Foreign Occupation
On May 1st, everyone with any sense should have noted that we have been taken over by a foreign army and they are now a army of occupation. This is another part of the Fasciunist plan to turn this country into just another piece of the one world government. Business and government hand in hand is a fascist concept. It worked for Mussolini and it worked for Hitler. This is what all the NGO's are about and this is what the government/business partnerships are about. That is why businesses shut down on May Day, also known as the communist labor day. Once again you can see the melding of the fascist idea and the communist ideals.
Just in case anyone wonders why I say that we have been taken over by a foreign army and that they are now an army of occupation, I will explain it. When another country's flag is flown over foreign soil it means that the country who's flag is being flown is occupying the country. We have seen the Mexican flag flown over schools, office buildings, homes and carried in illegal demonstrations. That can mean only one thing, the country which many of us served to protect has bee occupied by a foreign nation. If that were not true, the people flying those flags would be arrested and in jail or deported.
The Mayday demonstrations were illegal and should never have happened. In all of these demonstrations I did not hear of one arrest. Had this been a Christian demonstration against abortion there would undoubtly been thousands of arrests. And I shudder to think what would have happened if it had been a group of Americans marching for their constitutional right to form state militias. Americans would have needed permits to march and would have restricted as to where they went, (if they were in fact given the permits at all). However, if you are here illegally, what is the difference if you march illegally? Not only that, many businesses, shcools, and other organizations backed them 100%. Much of this country has gone crazy and fallen into the fascisunistic way of thinking.
This invasion must be stopped and turned around before things get even more out of hand. If our congress doe not do something to stop this, (and I do not believe they have the guts) it will probably get much worse. Passing any type of amnesty or guest worker program will not solve the problem. All that will do is cause millions more to come here waiting for some future amnesty. That is exactly what happened after the 1986 amnesty bill was passed. The flow of illegals increased exponentially. It will happen again unless congress passes a bill making all illegal invaders felons and those that hire them felons. Whit our gutless wonders in congress, I do not see it happening. Just remember, the opposite of progress is congress.
With all of the organizations in the southwest that state that they are here to retake Atzlan for Mexico, how can anyone with even a lick of sense not believe that we have been invaded? How can congress say they are going to pass a guest worker program? These people are not guests, they are people that broke in illegally. Fasciunism rears its ugly head in many ways and this is one of them. Let everyone in and do away with the borders. The one world lovers win and the U. S. A. loses.
There is one thing to think about if congress gets enough guts to pass a strong bill. What happened in France may well happen here. The mobs and rioting that will take place are something that we will have to prepare for. Their Mayday march showed the country that if they do not get everything they want, they are ready to take what they want. Even the least little thing that they think is not favorable to them will cause some rioting. Our fasciunist government has given them the idea that they can do no wrong. They now feel that they are above the law and we OWE them anything they ask for. We need to get all of our National Guard on American soil and give the invaders 30 days to go back home on their own. After 30 days start rounding them up and send them back. We also need to arrest anyone knowingly hiring and invader and put them in jail. Fining them does little good. They just raise their prices to cover the cost of the fines. Stay tuned, this could lead to the second civil war.