This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Coming Chaos in America

This is going to be a four part entry of an article I wrote back in the mid 90's. I ran across it in my file cabinet the other day and upon reading it decided that it was still a valid idea. I have made a few changes to update it, but for all practical purposes it is the same. I hope to be able to do the other two entries on the next three Sunday nights.

The American government needs all of the dissension violence, drugs, crime and all other divisive actions that are possible, if they are going to do what I fear they are trying. I fear that they are going to try to take all of our rights and freedoms (what few we have left) and this country will be turned into something totally alien to most Americans.

Back in the early 1970's I became interested in survivalism. In the ensuing thirty-five plus years, I have done much mesearch. While in the 70's most survivalists were concerned about the USSR and the bomb, some of us were seeing things that were going on in this country which were just downright wrong. I started doing research on various things such as; communism, fascism, conspiracies, wars, insurrections, civil disopedience, militas, patriotic organizations, congress, the constitution, the presidency, etc., etc.I did this for several reasons. Some was done for a lurvival newsletter I wrote and published from '89 through '91. Much was done for an action nove which I wrote. Some for articles I was writing or contemplating writing. A whole lot of it was done for personal reasons. I consider myself a good, patriotic American and I want to know what is going on (and why) in my cou7ntry. What I have found and what is going on now scares the living H___ out of me and should scare you too.

Let's take a look at this both historically and in the present. The two are very interrelated. It all probably started around 1913, when the Federal Reserve was founded, giving control of our money supply to the bankers of the world. This was something that most of our Founding Fathers were against. the system seemed to work very well. Friom its inception unti1929
people thought things were great. That is ther were great except for the war that was fought in part to keep the wheels industry turning and keep people's minds off other things. After the war the economy boomed. Rules were relaxed on investing, money flowed and many common people became "paper" millionaires. Then came the crash! Anyone wanting to study up on the crash can find out exactly what I did, the only people that were not really hurt by the crash were the super rich. These included families like the Rockerfellers, the Kennedys, the Duponts and many others. Mostly it included the big bankers and big business people. How were these people to protect their fortunes and make more? Did they have inside information? Where did they park their fortunes? All good questions to which no one except the elite few know the answers. We can only guess, but some are obvious enough that they should be fact.

Now, in the throes of depression, America elected FDR. To combat the soup lines and bread lines, he instiuted federal work programs. Now for the first time in our great country's history, citizens were collecting a government check. This policy has continued to this day. Then you had to work to get your check, now it is called welfare. This system makes a large segment of our population dependent on the government. FDR also started something called Social Security. While on the surface the idea may sound excellent, the implementation of the systm was (and is) ridiculous. In the first place, when SS was instituted, the life expectancy in the US was around sixty-three, but you had to be sixty-five to retire. That should tell you something aboutHow much money FDR intended to pay out. Second, while the idea was good, people should have had (and still should have) the final say as to where their money is "invested". The way it works is, the government takes your money, spends it and leaves us with a bunch of IOUs. In other words, it is just another form of tax on the middle class. The many years since SS was introduced has seen it, along with Medicare, become entitlement programs, and inherent right.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


People have questioned how I came up with the terms fasciunist and fasciunism. NGOs or non government organizations are a perfect example. These are organizations that are not considered government but work with the federal government and the United Nations. One of the marks of fascism is the marriage of business and government. Many of the NGOs are business related and fit this mold very well. They work within the government to better their position in the business world. They push aside businesses that do not have the NGO status and get laws passed by lobbying and sometimes even write the bills for congress. This is fascism pure and simple. This is the same type of a relationship that Hitler had with the business in Germany.

Another group of NGOs is comprised of environmental and other groups such as pro-abortion groups, anti-war groups, women's rights groups and many others. Probably ninety to ninety-five percent of these groups are communist backed and inspired. Yet they are welcome to work with and lobby our supposed republican form of government. There is not much difference between the two groups; business or communist. They all are working for one thing: "One world government". If you have one group functioning as fascists (business) and another group functioning as communists (social change groups) and they are both after the same thing (one world government) what do you call them? The only thing I could come up with is fasciunists and the type of government they are now working under is fasciunism.

NGOs have an inordinate amount of power. They are allowed at government meetings and UN meetings and are allowed to make suggestions. They are allowed to lobby both in the US and in the UN. They also have a lot of money which they distribute liberally. In the business NGOs it is considered a cost of doing business and the price of it is just tacked on to the price of their products. The social change groups have a never ending supply of money from their communist backers. The rest of us poor slobs do not have a chance because we can never come up with enough money to buck the system that is in place. Money is the do all and end all in both the US government and the UN.

Take a look at the invasion of the United States by Mexico. The reason that this is not only being allowed by our government but encouraged is because of big business. The businesses that are NGOs and have the money to make major campaign contributions want the slave labor. The social change groups that have NGOs are saying that we owe it to the Mexicans to let them come in, take over our country and perhaps take it back for Mexico thru organizations like La Raza. Most of them are bleeding hearts who hate the US and everything it stands for. The NAU which I talked about in the last post is just one more move to get to a one world government. I do not believe that anyone thinks that a one world government will be a representative republic as the US was founded as and is supposed to be. It will be a dictatorship of either fascist or most probably communist rule. Once they break down the sovereignty of nations there will no longer be a need for the fascist rule which pushes nationalism. Once the sovereignty is gone communism pure and simple will be the rule.

I think it is time that some action was taken by the citizens of this country to curb the direction we are headed. If we do not vote out the fasciunists, we could be in for a long violent time of it in this country. As of now there is only one presidential candidate that has announced that is a true constitutional candidate and that is Ron Paul. We still have time to do something, but not any to waste.

Thursday, March 08, 2007


In case there is anyone out there that does not understand what NAU means, it stands for North American Union. This is what the fasciunists are after for their next conquest. They are going to try to convince us that we will be better off if we join Mexico and Canada and make this one big happy family. This is just one more step toward a one world government. One of the main reasons that the supreme made the decision on eminent domain was that the government needed it to be able to take the land for the Mexico to Canada corridor. They are already working on it in Texas. There will be three lanes of automobile traffic each way, two lanes of truck traffic each way, two sets of railroad tracks, and various pipelines for natural gas and oil.

Our dictator has already given Mexican trucks the go ahead to travel on U.S. roads. This means thousands of unsafe trucks on our highways. This means that they can bring the invading Mexicans in by the semi load rather than just a van load at a time. That means that they can bring in loads of drugs and will not need to mess around with little amounts. Do you realize how much cocaine you can haul in a semi. Think of a one foot by eight foot by forty-eight foot space under the false floor of a trailer filled with bags of coke. Mind boggling is it not? Any who thinks that this will not happen has their head in their arm pit or some other dark part of their anatomy.

Now look at all the jobs that will be lost. Will Bush tell us that the Mexican truck drivers are only doing the low paying trucking jobs that Americans will not do? Knowing that the Mexicans will work for half of what an American driver will, guess who the big companies will give the driving jobs to. American drivers need a CDL to drive semi, the Mexicans do not. When are the people going to stand up and say enough? Are most Americans so stupid that they cannot see what is happening? Do the people care what is happening to our country or are they happy with their ignorance? Something has to be done about this and it needs to be done quickly. If something is not done soon, we are all going to wake up someday and find out we cannot understand the language that is being spoken. We will not be able to read the road signs that are all in another language.

The Amero is also in the planning stage. For those that have not heard, this is the money that will replace the dollar, the Canadian dollar and the peso. When all of this happens we will have officially achieved the status of a third world country. As it is, we are heading that way fast. The reason for that is that the one worlders need to bring us down to that level to get us to submit to slavery. You see, once there are enough illegal foreigners, (invaders) in this country to take over all the good jobs, native born Americans will have to take whatever jobs are left over, for as much or as little as a company wants to pay. Right now people like Bill Gates are attempting to get more visas for tech workers approved in CON gress. Yet there are many American tech workers unemployed and Microsoft is telling their software companies to take a week or two off because what they are doing is not needed. However, the foreigners that come in to take these jobs only get from fifty to sixty percent of the wages that an American earns. Now if the American wants a job, he has to take at least a forty percent cut in pay. This will continue until people like Bill Gates get the control of the people that they want. All of these people, politicians, big business, big media, bankers, etc. are fasciunists. They will all use fascist tactics to get to the final end game of world wide government and communism. IT MUST BE STOPPED!!!!