This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Patriotic Tactics

Join or support an anti-abortion group. Abortion is murder and murder is illegal. Joining their protests can be a touchy situation. The possibility of getting arrested is very real. These groups and other groups who favor the constitution attempt to use the same tactics that worked so well for the left wing protesters in the sixties. The problem is that these left wing protesters are now running the government. They know what worked for them and they are making as many of these tactics as possible illegal. They blocked public and private buildings, used bombs and even wound up killing people. We were told that this was their right. Starting with Bill Clinton, who was in the thick of the protests, and continuing through GW, it is now horrible and borders on terrorism. If you are a "right to life constitutionalist", your are evil and probably a terrorist. If you are a left wing "one worlder", you are automatically good and the salt of the earth no matter what you do. If we really believe in right and in the constitution, we need to stand up for that, no matter the cost. Because the supreme court made a stupid decision and read something into the constitution that was not there, does not make it right.We now have the emminent domain issue. This was a true fascist decision, that the government, (local, state or federal) can take your land to give it to some big business to make more tax money. Join a group that is attempting to protect property rights. Join any group that is truely fighting to save our rights. Write to your state representatives and ask them to reinstate the Militia of the Several States. This is the only homeland security that is constitutionally legal. Start your own militia, with just a few like thinking people. Be open and above board about it but be careful that you are not labeled a terrorist organization. Here is a point to ponder and to question your local, state and federal officials about. Why is it when patriotic or right to life groups get together is it terrorism, yet when feminists, homosexual/lesbians or pro-abortion groups get together or even demonstrate, it is their right? Why do we have this difference? Is the government really telling us which side they are on? I believe it is and it shows just how far this country has sunk. If they counter protest us, that is okay. If we counter protest them, that is hate mongering. We all have a right to our opinion and can live our life as we see fit. However, I do not want their deviant life style or their propensity for murder or male hatred foisted on me. Their in you face attitude is not what this country is all about. Letter writing and demonstrating will do only so much good. Too many of our public officials are in the fasciunist camp. You need to be informed as to what is going on and how these people are voting, who is voting to take away your freedoms and how they are spending your money. By being informed I do not mean watching the CBS news or even reading a daily newspaper or weekly news magazine. All of the lap dog media puts a fasciunist spin on things. Find alternative newspapers, go to the internet and to web sites like The Federal Observer, News with Views and other patriotic web sites. Buy news magazines from organizations that are not afraid to be politically incorrect. Get a short wave receiver and listen to overseas broadcasts. Listen to England, Germany or Austria or any other country that provides English language broadcasts. You will get real news from these broadcasts. Listen to Cuba or China and get what these people think of us. And you might even listen to a few of the patriotic shows from this country. Once you get totally informed you will be able to vote intelligently. I know, "Why vote?" there is no difference between the demlicans and the republicRATs. They are all fasciunists, none of them are worth voting for. The elections are rigged. These are all good points if we only look to the two major parties. So look to the Constitution Party or the Libertarian Party. Work for them, support them and maybe we can get some real Americans elected. Also, there are a few real American populists in congress. Ron Paul of Texas comes to mind. We need to make sure these few get reelected while the fasciunists get thrown out.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Fight Back

Buy American if at all possible. One of the ways the fasciunists are trying to blur the line between countries is to make it seem that there is no difference between buying products that support workers in in U. S. and buying foreign products. Tell that to the thousands of workers at Ford, GM and Chrysler. The Japanese and Koreans have been selling cars to Americans while the American companies have not been able to. Now with China about to enter the market, you can imagine where the Americans will go for their cars next. The fasciunists have led the sheep to believe that cheaper is always better. They conveniently hide the real cost of the lost jobs and all of our money going overseas. What happens to this country if one of the big three go under and all of their employees are out of work. It is not only that, but all of the suppliers that make parts and other things for the car companies. Add to this all of the dealers and their employees and all the aftermarket companies. That will bring this country to its knees which is exactly what the fasciunists want. All of this is being done to bring us down to the level of a third world country. At that point the fasciunist government can take total control of all the people. Find out which companies are international and have most of their plants or other contacts in other countries. While there are now many things that are not even made in the U.S. there are still many that are if you look around. Stay out of Walmart as much as possible. They seem to rather buy from China and Indonesia than from a U.S. company, even if they have the choice. The problem is that countries like China and Indonesia and Sri Lanka are known to use slave or near slave labor. By buying from companies like these you are promoting slavery and making the rich fasciunist bankers richer. To keep from buying any more than absolutely necessary of imported products, I have turned to buying much merchandise used. I go to auctions, flea markets and thrift stores. We need to support American products and the American workers that make them. Without a manufacturing base, America will go down quicker. Buy American!
To try to regain our lost rights you need to join patriotic organizations and work to protect the right we have left while attempting to regain some of the rights we have left. The Foundation to Defend the First Amendent, Gun Owners of America and many other groups are fighting for certain rights. Pick the ones that you understand best and work with them. We need to belong to groups that have offices in Washington and are able to talk to the senators and representatives. I cannot afford to go to Washington personally to lobby, so all I can do is to help an organization or two to do it for me. You can probably find a group that is fighting for anything that you think is important to be fighting for. Joining these groups cannot hurt and may be our only way to fight Washington. Write letters. Write to your congressman, your senators, the editor of local or regional newspapers and to your state represenatives and senators. Use snail mail, e-mail and phone calls. You will soon find out where your senators and reps stand by the answers you get, or perhaps do not get. Be short and polite but straight to the point with your messages. This goes for state officials, including the governer and also in your letters to the editor. Write to local tv stations, stating your views on their programming. Tell them you are refusing to watch the shows which are sexually explicit and especially those that portray deviant behavior, such as homosexuality. Do not forget to write them when they run shows that you approve of. Shows that protray family values, good morals and good taste. This goes for public officials also, drop them a line congratulating them when they vote the right way on what may be a controversial bill. Radio stations and magazines are also targets for your letters both pro and con.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Take Action

Any American who has been reading this dissertation should be hopping up and down angry and ready to do something. They should be thinking of things that can be done to stop the spread of fasciunism and the fasciunist takeover. One thing all of you must realize is, that you, like myself will most likely be labeled as a hate monger. At one time, not so many years ago, being a patriot, or being patriotic was considered a very good quality. In today's world of newspeak, unless you are a bow down to the government, never disagree with the present administration's policies, and bend over and kiss their feet, you cannot be a patriot. The old qualities of freedom of speech and disagreement, which made this country great, are no longer allowed in the fasciunist scheme of things. As a patriot in the old style you may be called a spy, a defector and probably a terrorist. You are probably also going to be called a right wing wacko, a Christian extremist, anti-American, radical, racist, anti-semitic, xenophobic, homophobic, and a whole list of other politically correct labels. All of that may be the least of our worries. I am not sure that even if all constitution believing, Christians and patriots in this country do what I and others suggest, that fasciunism has not taken such a hold on the country that we can beat it back. It may well be that the only way this war with the fasciunists will be won will be by bloodshed. I truely hope and pray that this is not the case and it is not something that I ever have or am now suggesting. There are some out there who are suggesting this and while I do not agree with them, I do understand that that is why our forefathers gave us the right to keep and bear arms. Read the writings of the signers of the constitution and you will find this to be true. Do not let the ultra-liberal fasciunists and their lap-dog press tell you that it was put there to allow hunting and sport shooting. That is another part of the fasciunist's big lie. First of all we need to pull all of our children out of public schools. Our school age children, with their very impressionable and mallable minds, are being indoctrinated into the ways of fasciunism and one world government. They are being taught to be citizens of the world and not of the United States of America. Schools no longer teach the three R's. I am not talking about "reading, 'riting and 'rithmitic", which are not taught either, I am talking about "reason", "respect" and "responsibility". You see, these are moral choices and morals are not allowed to be taught in schools. Right and wrong cannot be taught, only choices. You see, in a world without morals, there can be no right or wrong. It is being taught that it is much more important not to offend anyone. History is even being rewritten to make sure no group is offended and to make sure it is all politically correct. You see, the fact that they are offending all true patriots does not seem to bother them. After most of us are white Christians of European decent and can be offended at will. History should be a true accounting of this and other countries, with all the good and bad included. That is what made this country great. When George Washington is taken out of our history books (he owned slaves you see) or given less ink than someone like Marilyn Monroe, (who was never known for her high moral standards) it is time to do something. The best thing possible is for as many people as possible to home school their kids. I know everyone cannot do this so the next best thing is for those who cannot home school, put your kids into a private school. Find a school that agrees with your values and teaches the truth. With the no child left behind attitude now being law and the federal government controlling everything that the public schools do, you cannaot afford to leave your children in them. We need children that grow up with morals and that have been taught the truth rather than the manufactured, politically correct garbage. No child left behind means no child out ahead and promotes the herd mentality that the fasciunists need to take over. Get those children out of public schools now.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

If Not War, What?

A total all out war is not the only thing that could allow a major takeover by the one world fasciunists. A major financial collapse in this country would cause such a world wide panic that it would give them the perfect opportunity to take over. With the government attempting to take over our lives from cradle to grave, and a great majority of the population going along with it, this would give them the chance to do it completely. Due in a great part to the fasciunist media, people would no longer go along with being poor the way they did in the early thirties. With Alan Greenspan leaving the Fed scene, the next chairman may be the one to be the patsy and let the economy go. Greenspan did many things that were either illegal or very close to it to keep this country from falling into a major depression. In the meantime, most of our manufacturing moved overseas. With GM closing a number of plants and now Ford announcing the closing of fourteen plants and the layoffs of 30,000 employees, things do not look good. That number is not the total of the layoffs it will cause. There will be probably half again that many laid off from the companies that supply Ford. This is true of the shutdowns that GM will be making also. Where are all of the jobs going to come from in the next four or five years? There are not enough McDonalds and convenience stores in the country to absorb all of the people that will be laid off. Should a major depression take place, you woud not see bread lines and people doing without. What you probably would see is mass rioting in the cities and people roaming the countryside to steal what they could from the rural people that grow their own food. People are no longer willing to work and take fewer material things. When you look at hurricane Katrina you know what I mean. While their neighbors were dying and praying to be rescued, a number of people were looting. They were not just taking the food they needed to survive, they were stealing high priced electronics and other items. They had no electricity or anything else, so I have no idea what they thought they would do with their loot. That is the mentality of a lot of today's Americans, "If a disaster happens, do not help the people in need, steal what they have that you might want". It is a sad commentary on where the fasciunist government and fasciunist media have led the sheep. Should all of these riots break out, the National Guard could be called out, martial law declared, the constitution suspended and elections suspended. Another thing that could take place is to do what Hitler did in Germany and what FDR did here in the U.S. That would be to take the country into and all out wartime economy. Drafting enough of the youth to fight various wars while putting the vacant plants in this country to work making war products. This would cause full empoloyent. It has worked in the past and it has also been used to make an Imperial president for life, FDR. Another scenario, less likely but possible, is an all out offensive on the 2nd amendment. All they need to do is to have the fasciunist media convince the sheep that there would be less terrorism or less rioting or whatever else they could think of and start taking our arms away from us. While that may sound ludicrous, it worked right after the OK City bombing. No guns were used by several gun laws were passed in the aftermath. This would probably (and should) cause an open rebellion, once again calling for the use of martial law and the use of the military to put it down. The fasciunists know as well as you and I that the 2nd amendment is there to help prevent the takeover of the country by a despotic government. The can read the founder's intent and understand it, they just will not admit it. They use newspeak to change the meaning of what the founding fathers wrote. Hitler confiscated all of the guns in Germany and it worked. While I believe the fasciunists know that they need to do it in this country, it is not going to be as easy as it was in Germany. All three of these things could play out together, throwing this country into total chaos. Should none of this work for the one worlders, they will simply continue to insidiously undermine the constitution until the feel it will work. My feeling is they think the time is soon.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

What Next?

An all out war is one of the ways that the fasciunists could completely take the country over. I believe that is one of the reasons that the last two presidents, Clinton and Bush, have both been younger men when elected. The fasciunists who do the planning want a man that is young enough to be in office once we get another president for life. They do not want another FDR, who dies before they have time to truly groom his replacement. All out war, especially against "terrorists" would allow the rules which are now in place for martial law to be utilized and all elections suspended. We all know that this is considered peacetime, after all "WAR IS PEACE". You begin to realize how fascist this country has gotten by first looking back to the war in Yugoslavia under Clinton. They were told that they would get no help from us unless they replaced their president. Yet, we had gone in to let them do their own choosing. That just goes to show how wonderful NEWSPEAK is. You can do whatever you want as long as it is what we want. Pure fascism. That was one sovereign country we invaded and when it did not go the fasciunists way, (the country caved in to their wishes too quickly) we had to invade another sovereign country, Iraq. Yugoslavia rolled over too easy, but now we have a much more difficult time of it. We are fighting terrorism, even though Iraq did not have much to do with the terrorists that attacked our country. Islam has had a role in all of these little non-wars. We stirred them up in Europe and that made Ossama angry, so using the weapons and training which we had sold him, he had his terrorists attack the U.S. I do not know if there was further complicity from the U.S. fasciunists but that is now a moot point. We first went into Afganistan, another Islamic country and then into Iraq. We are now attempting to run both countries by placing our lackeys in charge. The Muslims know this and they are irate about it and well they should be. The world of Islam has always hated the U.S. because they see us as Isreal's lap dog lackey. Isreal wants something done and we jump right in and do it. This is the same Isreal that fires rockets at our ships, kills our sailors, bombs our embassies and barracks in the middle east and sends spies into this country so they can steal our weapons secrets to sell to the Chinese or whoever will buy them. The war in Iraq is just the beginning of what is planned. Right now the president of Iran is saying the the holocoust never happened (did it?) and that Isreal should be wiped off the map. Is this going to lead us into a war with Iran to protect Isreal? If it does you can look for the draft to be reinstated and martial law put into effect. You can also look for an all out war in this country. There are enough muslims in this country that side with Iraq, Iran and Ossama that I believe that you would see a spate of terrorism that has never been seen in the world. Look at what goes on in Isreal and multiply it by hundreds. Bush and his fasciunists are playing with fire and they know it. We cannot even protect our own borders, how can we expect to stop the terrorists? Does anyone think that all of those illegal aliens will join up and fight for this country? My take on it is that they will help the opposition. This may be what the fasciunists want, an all out internal war and an all out world war. The muslims feel that we are at war with all of Islam and I am not too sure that they are wrong. It is the one way to stir up the world into a mass war as there are muslims in most western countries in the world. This is only one possible scenario. Should this one fail, there are a couple of others that could be brought into play. The thing is, war is the easiest way to bring a country together and convince people that they need to give up their freedoms to win it. We already have lost many of our freedoms to an constitutionly, undeclared war against terrorism. Think of what the fasciunists colul bring about should a scenario such I have just suggested happened. It scares me and it should scare everyone enough to try to make sure it does not happen.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Future

There are a multitude more of examples that I could give as to what the fasciunists are doing, but I think you get the picture. I think it is time to take a look at where they are taking us and how they are doing it and look at the possibility of stopping it. I personally believe that John F. Kennedy was the person groomed to lead us to a one world government. He had the charm and charisma that was needed to lead the sheep down the path of one world government. Kennedy got himself in trouble by not agreeing with the Federal Reserve and our one way love affair with Isreal. Thus, they had to eliminate him, back up a couple of steps and try again. Johnson was too corrupt, Nixon was not smart enough. While he got caught for dirty tricks and had to resign, by today's standards his dirty tricks were nothing. Actually he had completed the job he was put in office to do anyway. He opened the door to trade with communist China. Ronald Reagan slowed things down somewhat. While he was forced to surround himself with one-worlders, he was sharp enough to take things to the American people and a good enough orator to get the job done. Bush the senior was the one-worlder's next great hope. He was put there as a set-up man. He was one of the first politicians to acutally use the words "one world government". Once he did that, his usefullness was over and a new person was needed. The one worlders turned once again, to a slick talking, charismatic person; "Slick Willy, Bill Clinton". Here you had a man who was a freely elected, highly respected, imperial president. At least that is what the controlled, lap dog media told us. The main reason the media was able to convince the head-in-the-armpit (or some other dark part of their anatomy, HITA) public to accept and idolize Clinton was the prosperity he supposedly brought us. If you look back in history no more than 75 years you will find that Hitler was a freely elected leader who was highly popular for bringing Germany prosperity. Clinton was a good speaker, able to hold a crowd's attention; so was Hitler. Clinton even had the advantage of the fact that politically correct newspeak has been accepted by that same HITA portion of the population. Thus, he could change words, redefine words and change his facts at will. Clinton is charismatic and attractive to women (although I cannot see why). He was also able to promise anyone whatever they want to hear and with the help of newspeak, deny he ever said it. The lap dog media allowed it because they are after the same one world government he is. Clinton's next hope is to become the secretary general of the U.N. God help us! Now we have Bush II who, while he does not have the charisma or oratory ability of Clinton, he has the audacity, the brashness, the gall and the impudence to carry out the plans of the one worlders. He took advantage of the terrorist attack to start a war that he insists on completing in the face of ever growing opposition. Hitler used the Reichstag for the same purpose. I have already stated that the war in Iraq is unconstitutional as well as his tapping of private conversations of U.S. citizens. Most of the patriot act, which he loves, is also unconstitutional. Should you disagree with his policy pubicly, you are being unpatriotic and possibly committing treason. G.W. would like to take us into a war in which he could do as FDR did and become a president for life. Does any of this remind anyone besides me of the fascist leaders of the past. The monied bankers and businessmen are doing their best to keep the economy going for him so that the HITAs will not get too disgusted with him. You see, they know that when the HITAs have a dollar in their pocket, that is all that counts. There are several scenarios that are possible, an all out war being one of them. We need to be on our guard and stop all of this before it cannot be stopped, (if it can even now).

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Differences and morals

Immigration, racism and other ethnic, religious and class differences will play an important part in turning this country into what the monied, one worlders want. By using fascist tactics and telling us that we must accept illegal aliens and support them; by making race a mandate for doing things like hiring; by making religion (especially Christianity) an outmoded lifestyle that can be picked on and degraded; by making tax laws to eliminate classes of people; hatred is promoted. Hatred is one of fascism's greatest traits. Hatred was prevelant in Nazi Germany, in Italy and in all other fascist countries. Those countries promoted the hatred openly. Here in America, this will not work so the fasciunists are being much more devious about it. By telling us that our tax money must support illegal aliens when they should be deported or jailed; by affirmative action laws and and in pursuit of multi-culturism and the use of newspeak, the fasciunists are in fact promoting hatred rather than homogeny. People resent the fact that they are told, (by force of law), who they must hire; who their children must associate with; etc. True homogeny can never be accomplished by fiat of law. True homogency can only be accomplished by true freedom. Freedom of choice; freedom of association; freedom of thought and all of the freedoms that are contained in our constitution are the necessary instruments to make this a truly great country once again. That is the reason that our very great founding fathers put all of these things into the constitution. The hate that is being sown by the fascist laws to supposedly promote homogeny, can only tear this country apart. This is what the fasciunists want. They make it known that the illegals do not need to learn our language; we will teach our children their language. They let it be known that certain legal immigrants such as the Hmongs do not need to learn our language either; we will supply interpeters; even after they have been in this country for many years. After all, we have a lot of American tax dollars to spend on such things. Meanwhile, real American citizens are asked to give more and get less. None of this promotes homogeny; it promotes hatred. The complete breakdown of morals goes right along with this and is being promoted by the fasciunists. You can expect to see more sex, violence and deviant acts in the entertainment media. Since I originally wrote this book in 1999 I have seen this come to pass and the smut is still increasing. While fasciunists publicly wring their collective hands and condem this so called entertainment, they will continue to allow it, all in the name of freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Meanwhile things that disagree with the fasciunist's ideas and plans, or things that would show the errors of their thinking will be labeled as hate speech and more laws passed against them. Even now, if you are against the war or think that GW is wrong about warrentless wire taps you are considered unpatriotic and the fasciunists would like to silence you. Even in 1999 when I wrote this book, I could not get a publisher to touch it. I self-published and sold some copies mail order but that was the best I could do. It seems that it was too politically incorrect for even the publishers that do this type of book. Without the world wide web I would be shut down completely, because I cannot afford to do anything else to get my ideas out there. This is exactly the way the fasciunists want it; except now they detest the web too. As hard as they are trying they cannot stop people from posting and reading. Places like the ADL make filters which are supposedly to filter pornography from your computer to protect the children. What they do not tell you is that these filters also filter out what they consider hate sites. These sites are any that do not agree with the jews and the fasciunists, but jews and fasciunists is a redundency. Being told that homosexuality is right and good and having it portrayed in your living room is okay. Having a diference of opinion, based on medical and religious beliefs, is hate. Making fun of and degrading Christians is okay, defending your Christian beliefs is hate. These are just a few examples of the things that fasciunists are doing to promote a one world government. When the hate gets bad enough we will be told that they are taking the country over and declaring martial law. Then comes the dictatorship. We are fast approaching that point with the so called war on terror. Fasciunism must be stopped here and now or we will completly lose our country to the one world government.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


You can expect the environmental movement to play a large role in the confiscation of personal property and the abridgment of our rights. These groups have only one thing in mind; saving the environment at all costs. They place no value on property rights, human rights and not even on human lives. While many of these people are well intentioned, they do not realize who is funding their groups. Most of the funding for environmental groups comes from ultra-liberal, left wing and communist front organizations. This is all part of the overall conspiracy to take over America. Am I saying that the internationalists started and are running the environmental groups? Not really, at least it did not start out that way. The Bilderbergers and the Trilateralists simply watch for good opportunities. When they see an opportunity, such as the environmental movement arise, them move quickly. they are first in line to contribute funds to run these organizations, eventually putting their own people in charge, thus giving the one worlders control of the environmental movement. This holds true for the woman's movement and many other movements especially the ACLU which was actually started by an American communist. All of these movements are in place to do what they can to undermine freedom. The reason the environmental movement is so bad is that Bill Clinton, while he was imperial president, issued executive orders signing on to the various international treaties.The senate has never voted on them so it is really illegal, however as imperial president, Clinton got away with it. This will lead to more of our land coming under international rule and more confiscation of land. Land that is not confiscated will be put under severe restrictions. More and more landowners are being told what they can do with their own land. The courts with their land grabbing decisions are going right along with this. Government owned and controlled land equals communism. Private held and government controlled land equals fascism. Thus the combination of the two equals fasciunism. Another way the one worlders are taking over is the taking over of private induustry. A case in point is the medical profession. As soon as Clinton became president he immediately called for a federal medical plan. Everyone was to have the same opportunity for medical assistance. We were all to be equal in the eyes of the medical profession. That is socialized medicine and another step toward communism. The scary thing about the process when you look at it, was Clinton's people, with wife Hillary at the helm, devised a plan so that it would not look like socialized medicine, it would not look like communism. The plan called for the medical profession to remain in private hands rather than being taken over by the government as most socialized medicine plans are. However, the federal government was to have total control over this private industry. Thus, while giving the appearance of free enterprise, the socializing would begin. That is pure fascism. While that plan failed miserably, it is not really abandoned. They realized that the country was not ready to allow the federal government to take control of seventeen percent of our economy. Now they have gone back to doing it in smaller increments. While Clinton was kind of stopped by his failed plan, GW has taken up the crusade and is doing his best to keep working at it. He backed a plan by which the government is making drug coverage a part of medicare and thus an entitlement. The program was designed in such a way that it cannot succeed. When it fails totally the government will have to come in and take it over completely, regulating the prices and everything else in the pharmacutical industry. They will say that they were "forced" to do it to protect the senior citizens. Thus you will note that changing presidents or changing political parties makes no difference. The move toward fascism and communism continues without a misstep. It is the fasciunism that these people are using to obtain thier one world government. We need to stop this drive not just slow it down. When we win one case against the environmentalists or stop one medical takeover, we cannot celebrate. We may be winning a battle or two but the one worlders are winning the war. They make a big move and hope to gain a lot of ground, but they know that if one attempt fails, the next imperial president will once again gome of that ground. While we are celebrating that one failure, the fasciunists are preping their next imperial president and instructing him as to how he will approach the problem. They are really all one and all fasciunists.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

What Next? II

Speech on college campuses is being suppressed. This is an area where the free exchange of ideas should abound. When only one side of a subject is presesented, you are not getting an education, you are being indoctrinated. When you are not able to question certain facts or even theories, you are being deprived of your rights. When someone uses words like nigger or kike to describe someone, they are labeled racist, anti-semitic or hate monger. What is the difference between the labels put on that person and they labels that they used. The only real difference is that the labels racist, anti-semitic and hate monger are labels that are the politically correct labels of fasciunist newspeak. Blacks can call me honkey and there is nothing I can do about it. It is not considered hate speech in the way that nigger is considered hate speech. Why not? Should you call a homosexual queer, which by dictionary definition means odd or different, you are in trouble with the thought police on the campus, (or anywhere else for that matter). To me being homosexual or lesbian is odd and different. That does not matter, the fasciunist thought police have decided that it is derogatory. Colleges today are some of the most thought controlled places in the world and they should be open to all types of different opinions. They have become fasciunist indoctrination factorys rather than places of higher education. Feminist causes will also play a big part in the fasciunist plans for America. The idea that men and women are exactly the same, (has anyone looked lately) and should have exactly the same rights in everything, will be pushed to the fullest. Equal has never, and will never mean exactly the same. In some ways women's groups demand to be more equal than men. There can be women only schools but not men only military schools. There can be women only clubs but not men only clubs. Women are allowed free movement in a YMCA but men are not allowed the same freedom in a YWCA. Girls are to be allowed in the boy scouts but boys are not allowed in the girl scouts. This goes for little league, youth football, youth hocky, wrestling, etc, etc. When a woman wants an abortion, the father has nothing to say about it. While it took two to make the baby, the woman alone decides if she would like to murder it. When women want jobs as fire fighters or police, they admit that they do not have the same physical abilities as men. They sue until the physical standards are lowered to what they can meet and then get the job. Those physical standards were put into place for a good reason, for the protection and safety of the citizens. While we may no longer be as safe as we once were, in the world of fasciunism, that is okay, a special interest group got what they wanted. It can only get worse. When it is permissable to go in kill over eighty members of a church, (Waco) supposedly to "save" the children, you know that religion, especially Christianity is in trouble. "Saving" the children meant killing many of them, that is fasciunist newspeak at its worst. Degrading a Jew will get you labeled as an anti-semite and possibly get you arrested for hate speech while degarding a Christion will get you lauded and applauded. The media is full of anti-Christian messages. Were they to pick on a race, ethnic group, homosexuals or any other group in this manner there would be riots, boycots and probably arrests. New Age religion, Muslim, Hinduism, Bhuddism, secular humanism, atheism; all of these are okay to talk about and even teach in schools. The only one that the fasciunists are afraid of and make into something almost illegal is Christianity. The communists called Christianity the opiate of the American people and vowed to rid America of it. Now with fascist tactics, they are accomplishing their task. Privacy for the average citizen is a thing of the past. When Social Security was instituted, we were told that our SS number was not for identification and that it would always be confidential. Now it goes on nearly every legal transaction you make. You need it to license a car, get a drivers license, get a hunting or fishing license, open a bank account, buy or sell property, etc, and the list goes on and on. Your number is also sold, by your government, to companies wishing to find out about our credit rating or various other information. This invasion of privacy is only getting worse. Then there is the subject of privacy on your own property. Police are now allowed to search your car for no other reason than the fact that you you MIGHT be involved with drugs. This also goes for your home. They can sieze private property for no reason. They can confiscate private property, sell it and pocket the money, even though you are never convicted of a crime. Now the supreme court has made it legal to take away your property at any time the local government thinks they can benefit. The fourth amendment to the constitution has been abandoned and you are no l0nger safe from indiscriminate search and seizure. This too is getting worse as more and more government agencies find out how easy it is to make some extra money. Since 9-11 it has gotten even worse as far as the search part of it goes. The unconstitutional patriot act has made unannounced searches totally legal. Bush has decided that in the name of protecting us from terrorism, wire taps can be done without a court order. The real terrorists are Bush and his fasciunist cronies that are tearing up and throwing out our entire constitution. They do all of this with the blessing of the very fasciunist court system.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

What Next?

Thus far everything I have written has dealt with facts. They can all be verified and proven. While some people may disagree with my interpretation, nonetheless, there are facts and studies to bear me out. Some of the studies that I drew from are open to interpretation also, it is just a matter of which side to believe. My writings for a time will now be based on conjecture, suppositions and scenarios. This is because we are going to attempt to take a look into the future and what I believe those who would rule the world are up to. Short of being a member of the Bilderberg, the Trilateral commission or the Council on Foreign Relations, there is no way I, or anyone else, can know for sure what they have planned for us. I can however see some frightening trends. I can look back into history and see how it is currently repeating itself. This is mostly what I am going to talk about. I will also apprise you, once again in my opinion, as to what we can do to possibly stop the taking over of America by fasciunists, although I sometimes think that it may already be too late. We have lost a lot of our freedoms already and I see us losing more and more of them. The fasciunists insidiously take away these freedoms in small increments. Many times when our freedoms are abridged we are told that it will protect a certain group of citizens. Children are now the best reason to take away freedoms, along with our security from terrorism since 9-11. When gun laws are passed, it is to protect the children. When books are banned in schools, it is to protect the children. Yet at the same time when books bordering on hard core pornography are introduced into our schools in the name of sex education, nothing can be done. Many of these books promote pre-marital sex and homosexuality. When filters are put on computers to keep them from being able to access certain sites, it is to protect the children from pornography and hate. Seems kind of disingenious to me to promote pornography in the schools in the guise of sex education and then turn around and say that it is bad on your a computer. Whether a web site promotes hate or not is only someone's opinion. If you write something bad about jews, blacks, homosexuals, lesbians or other privelaged groups, you will be accused of hate even if it one-hundred percent true and provable. These are issues of freedom of speech and of the press. One might think that the many large newspapers, large magazines and large broadcasting companies would be in the forefront of trying to protect these rights. You might think that it would be in their best intrest to help in the fight to retain our freedoms. Quite the reverse is true. Most, if not all of these companies are controlled by or directly linked to the fasciunists. They are highly controlled and print or air only what the fasciunists think we should believe. While slanting and even suppressing the news, these same companies broadcast and publish some of the most vulgar, sexually deviant, explicit material, all in the name of entertainment. Much of this so called entertainment is aimed at the very children they claim to be trying to protect. At the same time they are calling for censorship of the internet for hate sites. They know that they can continue to dumb down the population (especially the young) and feed them filth, but do not want them to know what is really going on in the real world. The reason they are trying to help block the so called hate web sites is that first of all they realize that the real news is being told on many of them and second they want to promote a deeper chasm between blacks and whites, homosexuals and hetrosexuals, jews and christians, etc, etc. This will assure that more laws can be passed to take away more freedoms. I believe that they will continue this until they have turned the whole country amoral if possible, and more laws have been passed controlling "hate" speech and other thought crimes.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Foreign Policy II

Staying in the era of the war in Kosovo, we were told that this type of ethnic cleansing was bad. Innocent people were dying and NATO needed to go in and save them. The reason it had to be NATO was that the U.N. charter forbids invading a sovereign nation unless that nation has invaded another nation. This was how Bush the elder had gotten away with the first war with Iraq. We gave Saddam the go ahead to invade Kuwait and when he did, we used that invasion to go to war against him. Actually, all international law and all international agreements forbid the invasion of a sovereign country. What NATO did in Kosovo was one hundred percent illegal. We were told that in this age of "smart bombs" the only things that would be targeted would be military. Then "The big lie" was exposed and we were told that this was "Collateral damage". This is the newspeak term meaning that we will now deliberately target schools, churches, hospitals, bridges, embassies, historical sites and anything else that will put a country back into the stone age. The civilians that are killed? Well, we are saving them. Remember; "War is peace". Look at the involvment of the U.S. along with NATO in this war. The constitution and presidential war powers act make it illegal to make war for over sixty days without congress legally declaring war. War was never declared by congress, but Imperial President Clinton knew that he did not need that because as imperial president he had no need to obey the constitution. By allowing this to happen, congress and the American people are now confronted with Bush the younger who has carried the imperial presidency a step further. When he decided to go to war against Afganistan, everyone was behind him because of 9-11. No one looked to the constitution to see if this was in fact legal. Afganistan was not responsible for 9-11. A terrorist who was not even an Afgan was responsible and merely hiding out in their country. Once again all of the civilians that were killed were collateral damage and were being saved. Then Bush takes his imperial presidency even one step farther. Because some so-called intelligence agency tells him tha Iraq "MAY" have weapons of mass destruction (WMD) he takes the U.S. to war against yet another soveriegn country. I do not particurally care if a country has the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world and every other WMD and all of the technology and hardware to deliver them. To invade another country without provocation is unconstitutional. Even had he proved all of his allegations, which all turned out to be false, without Iraq invading someone or without us proving that they were behind 9-11 our invasion of Iraq was illegal. Thousands of civilians have been killed in the name of "saving them" and many more have been injured or maimed. Once again, "collateral damage." Here at home unconstitutional laws are passed at the behest of Bush because we are "At war". I defy anyone to show me a declaration of war passed by congress. This is the only way we could be at war. Everything (that is right EVERYTHING) that is being done in regards to this so-called war is illegal. This is not a war against terrorism, it is a war against the American people. The only country that was completely on our side in both the war in Kosovo and now in Iraq is England and Tony Blair. Now we will go into these countries, spend billions of dollars of taxpayers money rebuilding them and playing the hero. Now in Iraq as well as in Kosovo, after we descimate the country, we set up the government of our choice. We do not even give these countries a say in how to govern themselves. Hitler would have proud of Clinton, Blair and Bush. This is the same thing he was doing in his attempt to rule the world. This is Fascism, pure and simple and fasciunism at its best.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Foreign Policy

The United Nations, being a communist inspired, communist run organization aids and abets all of these things. They hope to be the head of the one world government so they go along with these fascist tactics of this and some other countries, believing that all of these countries will fall under their rule in the one world government. The big lie, after all, is the mainstay of fascism. Hitler said, "The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed. This is the way the one worlders are trying to take over our country. Their aim is the one world government, run by them and for them. They will use any means at their disposal to obtain their goal. Thus, they use nationalist fascism to promote internationalism. While it sounds to many like a contradiction, it sure seems to be working. In our foreign policy you will also find facist tactics. This has been very obvious since about the Bush the elder administration. It has continued down through the Clinton and the Bush the younger administrations. Back under Bush the elder, Iraq was told either you do what we tell you or we will bomb you into oblivion. Iraq was supposidly making weapons with which to protect itself and that was a bad thing to the fasciunists. It was also reported that the Kurds were being treated badly under Sadam and this had to stop. While nothing was ever proved, millions of dollars worth of bombs were dropped killing many civilians and ruining much infrastructure in the country. Rules were then arbitrarily laid down as to what could go on in this country. They were told where they could fly, where they could go, what they could do and if the rules were not followed, bombing would continue: and it did. All of this in a tiny sovereign country that was starving and in great need of medical aid. The United States made it illegal for anyone to give aid to Iraq. Millions of people were allowed to die of disease and starvation and the great United Nations went along with this fascist plan. Hitler should have had it so good. Exit Bush the elder (republicrat) and enter Clinton (demlican). Now we go into Kosovo and Yugoslavia and tell them what to do. We went into a sovereign country and told its president, "Give the Albanians what they want. It may be your country, but we think that the Albanians are right". We took sides in a civil war that was none of our business. This war was between
Yougoslavia's Serbian army and the Chinese backed Kosovo Liberation Army. This was a civil war in a sovereign country and none of our business. In newspeak we were told that this was ethnic cleansing and must be stopped. As if ethnic cleansing is something new. While it may or may not be evil, it has been going on as long as history has been recorded. Go back to the old testament of the Bible and you will find that after the Isrealites fled from Egypt they went into other countries and totally eliminated the people that lived there. That is ethnic cleansing. The ethnic cleansing did not stop there. 1947 found the Jews going into what is now Isreal and driving out the Palistinians who had held the land for over three thousand years. All over Africa and parts of Asia, ethnic wars are still going on. We have never gotten involved in those, why Yougoslavia? Isreal is out favorite ally, yet they are constantly ethnically cleansing their country. They want Isreal to be 100% Jewish. Why do we not take action? Could the be because of the large amount of Jews in the U.S. and their lobbying groups, both legal and illegal? Could it be because Isreal and the Jews are as much behind the fasciunist one world government drive as anyone? Who are we and the Jews to tell any other sovereign nation how to live?

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Many of the environmentalists in this country are being duped into believing that all of this is being done for our own good and for posterity. They are the people who do not understand the real workings behind the environmental movement. They have been led to believe that the famers who work the land for a living are so stupid that they would completely ruin the land, thereby eliminating their own livlihood. Most of the backing for the environmental movement comes from large foundations. These foundations are almost always in favor of a one world government. Many of them, if not outright communist, have left wing or communist agendas.Environmentalism is not the only thing that helps the fasciunists, although it plays a large part in some of the other ploys. International trade agreements such as NAFTA and the newer agreement which is being pushed by G.W. to include all of the Americas, both North and South. The world bank and all of the other international trade agreements are also included in this. All of these trade agreements are technically treaties and are there unconstitutional in the first place. These treaties are put into place to allow the very large, very rich companies to employ slaves, pollute the environment and violate every safety rule in the book. No, not here in the U.S. , but in third world countries. It works something like this. First the EPA, OSHA and the rest of the government, fascist alphabet start telling these companies how to run themselves. These bureaucracies are a form of fascism. They are put in place to tell privtely owned companies how to run. Remember, private ownership plus government control equal fascism. Once these bureaucracies get to the point of being too oppressive for an Americasn company to show a large profit, the company moves to a country which does not have these rules. This protects the monied class and was one of the main reasons for the creation of these many treaties. I will continue to call them treaties rather than trade agreements because they all meet the definition of a treaty. The only difference is that by calling them something else, the fasciunists can get them passed without a two-third majority of the senate. This is newspeak once again rearing its ugly head. Once the companies move overseas they find that by not having to obey all of the fascist laws that they can make a much bigger profit. They now realize that there is no use waiting for the bureaucrats to force them out of the country, they leave willingly to increase their profits. When you look at the big picture you will find that all the environmental laws, all the safety laws, all the wage laws, etc. have no more bearing on these companies and are no help to the average American worker. The worker must now find another job, usually in the service industry where the wages are much lower and the hours longer and worse. These are things that are being done to bring the country down to third world level. People who lose good paying factory almost never regain the same wage level. Could this possibly be a part of the main conspiracy? It not only could be, it probably is. A conspiracy does not necessarily have to outline every step of the plan. Many things can be left open and when a good opportunity arises it is immediately taken advantage of. When people of this country were coerced into starting to worry about the environment and trying to do something about it, the conspirators took advantage of it. Instead of just sneaking in a few things, they fully financed it and took it international.