Abortion, Guns, Etc.
This past week the supreme court made one of the best decisions that they have made in a long time. They agreed to let the ban on the cruel, inhumane partial birth abortion. This was one of the cruelest forms of abortion and according to most medical specialists it is a needless procedure. The only people that think this sort of thing is necessary are planned parenthood and the abortionists that make their living killing babies. I hope this is a portend of things to come on the supreme court. It is my hope that they will quit making laws and just interpret the constitution according to the way our forefathers intended it to be interpreted. However I do not have the faith that this ruling will bleed over to other situations. This is the same court that said that our land could be taken by eminent domain, just so a municipality can take in more taxes. I do not know why the abortion ruling was made, I am just glad that it was. It may have been that a couple of the judge's consciences were bothering them after knowing what kind of cruelty was being done to these unborn humans.
The Virginia Tech shootings were a real tragedy. My prayers are with all of the families of the victims along with all of the other students at V.T. Why did this happen? Well, first of all there was the fact that the shooter had been found to be insane. He was thought to be a menace to society and to himself, but as long as he was only being treated on an out-patient basis, the doctor did not have to alert the BATF or anyone else. In many states the doctor would have been required to report his condition and he would not have been able to obtain a firearm. That is the state's right to make that decision and no matter what the fasciunists say, states are still sovereign. My question is not so much how and why he got the guns, my question is why was he still allowed to go to school when they knew he was a possible menace? The school had been warned by professors and others that this person was unbalanced. You always hear the bleeding hearts crying: "If only we had seen the signs". Well here is a case where they saw all the signs and nothing was done.
It also seems a shame that not too long ago, the legislature in Virginia tried to pass a law to allow students and teachers at colleges to carry a weapon on the campus if they held a valid concealed carry permit. The group that fought this law the hardest and was the most pleased when it failed was: yup, you guessed it; Virginia Tech. They said that it was much to dangerous to have armed people on campus. They wanted everyone to feel safe on their campus. Thirty-two deaths caused by one insane killer is not the way to make people feel safe. Had there been a student or a professor with a gun on campus, there probably would have been far fewer deaths. My other question is: "Where were all of the other students". Were they all trying to hide, to fearful to even try to save their own lives? You would think that when they heard a clip drop and knew he was reloading they could have rushed him and taken him down. Could it be that the gun control fasciunists have gotten to so many of the youngsters on the east coast that none of them knew what it took to reload? I would rather go down fighting than to just cower in the corner. The fasciunists tell us, "When a gunman comes after you, do not fight back, just give him what he wants." What happens when all he wants is your life? While I feel very sorry for anyone that went through all of that, I still see them as people that really do not value life. If your own life is not worth fight for to protect, what is? Abortion and assisted suicide have a lot to do with these attitudes I believe. They both cheapen life. Add to that the fact that kids nowadays are taught by fasciunist schools that you should never fight, just go along with anything. I believe that this country is in very bad trouble and it does not seem to be getting any better. We need some real Americans with a real backbone to stand up and say ENOUGH!!!