Jobs and Slavery
Been having a lot of medical trouble in the family. That is the reason for the wide gaps in my enteries. Hope to be able to keep up weekly from now on.
Fasciunism is a fascinating study. Jobs are just one of the way that we are being controlled by fasciunists. First the powers that be (fasciunists) started moving factories from the rust belt of the north to the southern states. The people in the southern states were happy to get the jobs and the companies had to pay much less out in wages. That moved the better paying jobs from the north to the south. When the people in the south started to get slightly higher wages, these same fasciunists passed laws allowing companies to take their factories overseas. Now we have no more factories. Oh sure, there are still manufacturing plants left in the U.S., but they are few and far between. While our fasciunist government continues to tell us about the job increases, they never mention that these are low paying service jobs. They also never mention that we are continuing to lose manufacturing jobs. I have nothing against service jobs, it is just that a service only economy cannot continue to exist. I have likened it before to a poker game. Five players sit down to a poker game each bringing $100 to the table. As long as those five people sit there and play poker there will never be more than $500 in the game. The money will continue to change hands and you may wind up with a couple of people having all the money. The only way the rest of the players can stay in the game is to borrow and you still have only $500 in the game. Where does the money come from to pay off the loans? It comes from the same $500, if the borrower wins. Unless someone else puts money into the game, there will never be any more than $500 there. That is exactly how a service economy works. The reason that there is always money to pay things off in our economy is that the fed (private fasciunist organization) continues to print money and lend it to our government. This is the main cause of inflation. The reason that our fasciunist leaders keep telling us that there is no inflation is that they leave out whatever goes up in price. They tell us that they need to change the mix of products from time to time to make sure everything is covered. The real reason they change is so that they can leave out the items that are increasing. Another way is to state the inflation rate a being in exception to food and fuel. Probably the two most important items in most persons budget and they are regularly left out. That is unless these items are going down in price, then they are included. Things like medical bills, rent or house payments, interest and various other expenses are never used in the mix. We hear that medical costs or interest costs or housing costs are rising faster than inflation. If all of these necessities are not on the list of inflation items, what is?
All of these things taken into consideration, what is next? Immigration! You may ask what immigration has to do with inflation, jobs and slavery. It is very simple, the people are letting illegal immigrants invade this country to take the jobs that were left to up poor slob Americans. They say that these invaders are needed to do the jobs that Americans will not do. That is a crock. There are no jobs that Americans will not do, just jobs that they will not do for slave wages.
Watch for part two of this subject next week.