The needed a scapegoat for the economy which was in the toilet at the time and they just needed a scapegoat in general for all the things they felt were wrong with America at the time. Although Nixon won the presidency with a much larger vote margin than Clinton, he was protrayed as being disliked. Here is a point to ponder. How can a man like Nixon, who received more popuar votes than Clinton be hated, while Clinton is loved by everyone? What; Clinton was not loved by everyone? The media made it appear as though he was. Clinton did not even receive fifty percent of the vote and he was portrayed by the media as one of the most popular presidents ever. Nixon did receive over fifty percent of the vote and was portrayed as one of the most hated presidents. All of this only makes sense if you are out to create an imperial presidency. How will G.W. Bush be portrayed by the press when his term is over? That depends on whether the media and the powers behind the scenes want another republicrat as president or whether they want to switch to a demlican. My prediction is that we will get an ultra-liberal left winger. Someone like Hillary Clinton. G.W. will be savaged just prior to the end of his term and blamed for everything that is wrong with the country. He will be blamed for all of HIS many blunders and also for many blunders that were started by other people. How many people have heard about the Inter-American Democratic Charter, which was signed in 2001? Not many, because the one world lap dog press was told not to make it too well known. This was started long before Bush but he will get the blame because it was signed on his watch. If anyone takes the time to read it, they will find that it is another way in which we are losing our country. It makes North and South America one big democracy. The only countries that did not sign this pact are countries that are not members of the OAS and Cuba. That consists of about three countries in the Americas. This is being done by the imperial presidency, no matter who or what party is in control. The fasciunists have their agenda set and if you want to be president you will follow it. The fasciunists should not have this power, we the people are supposed to be the government. America is supposed to be a republic, not a democracy. The presidency is supposed to be just one of the three branches of government, it is not supposed to be imperial. It is time for the people to take back the government.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Imperial Presidency IV

The imperial presidency has been created for a purpose. The financial leaders and the major media have made all of this seem normal, like it is what the American people want. Once again go back to Clinton's presidency. When he bombed the asprin factory, we were originally told that it was a front for the manufacture of chemical and biological weapons. It was supposedly run by a super terrorist that was behind the bombing of two of our embassies. Banner headlines abounded and it was the lead story on the evening news, stating what a wonderful thing it was, giving our imperial president credit for rapid reaction to terrorism and doing something about it. He was lauded and applauded for his quick action by the media around the country. But then, guess what, observers from several other countries found that indeed the bombed facility was a pharmaceutical firm, that there was no evidence of chemical or biological weapons being made there, that the bombing left millions of that countries citizens without their desperately needed drugs. Then the media was silent, no big stories, no condemnation, nothing. The story was swept under the rug and we moved on to the next story. Clinton and the media just hoped that the American people would forget. Do you know what? Most of the couch potato sheep did. When 9-11 took place and G.W. went to war in Afganistan, he was lauded and applauded. We did not go after just the terrorist and his followers that caused this, (if in fact they did) we went after a whole country, innocent and guilty alike. The media and the sheep were all for it. The thousands of innocents that were killed were simply collateral damage. To this day that terrorist has not been found, so we just keep fighting and killing. When we went into Iraq, we went to rid it of a dictator and all of his weapons of mass destruction. While the dictator was finally taken, the WMD have not and will not be found. There were and are none. Is our imperial president being blamed for all of this? Not really, the blame is being shifted to the intellegence community and other advisors. This is so all of the new unconstitutional laws can be passed, to give the intellegence agencies more power over the people and the media goes along with it. Another reason for the success of the impeial presidency lies with the American people themselves. There is a large segment of the population that is filled with greed and apathy. They do not care about what goes on in the rest of the world. They do not really even care what goes on in this country as long as they have a dollar in their pocket. One of the most frequent comments I heard during Clinton's impeachment went something like this: "Who cares what he did? The economy is good, I am making money and living good. Let the man alone and let him do what he wants to." I heard it so often from so many people that I had a hard time controlling my anger. This is what the fasciunist like to hear. This is what the communists said they would do to this country. This will turn the imperial presidency into a total dictatorship.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

The Imperial Presidency III

The imperial presidency is the result of many causes. First of all there is the people. When Bill Clinton got caught doing things that no president should be doing, the people said, "Oh no, what a president does in his private life is no ones business". Many things that a president does in his private life affect the whole country. What a president does in his private life also reflects on how he will handle the country. If a man is a crook in private life, that is what he will be as president. The supporters of G.W. Bush are the same, the man can do no wrong. These men are made heros for things that the average American would go to jail for. The media is also to blame. If a president is going along with the one world powers, the media does a lot of covering up for them. They only report on what they are told by those powers, that they are allowed to report on. Every president, starting with FDR, with the exception of Ronald Reagan has been hand-picked by the one world power group. While Reagan managed to get elected in spite of these power elite, they made sure that the vice-president and all advisors were one worlders. R.R., coming from Hollywood, knew enough about the media and was a good enough orator to get many of his points out to the American people. Congress is another great enabler of the imperial presidency. They have given up more and more of their constitutional powers. While some say that congress took away powers after the Nixon fiasco, I do not really agree. They still allow a president to go to war without declaring it. They still allow presidents to run much of the country by executive orders. Executive orders have always been a part of the presidency, but since Bill Clinton they have become a way of life for the imperial presidency. Many of thes executive orders have to do with treaties. A treaty must be signed and then ratified by the senate. This is the process set down in the constitution. We now have executive orders on the books instructing federal agencies to honor treaties that have never been ratified. This is totally illegal. We have executive orders allowing wire taps and spying on Americans without a court order. This is totally illegal and unconstitutional. Yet congress, who could vote to rescind these orders does nothing. Congress and the media have both known about the orders for the wire taps and spying for some time and have done nothing. They have kept the story under wraps at the request of a fasciunist imperial president. They should all be calling for G.W.'s impeachment, instead they are aiding and abeting him. I went into the White House web site on which it supposedly lists all executive orders. The orders are listed by date and order number. The problem was that many numbers are not listed and other orders are to amend previous orders with the previous order not listed. The whole web site is a smoke screen to make people believe that what is being done is open and honest. The executive order allowing eaves dropping on American citizens was never on that site. The government is supposed to be "BY" the people and "FOR" the people, not by the president for his power. Any time the media and the congress give a president a pass on doing something as unconstitutional as eaves dropping and spying on American citizens, they are asking for trouble. What will be the next thing he or the next imperial president asks for? To take away all guns? To curtail what little freedom of speech we still have? It seems that all a president has to do is to tell congress and the media that it for the safety of the country and they will go along with it. Does this remind anyone besides me about the way Hitler took power? The imperial presidency is just another step in the fasciunists take-over of this country.

Friday, December 23, 2005

The Imperial Presidency II

Let us take a look at our last two presidents and see just how far into the imperial presidency we are, how far into fasciunism. William Jefferson Clinton was a Viet Nam war protester, who by his own admission hated the military. He later became commander-in-chief of the very thing he hated. It showed in his attempt to dismantle it as much as he could. During his college years, he camped out in a tree in front of his college for days, as a protest of the Viet Nam war, defecating and urinating on the ground beneath him. He was a draft dodger. He lied about wanting to join the ROTC in college to evade the draft, later saying that he had never said he would join. While the ROTC was waiting for him, he went to England to study at Oxford. While he was there he took an illegal trip to the Soviet Union. No one knows for sure why he went, but most believe that it was to teach the people there how to hold anti-American war protests. That also makes him a traitor. He is a church burner. He and his Attorny General Janet Reno took responsibility for the burning of the compound in Waco, Texas. Not too many people believed in what was going on there, but here in America we have the freedom of religion and that is what was being practiced in Waco. Clinton even used the hated military, illegally I might add, to help take down this church. By accepting blame for the burning of the Waco church, he must accept the responsibility for the more than eighty men, women and children that were killed there. By vetoing a proposed law banning partial birth abortions he must take the responsibility for the killing of millions of babies. He is a philanderer. His escapades with women other than his wife are well known and proven. This includes his oval office "oral sex is not sex" affair. He is a liar. He lied about his intent to join the ROTC, he lied about his trip to the Soviet Union, he lied about his philandering, both to the American people and in court. He said that he possibly "misled" the American people. That in newspeak means that it is okay to lie to the people. When pressed about his perjury, he simply went into redefining words into newspeak. He even made the statement that a certain thing depended on what your definition of "is" is. The word is, is an absolute. Is, is the present tense, third person singular of be. Without newspeak, there can be no other meaning for the word is. Now to G.W. Bush. While he was not exactly a war protester, he joined the National Guard to evade the draft. It is unknown whether he even fulfilled his obligation to the Guard. Were it not for Dan Rather of CBS trying his best to bring G.W. down by using lies and made up stories, we might have gotten to the bottom of it, but that is not to be. While he was in college, G.W. was a hard drinking, carousing person. He was a member of the Skull and Bones club which is a wierd anti-Christian, anti-American organization. Since taking office, he has shown just how imperial and fasciunist the presidency has become. He went to war in Afganistan and Iraq with no act of congress declaring these wars. The only way that America can constitutionaly go to war on foriegn soil is to have war declared by congress as it was against Germany and Japan in World War II. Since then every war has been illegal. G.W. is also almost totally responsible for the unconstitutional so-called Patriot Act. This allows him to have his flunkies usurp almost every God given constitutional right we as Americans have. Now it is revealed that he has authorized the spying on of American citizens on American soil. This is a definate violation of the constitution and even an act of congress could not make it legal. G.W. says that it is his job as commander-in-chief to do this to protect the American people against terrorism. And just Who is going to protect us against G.W. Bush. Only in a dictatorship can something like this be done. This shows you where these people have taken the presidency. I could go on with many more things about Clinton and Bush as well as previous presidents, but that is kind of like beating a dead horse. What is needed now is to stop this fasciunist takeover of this country.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Imperial Presidency

The United States of America now has an imperial president, just one short step from a dictator. One of the big proofs was when the senate failed to convict William Jefferson Clinton on the articles of impeachment. That was proof that everyone in the country should have recognized. The one problem is that most of the people in this country are too busy watching tv and becoming couch potatoes. While all of the other signs have been missed for the past sixty or so years, it has now brought us an even worse imperial president. G.W. Bush has become something that I thought I would never live to see in this country. Much of the writings I have been doing in this series are from a book I published in 1999. Since then many things have gotten even worse. I have been trying to update the information as I go and occasionally I slip up. One of these slips was when I went through the first ten amendments to the constitution. I stated that the fourth amendment had not yet been trashed. That was in 1999, this is now. Since the so-called terrorist attacks of 9-11 the fourth amendment has been trashed in a much worse manner than many of the other amendments. First there was the so-called patriot act which gave the government police state powers and then along comes our imperial president G.W. and authorizes phone taps on our citizens without a court order. He has stated that it is constitutional and part of his job. What that man is full of stinks to high heaven. Nowhere in the constitution does it say he has the power to allow spying on American citizens in America. The congress never gave him that authority and for that matter cannot without amending the constitution. This imperial president has taken the power grab to a new level and if we ever intend to get back to constitutional law, G.W. should be impeached immediately. While other presidents have done some things to turn the presidency into a dictatorship, this one has accomplished it. The second world war was the last war that was legally declared, all others have been thanks to the imperial presidency. This is fasciunism at its peak. It is the old Nazi idea of tell a big enough lie and tell it often enough and people will believe it. Already people are defending G.W., saying that the patriot act and the wire tapping are needed for the security of our country. They say that fighting terrorism is different and needs different rules. Well unless we live under the rule of law there are no rules. We have rules called the constitution and they need to be followed. It does not make any difference whether we are fighting terrorism or anything else, the constitution needs to be followed. At this point in time more of the constitution is being trashed and the fasciunists would have us believe that it is legal and necessary. Remember; Anyone who would give up a little freedom for some security deserves neither freedom nor security. While that may not be the exact wording, it is close enough to what Benjamin Franklin said to get the idea. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was one of the first presidents to grasp the power he saw available. This is the man who is quoted a saying; "In politics nothings happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way". What does that tell you about the great depression that he is credited with getting us out of? What does it say about the war (WW II) that he took us into? What does it say about his becoming the first "president for life" in the history of the United States. While this was Bill Clintons hero and role model he never got to accomplish the president for life thing. He did learn well though, and emulated FDR in many ways. G.W. while claiming to be a conservative republican is doing an even better job of being a dictator and grabbing all of that power. He has grabbed power that even FDR did not try to take. When FDR went to war at least the congress declared war on Germany and Japan. That is the constitutional way and the only constitutional way to go to war. Since FDR our fasciunist imperial presidents have not seen fit to go through congress. What is going on today is a mighty power grab by the fasciunists and something that must be stopped.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Media X/Advertising

Advertising in media has a lot to do with the breaking down of American morals. These advertising people try to tell us what we MUST have and even how we should live. the ads actually belittle the Christian American way of life. Theyt belittle real patriotism while praising deviant lifestyles. They promote a materialistic, amoral, altruistic, anti-religeous, one world society. In plain englesh, they promote fasciunisim. Materialism has become so important and pervasive that is is no longer even mentioned. The economy needs to grow, therefore, the consumer needs to consume. It is sometimes even intimated in some of the ads that not to buy is "un-American". These are the same people that are in charge of the advertising for political candidates, what shows to watch, what to eat and if they can, they will tell us how and what to think. They are very successful with most American sheep. This is why so many Americans are drowning in debt. The advertisers also try to make saving and paying cash un-American. Much of the problem is planned obselence of the products that are being advertised. Look to the electronics industry for instance. Computers, gaming systems, cell phones, etc. All of these items are obsolete the day they are put on the market. The manufacturers will continue to sell the model just out until they feel they have the market saturated and then they will bring out the "newer", "better" model that they had ready even before they started selling the current model. People who cannot afford it are told that they MUST have all of thes latest upgrades and products. I have nothing against all of the new electronic gadgets, in fact I use many of them as tools in my work. That is how I look at them, as tools. This type of advertising also becomes devious in the fact that the advertisers try to make us believe that it is un-American not to have a cell phone for emergencies, cable or satellite tv and are not on line. Now General Motors is trying to convince everyone that they hate their children if they do not have a GM car with on-star. These services add nothing to the economy, they simply circulate money, much of it un-needed credit. All of this just helps makes the bankers and other super-rich fasciunists richer. The media along with the advertising industry promotes adds against things like guns, hunting, militas, real patriotism and religion and for things like abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, lesbianism and same gender marriage. Much of the media will not air ads in opposition to these fascuinist ads. Many ad agencies and most of the media will not do ads for any group that they do not consider politically correct. Communists, feminists, tree hugging environmentalists and fasciunists and all other left wing ads are okay. Christian, patriotic, pro-American or right wing ads are not. This gives Americans who are addicted to tv a very warped sense of values. Remember, not only the large tv, radio, newspaper and entertainment companies are owned by the super rich, so are the large advertising agencies. These and the super rich bankers are in colusion to bring down this country. The owners of these large companies many times belong to the same organizations. Organizations like the Bilderberg group, Trilateral commission and the Council on Foreign Relations are all meeting places of these wealthy fasciunists and their lap-dog politicians. These are groups that are very intent on bringing down America. They would like to reduce it to third word status so that the sheep would be easier to control. Many of these men are the industrialists that are moving all of their factories offshore, mostly to China and other countries where slave labor is used. It is not only more profit that they are after, but they gladly take it, it is their hatred of America and the American way of life that drives them overseas. They cannot totally control all of us so they hate us. They are doing their best to bring America down and bring about a one-world fasciunist government.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Media IX/Sports

Owners of sports teams complain about the money they have to pay their atheletes. Some of the athletes demand twenty or thirty million dollars a year and get it. This much money for playing a game and it does not even include advertising endorsments. The owners complain, but they keep on paying it because they know it is not going to come out of their pocket. They raise ticket prices, concession prices, parking fees and they raise what they charge for advertising on the radio and tv. Advertising is the real hidden cost to the fan, (and even the non-fan). When it costs millions of dollars to get a half-minute ad on the superbowl, where do you think the money for that comes from? Right out of the consumers pocket. It does not matter whether you ever watched a sport or not, when you buy a product advertised on a televised sporting event, you are paying for that ad and inderectly paying the athlete's salary and the team owner's profit. The players are also at fault. They demand these huge salaries and many of them are mediocre players, but the market is there, the owners do not care and they get their money. These players are the ones that are set up in front of the world to be heros and role models for our children. Again, the problem is the media who gives them all of the air time and print.The nastier and more despicable they behave, the more coverage they recieve.The stars that dress or act atrociously, cause fights, take drugs, get drunk, rape or impregnate various women, brag about being homosexual and do any other deviant act are the ones that get the most publicity. These are the athletes that the media holds out to our youth as role models, as people to emulate. We do have some good, clean, Christian athletes out there too. However when you hear of them in the media the story is different. We and our children are told that these athletes are old fashioned, out of date, stupid, bigoted, racist, homophobic and any other vile thing that can be said about them. When the late Reggie White, one of the greatest defensive ends that ever played football, addressed the Wisconsin state assembly and senate, he made his views of homosexuality and other sins known. Prior to that he had been a Wisconsin hero. After that there was never another good word about him in print or on radio or tv. He was brated, laughed at, belittled and made fun of. It had always been known that he was a Christian pastor but he just went about his business so it never became a problem. What a warped view of the world to give our youngsters: Dennis Rodman a hero and Reggie White denigrated. All of this has caused a warped sense of values in all of American society. When you stand in a grocery store and watch a family of five, mother, father and three youngsters, one barely out of diapers, come up to the check out stand in their team jackets, (costing in excess of one hundred and fifty dollars each), and pay for their groceries with food stamps, you know something is wrong. Why should the taxpayers pay for this family's food and the family spend their money on these clothes that go to pay the players and team owners. There is no reason for it, but America has become numb to such goings on. Sports should be put back where they belong. They should be for participation as a learning and fitness tool. Spectator sports are fine but should not get all of the citizen and media attention that they do. All of this is merely to dull America's senses to the real troubles and the fasciunist takeover that is going on right under everyone's noses. Wake up people and smell the rotteness that is America today.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Media VIII/Sports

When we move into the area of sports, we find another problem, especially when it comes to professional sports. Where once sports were a simple diversion from day to day trials and tribulations, they have become an all consuming national frenzy. The medium of television has pushed sports so hard that it is hard to turn on a tv set and not be able to see a sporting event of some type. If you have cable or satellite tv you will have several different events to choose from. There is such a mania among some peope that they will miss work, church, doctors appointments and anything else to see their favorite team play. These are not participant sports, but spectator sports, where some poor slob making twelve thousand dollars a year is convinced he needs to take a day off work to watch a bunch of grown men playing children's games and making twelve MILLION dollars a year. This is how brain-washed some people have become due to paying attention to too much advertising. Also, it is no longer just the chip eating, beer swilling, couch potato male that is hooked on these sports. Many women are just as avid about them as the men are. I am definately not against sports. I think that sports are a good teaching tool, a good recreation and an enjoyable pastime. I participated in sports in school, in the service and in the community afterward and listened to sports on radio and tv. I participate less now that I am older but have also cut down on my watching. I will occasionally watch or listen to a professional baseball of football game, but only if I cannot do anything else intelligent. If I miss a game, whether it be the world series or the super bowl, it does not bother me. I never even watch things like golf, tennis, cricket, rugby, etc., etc. Most people that are the most avid about watching all forms of sports are not even the type that participate. That is what the fasciunist government and the fasciunist media want, a country of spectators and not participants. The advertisers continue to tell these people what they should want. This keeps them from thinking about politics or anything else that might wreck the fasciunists plans for this country. You see, if these people ever decided to participate in sports, they might decide to participate in other things, such as politics and that would spell trouble for the fasciunists. Look at professional sports from the top down. You have super wealthy owners who go on tv and whine and cry that the city and state will not give them money to build a new stadium. They whine and cry some more and threaten to move their team out of the area, to a city that is stupid enough to build a stadium at taxpayers expense. Most of the time it works and the taxpayers cave in and build the stadium for the owner. This is ludicrous. These men are in business to make money. If they need a new stadium to be able to make that money, they should be able to finance it or pay for it themselves. I have owned several businesses and no one ever built a new building for me or paid me to stay in their town. The taxpayers build the stadium, the owners raise the ticket prices, they raise the concession prices, the raise parking fees and the fans (TAXPAYERS) are the ones who have to pay those prices too. This is a very lucrative business because it keeps expanding. More and more teams are formed and there is never a shortage of super rich wanting to own a team. The price paid for these teams keep going up too, but that does not matter either. When it comes to a sports team the sky is the limit. The suckers (fans, taxpayers) will make the super rich owner a profit.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Media VII

Now it is all over TV news about the great new movie that is just out. It is about two cowboys that fall in love. We are told that this movie is getting rave reviews. I wonder who is giving these reviews. Is it the common movie going public, or is it more of the fasciunist media? I cannot believe that the American public is giving rave reviews to a movie about gay cowboys. I know one thing, the very idea makes me sick. To me it is just another movie to make the public so inured to gays that they will be accepted. Can anyone imagine John Wayne making a movie about gay cowboys? He is probobly spinning in his grave right about now. When it comes to guns and violence, Hollywood is one of the most disingenuous groups of people in the world. While they make their living making violent, graphic, descriptive movies using guns, knives, bombs and anything else that they can to make it even more violent, they say they are against guns. They really are against guns, but only for the "common scum". That is what they think of us. They want us to support them by going to their movies and at the same time they despise us. Like the pro-gay, promiscuous, deviant sex portrayed, they are trying to desensitize us to all of this violence. They feel that if the country becomes amoral and violent enough, the government will collect all our guns and take over as a dictatorship. They are stupid enough to think that they will have free rein and help to run the country their way. Back in the fifties, Senator Joe McCarthy tried to tell Americans that both Washington, D.C. and Hollywood were filled with communists and communist sympathizers in positions of power. For this he was (and still is) demonized by the ever obedient news media. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, he should have been vindicated by the KGB files that were released. They contain information that he was right about almost everyone he accused. You will not hear much about it though, because the media that demonized him simply cannot, will not admit they were wrong. That, and the fact that the lists contained some media figures of the era. These people are now in charge, with Washington, D.C. providing the power base and Hollywood providing the money and the base to break down the country's morals. Hollywood has become a cesspool full of fasciunists. They have no idea that if and when the dictatorship comes, that they will be regulated and relegated to second class citizens. What country, fascist or communist ever let their entertainment industry have free rein? They scream now when people boycot thier products (movies, tv shows, etc.), this is mild compared to what the government would do to them if it was a dictatorship. Apparently most of them do not have the brains of a pisant.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

News Media VI

Let us take a look at a few things that both the news media and the entertainment industry do. Lesbianism and homosexuality are protrayed in movies and on television, not as the abomination there are, but merely a lifestyle. Even on the news when they are talking about gay marriage, they portray it as something good. Many times, especially in movies it is portrayed as a superior lifestyle to normal hetro-sexuality. All forms of deviant living are being protrayed as just another lifestyle. This goes back to the amorality I talked about earlier. The people that produce these shows are trying to use their medium to influence the way we think and live. Considering that they are aiming most of these shows at youngsters in their most impressionable years, I believe they are succeding. With the rest of us older people, it is just a matter of trying to make us believe that the world is changing and that we are old fashioned. They also think that if they show it often enough it will become commonplace and we will not even notice. Thus we are back to the old communist way of bringing down America. First the fasciunists had to eliminate God. They thought they pretty much had this done, especially in the media. Then along came Mel Gibson and the "Passion of Christ". Hollywood mainstream would not touch such a film. Gibson put up several million dollars of his own money and proved to them that this is what people want. The film was wildly successful and made a ton of money for Gibson. Yet, have they learned anything from it? No, they continue to crank out their regular smut. They know that they cannot slow down their trying to break down the American moral code. They also need to break up the family. This is much of why all of the media is pro gay marriage. The entertainment industry leads the way. Back when Murphy Brown had a baby out of wedlock on the TV show of the same name it was hailed on the national news. People like her and Madonna are hailed as national heroines. Single motherhood was a taboo until the fasciunists decided to use the entertainment industry and media to crush the moral code. When a homosexual or a lesbian comes out of the closet it is normally only known to a few local people. When it happens on a prime time sit-com, once again, it is national news. When a president's wife (Hillary Clinton) tells the world that parents should have no rights over children, that children should have the right to do as they please but parents are still responsibile for their action, that is even scarier. It does not take a village to raise a child, that is fascist thinking, it takes parents. The problem is as soon as these things become common, we no longer pay any attention to them and the fasciunists move along to the next step.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

News Media V

The major media is no place to get information on world events and what is behind them. We are left with two choices, the internet and short-wave radio. From these two you can get not only the truth, but every opinion from the far left to the far right. While figuring out which is truth and which is propaganda can be a little difficult, I feel that a person who is willing to take the time and think for themselves can figure it out. There are a few magazines, weekly newspapers and newsletters that are excellent sources of information. If you look hard you will find them. Most are listed on the internet as links to your favorite sites. Moving on the the field of entertainment we find things even worse. Sports, which are now only entertainment, are not much better. Movies and television shows depicting and glamourizing the most outrageous acts and behavior abound. We need to remember that most movies and television shows are made to appeal to children from thirteen to seventeen. These are the very formative years. Language, sex and violence that would not even have been allowed in movies fifty years ago are now common, even in PG and G rated movies. Many of these acts and language are now on your television set, brought right into your living room. If you have cable or sattellite, you can get all of it, uncut. Those with regular over the air TV will have to wait a little longer. Each year the industry pushes the envelope a little more as to what words and what acts can be shown on over the air TV. Why has this happened? The higher ups in Hollywood will tell you that it is our changing attitudes and wants. That is a lot of poppycock. The industry itself has caused most of these changes. By putting just a little more of the forbidden into the shows at a time, they have gotten most people to accept what they want to show. Then, by making a show that really shocks, they make us think that what we have been seeing is tame. A few of these and they move on to the next level. Remember, these shows are geared to the young impressionable minds, so what they are doing works. While they say that the arts (if you call today's movies and TV shows art) imitate life, I think that life also imitates art. Back when the Soviet Union was going strong, one of the ways that communists said that they could get control of the Americans was to undermine their moral code. While the Soviet Union is now defunct, communisim is not. The fasciunists in hollywood are doing their best to undermine those morals every day. It is still with the idea of a one world dictatorship that this is taking place.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

The Media IV

News magazines such as Time and Newsweek should be where we go to get in-depth reporting of major news stories. While they do go into depth, many times it is about the wrong things. They like all media have turned to sports and entertainment and other frivolous stories. For Time Magazine to put Bart Simpson on their cover seems ludicrous to me. Things like this allow the fasciunists to accomplish their aims in open secrecy. They do not need to hide things, the media will do it for them. Of course, most major media is owned by fasciunists. The magazines, like the newspapers, television and radio, are lackeys to the one world fasciunists. Another thing that the major media all share in common, is their propensity to overblow and sensationalize certain stories. One example is the April 1999 school shooting in Colorado. All of the media covered this in much depth. Daily papers, weekly papers, news magazines, tabloids, radio and television. All of the TV news magazine shows did several segments on the story. The mass media gave these two young killers more publicity than 99.9% of the people will get in their lifetime. What happend next was very predictable, the copycat crimes started. The bomb threats started, guns were brought to school and things were being done just to get noticed. Everyone wanted the publicity those two killers got. Did the major media accept responsibility for any of it? Not a bit. Again, we are responsible for nothing. They said they were just doing their job. Baloney; they were sensationalizing and glamorizing the crime to increase their ratings, sell more papers or magazines or get more advertising. The motive for much of the publicity was for more gun control. A multitude of bombs were planted and you heard very little about that, only about the guns. The calls for more gun control abounded. The senate, answering the call of their fasciunist masters responded. While I listened to, watched and read about as much as I had time for (and as much as I could stand) never once did I hear mention of the over twenty laws these two broke to get what they had. Why would anyone think that one more law would have stopped them? They do not! They want our guns. Gun control is the first necessary step to any dictatorship. Stalin did it, Hitler did it and so did every other despot in the world. This shows that the major media is behind the one world fasciunist plot one hundred percent. Another good example of how the news media skew stories shows up in hurricane Katrina. The entire weeks of stories and reports centered on New Orleans. The rest of the gulf coast was largely ignored. All we were shown were thousands of blacks who had not left the city when told to, complaining loudly that the government was not there to help them. Not once was the term individual responsibility used. The government is supposed to solve everything for everybody. There were many things that could have been done by the city and the people themselves, both before and after the hurricane. This was not questioned by the major media. Everyone expects to be protected by the government from the cradle to the grave. At least that is what our lap dog media would have us believe. They did not show all of the people along the coast that had prepared for the hurricane, the people that knew that to survive they had to take responsibility for their own lives. They started showing some of the looting going on in New Orleans, but when the blacks screamed discrimination, that stopped. It seems that they could not find any whites doing the looting. They did show some whites trying to protect their property and the National Guard confiscating their weapons and leaving them defensless against the looters. They seemed to find nothing wrong with this direct violation of the constitution, but later a judge did. Little was reported about that case because the gun grabbers lost. Had it gone the other way, you can bet there would have been many stories about it.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Media III

Radio news, what there is of it, is not quite as bad as TV. On most commercial radio stations, news is almost non-existent. This is especially true of FM stations. Some of them might give you headlines once an hour and some of them do not even bother to do that. there are so-called all news stations. These are somewhat better, but still do not give you much hard news. Much of their day is spent giving sports, entertainment, cooking tips, travel tips ane other things that cannot really be considered news. While these things have a place on an all news station, they are given more time than the news. You also have the choice of listening to public radio. This is where the liberal fasciunists get their news. The only possibility of getting news on the radio is if you own a short-wave. Listen to the BBC (British Broadcasting Company) or any of a dozen other country's outlets and you will soon see how American news is being slanted. Even Voice of America has a lot more news than commercial stations. Why do our fasciunist leaders think that people in foreign countries need to know more news then Americans. Could it be that we are being kept in the dark intentionally? All news items on commercial stations are encapsulated. We are given a headline and maybe a ten second sound bite and there it is left. By using the correct sound bite, we can be left thinking exactly what the media wants us to think. By never going into depth, we are always left not knowing what is behind the news stories. This is what the fasciunists want, to control the information we get, thus controlling our thinking. While newspapers are probably our best source of news provided by the major media, they still leave a lot to be desired. A large metropolitan daily paper can carry a multitude of stories. They can also cover these stories in depth. The real problems are that reporters are all trying to be editorialists and editors will not print various subjects. There is very little straight forward reporting, just laying out the facts and letting us make our own decisions. There are certain subjects that seem to be taboo. When events occur in other countries that might make America look bad, it is never written about. They do not want us to know what the rest of the world thinks of us. The subject of the Bilderberg group is never touched by the "regular" press. One would think that when a large number of the worlds movers and shakers get together to discuss world problems and how they should be solved, the press would be right there hanging onto every word. Instead we get deadly silence. The reason being that these are the leading fasciunists that control much of the worlds finances and they tell their lap-dog media what to print. Some of them actually are owners of the newspapers that we would expect to print the news. What are they hiding and why? While newspapers of a pretty good medium, probably the best of the fasciunist controlled media, they could be much better. They need independence from fasciunist control.