Chaos Part 3
Coming back to where I left off on the posts on the chaos we need to keep looking at what is going on in this country. I know it may be hard to follow my blogs at times because new things come up and I jump from subject to subject. Now I would like to finish my thoughts on the chaos in this country.
Another sore spot in this country is multi-cultural ism. It seems to me that we are all supposed to study and embrace everyone's culture except our own. School students are being brainwashed with the idea that every culture in the world is better than the one on which this great country was founded. New American History books are being written (according to federal guidelines) that either do not mention our founders or try to portray them as a bunch of Slave-holders, crooks, thugs and no-goods. Asian and African ancient history are interspersed in these books for no good reason except to show how much better these cultures are than our own. Of course there is also the homosexual agenda that has to be injected into every subject in school. This country has always rightly rejected the homosexual/lesbian lifestyle as a decadent, immoral and unnatural lifestyle. Now it is being forced on us by schools, the lap dog media and many other politically correct organizations. We are supposed to embrace their lifestyle as a great advance for America.
I could go on with many more divisive things that are going on in this country today, but you probably know most of them. Now I would like to take you through a possible scenario that I see the possibility of. I said "possible". It is my fervent hope that it will never come about. Let me preface this scenario by saying that while I have been in contact with militia members and other members of patriot groups, I do not belong to any militia group or patriot group. The only organization I belong to is my church. Nor am I a conspiracy theorist. What I feel is about to happen may or may not be a conspiracy. What I think we have are a few power hungry people that want more control, more money and wish to push America into a one world government. We also have a number of well meaning people that think that they know better how you and I should live than we do. We also have a lot of people with their head in a part of their anatomy best used for sitting on. These people do not seem to realize that when you put your head there you cannot see what is going on. Most of our politicians do not have any use for us, the unwashed masses of fly over country. This goes for our own congressmen and senators. These politicians are paid for by big business and are oblivious of what their constituents want from them. They and their lab dog media bow and scrape to the big dogs on the block such as big pharma and other major business and financial interests. They are giving millions of dollars to get these people elected and when they get elected they call in their markers. You either vote our way or next time you will not win your election. Not wanting to give up the power and prestige they go along with the game while you and I suffer for it.
My next entry will contain more on this subject including some things about the next presidential election.