This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Abortion, Guns, Etc.

This past week the supreme court made one of the best decisions that they have made in a long time. They agreed to let the ban on the cruel, inhumane partial birth abortion. This was one of the cruelest forms of abortion and according to most medical specialists it is a needless procedure. The only people that think this sort of thing is necessary are planned parenthood and the abortionists that make their living killing babies. I hope this is a portend of things to come on the supreme court. It is my hope that they will quit making laws and just interpret the constitution according to the way our forefathers intended it to be interpreted. However I do not have the faith that this ruling will bleed over to other situations. This is the same court that said that our land could be taken by eminent domain, just so a municipality can take in more taxes. I do not know why the abortion ruling was made, I am just glad that it was. It may have been that a couple of the judge's consciences were bothering them after knowing what kind of cruelty was being done to these unborn humans.

The Virginia Tech shootings were a real tragedy. My prayers are with all of the families of the victims along with all of the other students at V.T. Why did this happen? Well, first of all there was the fact that the shooter had been found to be insane. He was thought to be a menace to society and to himself, but as long as he was only being treated on an out-patient basis, the doctor did not have to alert the BATF or anyone else. In many states the doctor would have been required to report his condition and he would not have been able to obtain a firearm. That is the state's right to make that decision and no matter what the fasciunists say, states are still sovereign. My question is not so much how and why he got the guns, my question is why was he still allowed to go to school when they knew he was a possible menace? The school had been warned by professors and others that this person was unbalanced. You always hear the bleeding hearts crying: "If only we had seen the signs". Well here is a case where they saw all the signs and nothing was done.

It also seems a shame that not too long ago, the legislature in Virginia tried to pass a law to allow students and teachers at colleges to carry a weapon on the campus if they held a valid concealed carry permit. The group that fought this law the hardest and was the most pleased when it failed was: yup, you guessed it; Virginia Tech. They said that it was much to dangerous to have armed people on campus. They wanted everyone to feel safe on their campus. Thirty-two deaths caused by one insane killer is not the way to make people feel safe. Had there been a student or a professor with a gun on campus, there probably would have been far fewer deaths. My other question is: "Where were all of the other students". Were they all trying to hide, to fearful to even try to save their own lives? You would think that when they heard a clip drop and knew he was reloading they could have rushed him and taken him down. Could it be that the gun control fasciunists have gotten to so many of the youngsters on the east coast that none of them knew what it took to reload? I would rather go down fighting than to just cower in the corner. The fasciunists tell us, "When a gunman comes after you, do not fight back, just give him what he wants." What happens when all he wants is your life? While I feel very sorry for anyone that went through all of that, I still see them as people that really do not value life. If your own life is not worth fight for to protect, what is? Abortion and assisted suicide have a lot to do with these attitudes I believe. They both cheapen life. Add to that the fact that kids nowadays are taught by fasciunist schools that you should never fight, just go along with anything. I believe that this country is in very bad trouble and it does not seem to be getting any better. We need some real Americans with a real backbone to stand up and say ENOUGH!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Rule of Law

Is the United States of America under the rule of law or are we under mob rule? If you look at the immigration situation in this country, you would think we are under mob rule. If a country is under the rule of law and someone breaks the law and gets caught, they are punished. They are fined, put in jail or both. The Mexicans and others come across our southern border, which is illegal, get caught and get turned loose. Why? Because the fasciunist government does not want the riots that will occur if they are arrested or sent back to their country of origin. Plus, being a fasciunist government, they are in bed with big business and big business wants the invaders here for cheap labor. When the cheap labor of the invaders brings the wages down enough, then the communist part of fasciunism comes to fruition. All wages around the world (or at least North America) will be driven to a low enough level that no one will have any more than anyone else. This is what the fasciunists want, redistribution of the wealth.

How do we cope with this problem? It is not really difficult. Take away everything that we are giving them to make them stay, and they will soon go home. Take away all of the free thing that they get; medical care, schooling, welfare and most of all take away the jobs. How long do you think that they would stay if all of these things disappeared? The biggest problem we have is the companies that hire these invaders. They say that they are only hiring them for jobs that Americans will not do. That my friends is a crock of BS. What is really happening is that Americans will not do some of those jobs for the money being offered. Let us look to the construction industry. Many contractors state that they cannot get Americans to do such jobs as drywalling. I have known many people that would have taken a job drywalling but not for minimum wage or less. That is what is being paid to these invaders. The people that would have taken these jobs at a fair wage can earn more money for less effort by going to a fast food joint or into retail.

Another thing Americans will not do is to make their whole family work for one person's pay. It is a proven fact that companies hire invaders and give them such a work load that they must bring their wife and children to the job to get done what is required to keep that minimum wage job. Walmart is just one company that has been caught using the invaders in this way. Many of the farm laborers are in the same predicament. The wages are so low that if they want to make a living they must have the family help them. Another thing that Americans will not do is to live eighteen or twenty people in a two car garage. This is a common occurrence in areas where there is a large concentration of invaders. This is why they are able to send much of their minimum wage pay back to Mexico or to save enough to go back and start their own business in Mexico.

Another thing that these invaders are doing besides taking jobs that Americans would love to do for a living wage is to keep people who are waiting to come to this country legally wait many more years. This gives the people waiting to enter legally wonder what kind of a country we have that does not enforce our laws. We allow drug dealers, gang members, and various other less than desirable people to come here and break even more laws. All of these thing must stop or we will not have a country left. As the government takes away more and more of my freedoms, they allow these invaders into the country. Terrorists, hoodlums and anyone else can get in. It is not just Mexicans that are coming over that border. This fasciunist government is inviting another 9-11 or worse. They do not care as long as their business partners are happy and making money to give to their campaigns for election. Next post: What we have to do!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Chaos part 2

To pick up where we left off last week;
FDR also gave us WW II. Once again, it was a war fought, at least in part, to fuel the economy and get the manufacturing plants up and running. This once again showed the American people how much big government could do for them. FDR was our only president that seemed to be elected for life. Had he lived longer, I feel that he could have been elected as many times as he chose. This was also something the founding would not have agreed with.

From the end of WW II until now, we have been on mostly an uphill climb, although there have been recessions, inflation, stagflation and other financial troubles. The stock market has had its ups and downs, but no major crash. The closest thing to a major crash was during the days following 9-11. There has been no major depression during this time either. The one thing that did happen was , the government got into our life more and more. During this time liberals in congress, (and some in the White House) have continued the giveaways. They have added to medicare, medicaid, welfare, foodstamps and many other programs. Just in the past couple of years they have added drug coverage to medicare. This should bankrupt the system even faster than before. All of these programs have made more and more people dependent on the federal government for their livelihood.

Also, during this time we have seen a dramatic increase in crime, drug usage, illegal immigrants, civil disorder, etc. Illegal immigration has become such a problem that it has become an invasion by a foireign country. We have seen the advent of political correctness, the rise of militias, (100% legal and required by the constitution but hated by our elected officials), rising patriotism and many more people distrusting and questioning our government. We have fought several wars that we were told were not wars. Starting with Korea, all of them have been unconstitutional as congress has never declared war. We have gone into Viet Nam, Panama, Haiti, Bosnia and are now on our second war against Iraq. This one, like Viet Nam is tearing the country apart. We have had a president who dodged the draft in the Viet Nam war. He wrote a letter stating his hatred and abhorrence of the military so he wouled not have to go. He then went to England and helped organize anti-war demonstrations. He went to the then USSR on the sly, for what reason, no one knows. He will not talk about that. Both he and his wife are known to embrace socialist, if not communist ideals. He was elected by less than half, (forty-three percent) of the popular vote. He felt that that was a mandate to invoke all types of gun control and terrorism laws on on this country. He used acts such as the Oklahoma City bombing as his reason. Now his wife is running for president. She feels that she is qualified just because she was first lady and hates everything America now stands for. While militas and patriot groups have never been proven to have had anything to do with these acts of terrorism, this is the reason given for the laws. Now we have an even worse situation with the Patriot Act. This makes terrorist out of almost anyone who disagrees with the presidents idea of homeland security. This one act has done more to strip us of our freedoms than anything since the founding of this country. Because the militas and many patriots do not trust the government, they are called radicals, kooks, terrorists and many other uncomplimentary names. While in the sixties, (and again now) most of the anti-war demonstrations, riots, bombings, etc. were led by the elite college students, today's patriots and militas are mostly average Americans. While it seems that it is alright for the elite student groups to break the law in their anti-war protests, it is not so for the poor average person who is patriotic and believe in the milita. This is just another way to drive a wedge between different classes of people.

Another thing being promoted by the liberals and their obedient establishment media is; racism. That is correct, I think they are promoting racism. They intentionally protray people such as Randy Weaver as racists, When in fact those kind of people are separtists. These people are no more racist than Louis Fahrakahn, who is a black separtist. The fact that some people of one race want to live seperate from other races is not racism. They may well believe that all races are equal in the eyes of the Lord, they just do not want to be exposed, (or have their children exposed) to the other race's culture. That is human nature, not racism.