Gun Control
Sorry about missing a week but we had a serious accident in the family and one is hospitalized and undergoing surgeries yet. This also may be shorter than usual due to my time constraints of hospital visits, etc.
Gun control has nothing to do with safety, it has nothing to do with anyting except people control. Those fasciunists (mostly democrats and some liberal republicans) who want to take away your guns want to control every thing you do. They fully realize that the second amendment to the constitution was put in place for the citizens of this country to be able to over a government that got too tyranical. This is why they must have our guns. Once enough people wake up to the fact that we are living under a dictatorship, there could be an uprising. An uprising of unarmed people could be easily quelled. An uprising of fully armed citizens would be another story. It might be quelled, but it would take a bloodbath to accomplish.
If you do not believe this a strictly to control people, take a look at some facts. In the 1930s Hitler collected all of the guns in Germany. This left all of the Jews defenseless. Then, according to today's Jews, he killed 6 million of them. Would that have been possible if they had been fully armed? Yet today, those same Jews that want reparation from Germany and want everyone to agree with them want gun control. Look at the house and the senate and find out how many elected Jews vote for every gun control bill that is written. Look at the businesses that support gun control and contribute to every anti-gun organization and you will see how many are Jewish owned or controlled. Not every Jew feels this way, only the politicians, the bankers and the other monied Jews. Actually, most of them are Zionists, not real Jews. Jews for the Preservation of Firearms are the one Jewish organization that has it right. They never want to be put into the situation that Hitler put them in in Germany. The rest of the Jews are very liberal and some of them are so far to the left that they make communists look like right wingers.
Jews are not the only ones that want to see us lose our second amendment rights. There are many other American fasciunists. They come in all races, creeds and colors. These are also power hungry, liberals. They care nothing about our freedoms and nothing about the great unwashed masses. They feel that they are the elite and that they know better what is good for us than we do. Once again, most, but not all are democrats and all are fasciunists. They are the same ones that do not want our borders closed. They would take away any freeddom that they feel will get in the way of their power.
We have an election coming up. While I am quite sure that elections are rigged, I still say to vote and to vote third party candidates. I have said it before, demlicans and republicrats are as alike as two peas in a pod. My party of choice is now the Constitution Party. Can they win? Not with rigged elections, but we have to start somewhere.