Global Warming?
You will note the question mark in my title. That is because I do not believe that global warming is what the fasciunists make it out to be. They are going to take us down a road to ruin in the name of global warming. What they are trying to do will give the fasciunists exactly what they want; a class of slave labor and a one world dictatorship government. The Kyoto Protocol and proposed climate protection laws will not stop global warming. Global warming is a natural phenomenon and nothing we do will stop it.
The tree hugging environmentalists that are promoting the idea of global warming have only one thing in mind: keep the money coming in. Many scientists will sign on to these things to get more grant money from the government. Politicans jump on the band wagon to appear "Green" and to get campaign donations from the tree hugging groups. Some companies will get government monies for bio-fuels and other developments so they go along too. The ones that get stiffed in the end are the American citizen.
Thirty years ago some of the same scientists were predicting another ice age that are now predicting global warming. When the last glacier that covered much of the U.S. quit growing and started to melt, that was the start of global warming. It has been going on ever since, with many fluctiations. There have been periods warmer that now and there have been periods much colder. So what is to be gained for the government if they pass enough laws that pertain to global warming? It puts them right in line to call for a dictatorship with slave labor and draconian laws. Let's look at how it might work.
First of all, the more laws that our fasciunist government passes in relation to global warming, the more companies that move overseas to China, India and other countries that are not affected by the Kyoto Protocol. This gives them slave labor and absolutely no environmental rules to follow. That increases their bottom line. It also makes this country a third world country when it comes to jobs. The reason for that is that the service jobs that are left here are being given to invaders from Mexico for sub-minimum wages leaving Americans out of work and dependent on the fasciunist government.
If this global warming threat were real, we would need to go back to living like stone age humans. That is the only way we could eliminate the 90% of fossil fuel emission by 2050 as we would be required to do by the Kyoto Protocol. Does anyone really think that the moneyed people of this country would go back to the stone age. Get real, they want to push us back there so that they have total control over us. Look at every law that is being passed and you will see that they all point to a dictatorship. Between the Patriot Act, the environmental laws and soon the laws to give Mexican invaders citizenship and protect them at our expense, you should be able to see what the fasciunists are attempting. Total control and a dictatorship, probably martial law and then their greatest aim; a one world government. We cannot let that happen. We need to stand up and save America.